- Tue Mar 26, 2019 1:24:27 pm
I actually haven't decided yet. I think I could turn it around on Sebastian easily, but I still don't want to do that. These games are the most fun when you have someone really cool to hang out with so I mainly wanted us both to stay in this whole time so we could keep talking lol If I can't win then I still want him to win. Nah, I always knew he was threatened by Alec, close to Chelsea, and had his own agenda he wasn't fully telling me about. He doesn't know how to talk around things well or really lie that well. He gets quiet or awkward so I kinda always get a sense when something is up. Everyone does it. I haven't been as in the middle of everything in this game as past games, so I probably haven't done that well with my run arounds or lyings bc I'm not as educated as I should be. I had to maintain the "I'm not a threat and I know nothing help me" image for most of the game. Sebastian must think I have a crazy scary social game going on to think I've been playing him lol I must be terrifying. He hasn't seen anything.