4th Place - Final Juror - Voted Out 3-1
By Danni Boatwright
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Final 16! Wow! What an accomplishment!

We have a couple questions for you to think about as we head into tomorrow's challenge:

1-Where would you place yourself on this tribe? Are you in the driver's seat? Stuck in the middle and not sure where to go? Feeling alone on the bottom? We want to know!
2-With the nomad twist, Kellyn can swap places with anyone in the game, making them immune for the next round. How does that effect your game?
3-Who would you say your closest ally is? Who do you want out the most? Why?
4-What does the idol situation look like on your tribe? Do you think it's been found? If so, do you know who has it?
5-As the game progresses, are you paying attention to which tribe people started on? Or have the lines blurred enough where that doesn't matter?
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By Gabby
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I'm gonna start with 4. because I'm FRUSTRATED. When I talked to Robb during the Tuareg thing, he said he wasn't even guessing anything AND that he'd already given all the clues to his tribe. So this idol has to be gone. I gave Robb the clues for Fenassa so he's fucking set if Davie hadn't already gotten that idol. Usually, from my experience, when 3 tribes go to 2 tribes, a tribe that has it's idol found is the one dissolved. At this point, I'm assuming all idols have been found. That's scary, but also so exciting. Can't wait to figure out who has this puppies.

1. I would place myself in the cutest spot. I'm not trying to drive this ship, but I'm also not on the bottom. Natalie is already trying to get me, Alec, and herself to form a group without Mike. She wants him out first. None of us know why and she hasn't told me the plan yet, so I'm super stoked for that conversation. Mike has always disliked Natalie, so maybe she picked up on that scent of hatred? Who knows what Natalie can do. She's a CEO. I like Sebastian a good amount. No one else has been on to talk much. I know those 4 will want to get rid of one of us so they don't feel swap-pagonged, and we're all very willing to let Natalie go. I just need to make sure I'm gucci after a Natalie vote.

2. Literally fuck me in the ass. I keep forgetting about the nomad. This game is like a step away from One World. Is it too late to talk to them? Shit. I thought I'd want it, but now I don't think so anymore. I don't want to be responsible for so many people yet. I don't exactly know how I feel about it yet. We'll see when they join a tribe and it all switches around.

3. I'd still say Mike, but I feel like he keeps a lot from me. Maybe not, but I know he has a pretty good social game. Which is why I need to have a better one. I gotta up my RPDR talk with Donathan and figure out something to bond with Clay and Ghandia on. If they'd ever get online ya know? I think Alec and I are pretty solid. Same for Natalie. She'd stick by me because girl power! I try to tell Mike as much as I can without giving away everything I got in my brain. Not that there's too much in there, but there's some good stuff. Anyway, I wanted Sebastian out, but he's nice to talk to so nvm. Maybe Clay because he's been annoying in the public spaces.

5. No. I probably should've been, because I'll definitely be targeted for coming from Fenassa. And now another potentially winning tribe. I may go the first tribal I get to. Shit. I need to make these people love me ugh. Mike will give people a weird, unsettling feeling, so I should be good with my social game. Mine is less threatening I think. He's a little aggressive. Hopefully I can keep him as my shield for a while, and then we'll see what happens. I don't like to stick with just my original tribemates, but so far, they're just cooler (exception being Sebastian). BUT I told Sebastian I did think it was dumb he posted our answers for the other tribe LOL he needed to know. I did teach him how to open the pop out chat, though, so I've basically saved his game. Knowledge is powerful.

I love yellow, but not by itself. I miss my smokin' hot and sexy red.
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By Gabby
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Mike is still being far too much during challenges and I can't wait for it to catch up to him. I've known since like the 2nd day that he's been keeping me close but at a distance. He's close to everyone but he doesn't keep it a secret to everyone lol if that makes sense. I've been wondering for a while if Davie told Mike that the clue was "know your culture" when he was Tuareg or if Mike told me that. I tried a million different things and I just can't believe that I didn't guess the right thing. Watch this all end and I'll see I was just a big fat idiot. Whatever lol idols are for pussies.

