By Jeff Probst
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Before I post the rules to the challenge, I'd like to announce the twist.

This season, each tribe will have a Tuareg. In Moroccan culture, a Tuareg extends across national boundaries and as a result they live in constant strife with the central authorities. The Tuareg for your tribe will act in the same way.

The Tuareg on your tribe will remain anonymous. They will be able to talk across tribal lines with the other Tuaregs. They will also receive a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol.

However, this will come at a cost. In order to receive the clue, they must perform one act of betrayal against one of their tribe mates. This act will be made public, the Tuareg will remain anonymous. The three Tuaregs of that round will know who the other Tuareg's are. It is up to you if you'd like to keep that a secret.

Each round, a new Tuareg is chosen.

In order to volunteer to become your tribes Tuareg, you must post "I volunteer for Tuareg" in your confessionals. I will then randomly select a Tuareg using (i will also timestamp the selection before it is drawn for fairness so it can be verified that it is 100% random).

You will not know what the task is ahead of volunteering.

You have a 5-10 minute window to volunteer at the start of each Immunity Challenge.

Good luck.
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Jeff Probst

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While we wait on their decision, Let's get started with the Immunity Challenge.

Immunity Challenge #1 - Bumpuzzled

Overview: Each tribe will receive links to three puzzles to solve. Each one increasingly more difficult. A diifferent tribemate must solve each of the three puzzles. You will solve it by posting the solved screenshot of the puzzle in your tribe challenge thread I've created back at your tribe camps.

The first two tribes to solve all three puzzles and post them in their thread win Immunity.

• Once a tribemate has posted a solved puzzle, they cannot complete another one for their tribe.
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Jeff Probst

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The Tuaregs have spoken.

Clay, you will not be able to vote at your next Tribal Council.
Pat, you will not be able to vote at your next Tribal Council.
Brendan, you will not be able to vote at your next Tribal Council.

Tuaregs, for completing this task, you will receive a clue to the hidden immunity idol after the challenge. You are also now permitted to talk to one another until the next Tuaregs are selected.

Good luck!
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Jeff Probst

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I will see you at Tribal Council in 20 minutes.

Instant Messaging is prohibited during Council and will shut off. The other two tribes iwll be able to PRIVATE MESSAGE during the coucnil. Messagiing will resume after someone has been voted off.
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Jeff Probst

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