4th Place - Final Juror - Voted Out 3-1
By Danni Boatwright
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Gabby icon_yahoo icon_yahoo Congrats on winning your first immunity challenge! I have a few questions for you as we head into the weekend.

1-Your tribe won the immunity challenge tonight shorthanded. Is this a good sign for the group moving forward?
2-Can you walk us through the tribe dynamics as you see them? Are there any clear alliances or groups that you can see?
3-What do you think of the Taureg twist? Any advantages/disadvantages you can see from this twist in the game?
4-Any other thoughts? Questions?

We look forward to hearing from you!
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Danni Boatwright

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By Gabby
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Thanks Danni BoatwRIGHT ;)

1 - Yeah why not? If these people don't ever show up or show up too late, at least we have a few easy outs. Hopefully. If our tribe is super strong in all the challenges, then we won't need any easy outs which is ideal EXCEPT I don't wanna go into a merge or swap with majority because that's bad news for us. I am a huge whore for flipping though, so I'll try to make whatever work.
2 - Ummm not really. Since there's only 4/5 of us and we haven't been to tribal yet, I don't see us really creating alliances until then. Alec is nice and seems kinda... not fake... but we're not yet seeing the real Alec. Same for Davie. But Davie and I haven't found something to bond on yet. I'll find it though. Natalie is just Natalie and I'm still loving it. Mike is <3 I think Mike probably has a pretty good social game. Alec and Davie I could see them just being nice and hoping that gets them far. Or maybe they're all besties lol whatever. I could see me, Alec and Mike being a thing. Maybe. But I almost think I'll get left out of a Alec, Davie, Mike trio since I didn't really do much in that challenge. I was at least here! I have all weekend to werk.
3 - It seems fun. I love betraying people, but when they mean a lot to me it gets hard. Idk if each betrayal will be the same... It can't, right? This one was pretty easy, so I'm the tiniest bit reluctant to volunteer again. BUT I want that idol. Advantages: you might get an idol lol Disadvantages: you kinda have to show your loyalties (if there aren't inactives left). I think I still stand behind saying that whoever got it this time fucked up in not telling us they got it. That's why I think it was Davie who got it. I really believe Alec or Mike would've told me. I would've told them. That's how you earn trust. Alright well Mike literally just told me Davie got it. I'm so smart. Davie, if you don't tell me over the weekend, that ain't gonna be good for you.
4 - Yeah so for this idol can you type in as many guesses as you want or is there some kind of cooldown or something?
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By Danni Boatwright
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Gabby wrote:
Thu Feb 28, 2019 11:50:31 pm
4 - Yeah so for this idol can you type in as many guesses as you want or is there some kind of cooldown or something?
There are no limits to how many times you can guess
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Danni Boatwright

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By Gabby
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I know what the answer to hangman is. I just don't want it to seem like Mike and I hung out all day lol which it already kinda looks like it but whatever. Davie can already kiss my ass for not telling me the clue. If someone else finally shows up and then gets the next clue I might lose it lol
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By Gabby
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Did they really not know what it was?
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By Gabby
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I just got post #690 LOLOL killing it today. I'm nervous af for this challenge ugh make it easy for me <3
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By Gabby
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I volunteer for Tuareg
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By Gabby
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Can I take back my diss on Pat? I feel like that's gonna end badly for me lol if not, whatever
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By Gabby
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It was a funny quote from Survivor but idk if everyone will know that ooooof
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