By Jeff Probst
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C'mon in guys!!

Hope you all had a good weekend.

Before we start the challenge, I'll announce that as of this moment, Angelina and Shii Ann have been inactive. As such, we have made the decision to remove them from the game. This weekend we replaced Pat. Now we have 3 active tribes of 6 each, evening things up.

As always, before the challenge, you should post in your confessional if you would like to volunteer to be the tribe's Tuareg, thus receiving TWO clues to the Hidden Immunity Idol. Getting you that much closer to the $100 prize.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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5 minutes to volunteer for tribe Tuareg.

Previous Tuaregs can volunteer again, and can be elected again by random draw.

However if you are no longer a Tuareg, you are no longer allowed to talk to other previous Tuaregs across Tribal lines starting now.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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Alright the Tuareg for this round will select one Tribe Member to have all of their dirty laundry aired.

After the challenge, anyone can message me any information on the selected person to be made public to every tribe in the game. Be it truth or lie, you get to put someone's game on blast for the entire game to see. Who gave me the information will be kept anonymous.

I will select the Tuareg now and they will choose who this person will be in a second.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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In the interim, here is the challenge for tonight:

Overview: For today's challenge, all three tribes will select four (4) players to play in this challenge. You will list them in order that they will participate in the challenge.

All tribes will be counting to 50. The catch is that you can only post one number at a time, and you must post them in order. If someone posts out of order, the wrong number or double-posts a number, you must start over from 1.

The first two tribes to get to 50 win Immunity. The losing tribe has a date with me tonight for Tribal Council.

To further complicate things, the tribes will all be counting here in this thread at the same time.

Required Number of Players Per-Tribe: 4

- You cannot replace anyone in the lineup.
- You must count in order.
- You cannot miscount or double-post. If you do, you must start over from 1.


Jeff: 1
Kimmi: 2
Sarah: 3
Caryn: 4
Jeff: 5
Kimmi: 6
Sarah: 7
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Jeff Probst

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By Gary Hogeboom
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Sebastian wrote:
Sun Mar 03, 2019 8:20:54 pm
are we posting the relay in this thread?
Jeff Probst wrote:
Sun Mar 03, 2019 8:12:29 pm

To further complicate things, the tribes will all be counting here in this thread at the same time.

- You cannot replace anyone in the lineup.
- You must count in order.
- You cannot miscount or double-post. If you do, you must start over from 1.
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Gary Hogeboom

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