4th Place - Final Juror - Voted Out 3-1
By Gary Hogeboom
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Yo Gabby Gabby!

Congratulations on surviving another tribal council icon_blush ! The game is really starting to pick up as we lost 3 players just today! But you still out here though. Let's see what's on your mind tonight...

1. It seemed like you had a solid plan for the next tribal council. Do you think those plans will change or have they already?

2. How hard are you going for that idol? Do you think you're on the right track?

3. Did the putting people on blast punishment tell you anything about your castmates that might affect your game going forward?

4. It might be time to start thinking about future changes in the game. What are your plans as of now for approaching a merged game or other tribal twists you might encounter?

5. Who are your closest allies on this tribe? Who are your enemies and why?

YOU are this rounds Taureg! What are your plans with this special power and what do you make of the idol clue so far? Have you gotten any useful information from the other Tauregs?
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Gary Hogeboom

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By Gabby
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Btw I had my last midterm today so I went to a festival after and now I’m at a winery an hour away from home so I probs won’t be around for the challenge oof I told Mike and Pat and Danni but he ignored me 😭 I’ll answer these questions later ♥️
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By Gabby
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I CANNOT believe he just posted our answers for the other tribe to see. What a fucking idiot.
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By Danni Boatwright
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icon_chaos YOU SWAPPED icon_chaos


Can you give us a rundown on your new tribe? Are you planning on staying strong with your old allies, or do you think it's time to start from scratch?
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Danni Boatwright

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By Gabby
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I fell asleep while watching The Devil Wears Prada so I'll confess some shiz nooooow

1. I feel like if we do go to tribal, Mike will want Natalie out and I'm chill with that. Especially since the other half of the tribe will be stressed about OG Fenassa numbers. I kinda wish we'd lost so we could easily vote out Sebastian for being an idiot. That risk was way too big for the reward.

2. I'm assuming the idol is still the same and I have two clues.... Where's that promised idol clue Jeffrey?

3. No lol that did nothing

4. I need to get my social game going again. I think I could bond really well with Donathan for sure. I didn't get to talk much last night so we'll see what's going on tonight or whenever

5. I feel really close to all of OG Fenassa. Mike is gonna end up a little weasely, but I think he cares about me for now. I've given him a lot of info, so we'll see where that gets me. I want to keep Natalie around because I think she'll be a great follower. I wanna try to get closer to Alec just in case. Natalie is already trying to take out Mike whenever we go to tribal, so that'll be interesting.

I hope Robb makes it to merge, because I'd work with him. From a distance though. He seems kinda messy and I don't wanna get dragged down with him. I wouldn't be surprised if he told his tribe who the other Tuaregs were.

I want to see how everyone else plans on taking this merge to see what I should do. One of the new people might try to just join our Fenassa Four (funny how the 4 people who showed up the first day ended up together still lol) and just want to take out the other people. BUT for merge, it would be great to get close with everyone so I can use their connections to stay safe from all sides. I'll let Mike be the bad guy.
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