- Sun Mar 03, 2019 7:55:19 pm
C'mon in guys!!
Hope you all had a good weekend.
Before we start the challenge, I'll announce that as of this moment, Angelina and Shii Ann have been inactive. As such, we have made the decision to remove them from the game. This weekend we replaced Pat. Now we have 3 active tribes of 6 each, evening things up.
As always, before the challenge, you should post in your confessional if you would like to volunteer to be the tribe's Tuareg, thus receiving TWO clues to the Hidden Immunity Idol. Getting you that much closer to the $100 prize.
Hope you all had a good weekend.
Before we start the challenge, I'll announce that as of this moment, Angelina and Shii Ann have been inactive. As such, we have made the decision to remove them from the game. This weekend we replaced Pat. Now we have 3 active tribes of 6 each, evening things up.
As always, before the challenge, you should post in your confessional if you would like to volunteer to be the tribe's Tuareg, thus receiving TWO clues to the Hidden Immunity Idol. Getting you that much closer to the $100 prize.