Clay is super cool. I finally got him talking and he's so chill and easy to talk to. Donathan is super fun to talk to as well. Ghandia, I'm also a fan. Kellyn is A LOT. She came in hard. Mike made a group of me, him, Kellyn, Seb, and Donathan. Kellyn came in telling us everything she learned about the other tribe during her nomad thing and gave us the clues she got for what I know to be the old Jellal idol. I didn't say much in that group chat while she was talking bc I always get talked over in group chats lol so I just watch. Sebastian messaged me saying sorry Kellyn was a lot lol So I told Sebastian I was pretty sure all the idols were gone at that point. I told him all about my Tuareg stuff. More than I told Mike bc ugh Mike get it together dude. You're gonna make yourself a target. Sebastian and I made a F2 deal and agreed we were using Mike as a shield lol same for Kellyn. Two shields are better than one.

I like my whole tribe, minus Kellyn being too much and Mike being too shady. I'm not too upset Alec is gone and I kinda don't really want him to come back because I worry who he'll take away from us. I'm already seeing sorta who's with who from other tribes. Kellyn hates Angela but Sebastian was decent with Angela. So that'll be awesome come merge. Let Angela and Kellyn duke it out while we all watch.

Am I upset we lost? Not really. We haven't been to tribal yet, and I want to get used to it before merge hits. I'm just so glad I ended up with Sebastian bc we're very similar and both chill. Not super fake like Mike is becoming. He's gonna tell too many lies and then get caught in them. He told me everyone was pushing for Natalie this vote when he's actually the one throwing her name out. Jeez Mike. Get it together.
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By Danni Boatwright
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Gabby wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:44:43 pm
Whatever lol idols are for pussies.

Do you have any concerns about voting off an OG Fenassa? Or do you see this as an opportunity to lower your threat level? Are you worried that Mike's lack of chill may negatively impact your game?
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Danni Boatwright

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By Gabby
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No, it's so ideal to vote off an OG Fenassan. People get so scared of and mad at people who have never been to tribal. Sorry we're just better than everyone else. I was a little afraid that me not saying much during the challenge would be bad for me, but Mike was so adamant about doing the challenge his way that he probably put a target on his back way more than I did. His way was dumb af. I almost wish this tribal had happened last night right after the challenge, because I think this will be the easiest of all the tribals I'll go to in this game.

Back on OG Fenassa, Mike had already spread a plan to get rid of Davie. That's kinda dumb. I'm def gonna tell Davie that if we ever meet up again. Now, he's spread the Natalie plan and tried to lie to me saying everyone else brought it up. As if people are gonna suggest someone from a person's old tribe to them. I just can't express how uneasy I feel around Mike. I may have told him too much about the Tuareg stuff, but I don't think it matters. If he tells other people, I'll admit it. Ain't no thang. I didn't get anything good from it except information. Which that's way more useful than an idol here. You can fuck up hard with an idol, but knowledge is powerful. How many times have I said that?

People keep messaging me so I keep losing my train of thought here lol so yes, I know this is a messy ass conf. And now I have to pee really bad. AND I need to go beat this mug bc I gotta places to be tonight. I'm a little nervous about potentially having to miss tribal, but Sebastian said he'll somewhat miss it too. Ok Natalie just said she thought she was going to be nomad... What? Why? Now I'm thinking Mike told Kellyn to take Alec's spot so he could vote out Natalie. Ok Sebastian just cleared it up. Kellyn told him she was going to swap with Natalie and he told her that was stupid. Which it is lol then she said she was going to the other tribe. Then she switched with Alec and he didn't know that was happening. Supposedly. I'm not going to worry about it. It's whatever.

Mike would be extremely dumb to try to pull a move here and rock the boat. He'd be fucked if he did. I'm just gonna end this now because I had more to say but I've forgotten it now. Natalie is starting to get nervous.
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