- Thu Mar 28, 2019 4:05:30 pm
Actually, my biggest move was teaming up with Sebastian. I think I still could've made it to the end without him, but he made it way more enjoyable and easy. I'll get back to this though, I wanna try to remember this season.
The very first person I teamed up with was Mike which wasn't too necessary since half of Fenassa didn't show up the first day. Alec was cool, but he wasn't as open as Mike was then. We won a lot, so whatever there. I knew Mike was dying to vote out Davie or Natalie, but he didn't get the chance until swap. I met Sebastian at swap and decided that first day to make him my number 1 even though he didn't ask for a f2 deal until the next day or so. We had unanimous votes the whole time, so there wasn't much struggle yet. I realized Mike needed to go as soon as possible come merge and Alec and I said we'd protect each other. He hinted that he had the nomad idol. I kept Donathan in the know on Ahmar 2.0. Even if he already knew the plans somehow, I at least told him and got close to him there since he seemed to be distant from everyone else. Kellyn and Mike told me they had a f2 deal with each other, but that it was fake. So they became the number 1 targets lol dumb.
Merge! I didn't really want Kellyn to go first, but it was a good way to get to know people and not burn any bridges before they were built. Robb and I were Tuaregs together and I thought we were good until Stephanie told me Robb wanted me out. I talked to him and told him she was trying have us all turn on him and he and I had a good talk and decided we should do a Tuareg alliance except we never really got Angela in on it with us. After the Stephanie vote, I went to Robb to get out Mike next. I knew Mike had been trying to make me think we were a f2 by acting like he was planning with me because I would already have heard his plans from Sebastian before he even talked to me. Someone told me Chelsea wanted to split the votes between Mike and Alec (or if one of them won immunity, me), so I went to her to tell her I was in with a Mike vote. This was when I decided Sebastian and Robb were close to Chelsea, so I would at least have them to tell me if she decided to come for me.
After the Mike vote, Alec was obviously mad at me, so that helped me get closer to Robb for a bit. The Pat vote got very messed up. Everyone was telling me to vote Davie, but then Chelsea told me she was voting Pat. We were all confused about her random Pat vote and we weren't sure if she had some crazy plan brewing. We all switched to Pat even though I knew Davie was loyal to Chelsea. We started seeing Chelsea's jury management, but it didn't work out for her at that vote. Davie came over to my side after that. The Clay quit was unfortunate for some, but nice for me because I wanted to keep Robb for as long as possible. I voted Robb because Sebastian wanted Robb gone before Chelsea. Another sign of his Chelsea boner. Robb and I talked it out after that vote and got back on the same page mostly. He told me he got the idol and only told me and Angela.
I was trying to keep it a secret, but I had to tell Sebastian and Alec, sorry Robb. They didn't even believe me completely lol idiots. Alec, Sebastian, Davie and I had planned to vote Angela from the beginning of that round, so that worked out. I hinted at voting Angela to Donathan, but when I asked after tribal who told him to vote Angela, he told me he just figured it out. BUT he told Sebastian I had straight up told him. Sebastian started doubting me and blindsided me, Alec, and Davie the next vote. Robb was more honest with me at that vote than Sebastian, so I should've known to tell Alec to play his idol. I was a little grateful for it though, because Sebastian and I didn't plan on taking Alec to f3 with us and I'd told Sebastian earlier that I didn't want to have to write down Alec's name. That's not why he made that move, but still.
Sebastian didn't believe Robb and I were actually close, but even though Robb had immunity, he played his idol on me at the Chelsea vote to make sure I stayed. From there, everyone was going to take me to f3 with them, until Donathan decided he'd start playing the game after I made sure he got to the end with me. Several times people wanted to split votes on him or even just vote him out but I got those votes turned away. Robbs vote out was sad, and Donathan's speech that was made after votes were locked was dumb and inefficient. He made me want to take Davie to the end now, so I'm gonna try to make that happen.
I had a connection with everyone and several people from several sides keeping me safe. The only person I had an actual f2 deal with was Sebastian and I told Donathan all game that I wanted to be in f3 with him. Idk if I actually have a winning game or if Chelsea and/or Robb were so good at manipulating people into thinking I'm the biggest threat over them, the actual biggest threats lol but I am a beast supposedly.
I don't even want to bring up all my fuck ups to try to pretend like they were planned lol idk if I could pull that off. That would be super great though if I could.