4th Place - Final Juror - Voted Out 3-1
By Danni Boatwright
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Wow what a night!

A few questions for you to ponder over the next few days

1-How is everything going? Do you feel like you've made inroads with your tribe that can help get you to the end?
2-Do you feel like you have control of your game? If not, how do you plan on changing that?
3-Alec picked Mike as the new nomad. How do you feel about that?
4-Were you surprised how quickly someone took immunity during today's challenge?
5-Can you give us a breakdown of who you trust most in the game to who you trust the least?
6-As the numbers start to dwindle, it's inevitable that the tribes will merge. What is your strategy to not only make the merge, but to make the end and win?

That's all I've got, have a great night!
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By Gabby
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This is going to be the dumbest question you've ever seen, but I'd know if I had an idol, right? Bc everyone seems to think I have one, so maybe I do and I just don't know it. That would be ideal.
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By Danni Boatwright
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Gabby wrote:
Sun Mar 10, 2019 11:07:38 pm
This is going to be the dumbest question you've ever seen, but I'd know if I had an idol, right? Bc everyone seems to think I have one, so maybe I do and I just don't know it. That would be ideal.
You ARE the idol icon_chaos

But yes, you would know.
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Danni Boatwright

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By Gabby
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Can't wait to figure out where my idol is.

1. We have a group of me, Sebastian, Kellyn, Mike and Alec that's super tight so far. I was nervous Mike would spread that I might have an idol, and honestly, he probably did. He said Robb thinks I have one, so that's swaggy. Mike did tell us all about this tribal though, so that was super useful. I was a little concerned about Kellyn, but she seems to be reliable and truthful with her info. We had an alliance chat with us 5 and Donathan, but Kellyn said Donathan is close to some of the girls from the other tribe. I'm still so impressed and confused that Pat is still kicking and Davie was on the outs. I mean I never got to really know Pat. I think my group is super amazing and has great potential.

2. I don't feel like I don't have control of my game, but I also has still only been to one tribal. I think I've made some pretty decent connections with people. I've got this group of 5 and then Donathan might try to get me in with the girls from the other tribe. I'm mainly going for everyone's secret partner ya know? Everyone loves Gabby, but no one talks about it. Everyone is looking out for Gabby, because she's looking out for them. Control from a distance?

3. I was nervous about it because Mike has been telling people I was Tuareg and hinting at me having an idol. He's given us a lot of info, and he supposedly gave me it first. That's nice. Mike was telling me he's nervous for merge because he doesn't think it'll fit his talents lol He could thrive or he could flop at merge. Also, I know his very obvious talent of a social game, and that's exactly what you need at merge, so...? Didn't make much sense. No matter what, Alec told me he has my back no matter what. Even if Mike tries to flip on me. I told him I have his too.

4. Nah. I figured it'd either go asap or not until the last minute. Now we know how much of a power struggle is going on over on the other tribe. They may have every idol over there. I'd guess Stephanie had the Jellal idol, Robb had Ahmar, and Mike has Fenassa. OR someone else has Ahmar, and Robb got the Fenassa one. Idk tho. That one was either hard af or already gone by the time I got the clues. I could be just a huge idiot. No matter what, two are gone. I'm thinking there'll be a merge idol since there doesn't seem to really be a nomad idol. Maybe I've just been misinformed about the nomad experience, though, who knows? Who's to say?

5. Gabby's Swagtastic Trust Ranking:
1. Alec and Sebastian are tied rn. If I'd answered this yesterday, Sebastian would be above Alec. Alec and I really cemented our bond today though as mentioned earlier with having each other's backs.
2. Mike and Kellyn are tied here as well. Maybe Mike should be higher bc even though I like Kellyn's openness, she's probably super open with everyone. I'm not sure. Mike is giving off less sketchy vides rn than he was earlier. He just needs something to entertain him. Otherwise, he gets bored and plots and plans way too much.
4. Donathan bc he's great and I love him. I talk to him more than Clay and Ghandia, but still not enough to get to the Mike and Kellyn level just yet.
5. Everyone else

6. We still have some huge personalities to go through to get to the end. I'm hoping they all take each other out and I can act like dumb Gabby for a bit longer. With idols still lurking, I just need to make sure I don't make any enemies AND I don't seem like a threat like I'm controlling anything yet. Keep up with that sweet sweet social game, and ride that bitch to the end. I need to extinguish these fucking beliefs that I have an idol. That's the one thing that'll fuck me rn.
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By Gabby
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Kellyn and Alec baited Ghandia last night, idk why. It was kinda pointless, but I guess to go ahead and get her vote in order. She told Alec she wanted to go for Kellyn or Mike, and I think they settled on Mike. Which, of course, made Mike nervous. It's always scary to be a pawn. Kellyn and Mike got super weird to me and Sebastian last night way later than all that shit too.

Kellyn messaged me saying she reached out to Mike, but then realized she wanted to be with me and Sebastian in a game sense. I was like cool awesome yeah let's do that. BUT since she was part of that baiting earlier, it made me nervous she was baiting me too. Five seconds later, Mike messaged me saying Kellyn made an F2 deal with him, but he isn't serious on his end. He said he was going to tell me and Alec just in case it came up somehow. WHICH F2 deals are never supposed to come up, that's the whole point of an F2 deal.

Mike told me to keep it a secret, and then he went and told Sebastian too. How interesting that he's lied to me twice now about who he's telling info to, just for me to find out from Nick Jonas himself. It's annoying he's lying, but it's also so great that he has no idea Sebastian and I are close. It was a little weird Kellyn said she wanted to be with me AND Sebastian. I don't think that means she knows we're close, but she did tell me something Sebastian hasn't told me.

She said that Angela has the Jellal idol. So now, if she's right, we know where all the idols are/were. Sebastian told me how their first tribal went where he and Don were left out of an alliance, but Chelsea(?) or someone flipped on Kellyn. I think Kellyn even said Sebastian was the one who told her Angela has the idol. I don't care that much. You can't tell everyone everything.

Anyway, though, we got kinda spooked last night Mike and Kellyn were baiting us/going to flip on us here, but I think they're just trying to solidify the group without the other. They know they're the top two threats rn, so they want to have the crew on their side when it's time to take one of them out. Still, they are very strange.
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By Gabby
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I talked to Ghandia today to see if she'd include me in the Mike plan and she did not so that was swaggy. Mike told me Ghandia said she was going to go for an easy vote, which didn't sound like a Mike vote anymore. Sebastian told me Ghandia changed her mind and wanted to come for me now LOL I'm so smart. I am an easy vote. Everyone remember that. No threat here. She eventually messaged me again and told me she'd just heard Mike's name. I told her I hadn't heard anything at all so I was about to randomize my vote lol so I told her alright. Hopefully she's actually back on voting Mike. I'm a disgusting fuck that's obsessed with not getting any votes. I need help.
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