- Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:32:21 pm
Thanks bitch!
1. Every vote in Survivor is a mistake lol but idk if that one was. We saved Stephanie bc she seemed chill and Kellyn was getting too confident. Now Stephanie isn't chill anymore and she's telling everyone everything everyone is saying. She was already trying to plan the next vote last night and throwing Robb under the bus to me and probably others while probably encouraging Robb's idea that there's a tight 5 person alliance of me, Sebastian, Mike, Alec, and Clay. Whenever anyone asks about them I say Alec is busy a lot so idk, Sebastian is a weeb, Mike is funny and Clay who? Is anyone really going to reveal who their real allies are?
2. Hopefully Stephanie. I like some chaos, but not the kind of chaos you have to plan around, ya know? Like, if you can cause chaos, but I can still depend on you, that's fine. She's too wild and too manipulative. She should've stayed quiet. Pat messaged me yesterday around the time Robb was throwing my name out (Stephanie told me of course), but then he didn't tell me anything. He just said Hey Gabby, and when I replied, he went offline. We'll see if he tells me anything before Sunday.
3. It may be another unanimous vote. I hope no one wants to do a blindside under the cover of Stephanie, but we'll see. I'm not going to be the one people are copy and pasting from, so I'm just gonna chill as much as I can while bonding with people more and more. I really want to actually make some loose agreement with my Tuaregs. It'd be something no one expected. Angela is super chill but not terrible to talk to. We just haven't talked game yet. I told Robb Stephanie was throwing his name out, so hopefully that makes him realize she ain't shit in this game. I still really want Pat to tell me stuff. I trust him more than Davie, because I think Mike and Davie have a tight thing. Everyone is wanting threesomes with me and Sebastian, but idk if they're figuring we're already doing it or if they like us separately.
4. Chill on this public immunity idol, you whores. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a merge hidden idol somewhere, but I just can't care rn. I still think Alec has the nomad/Jellal idol. If not, then Davie or Mike, but Alec hinted at something the other day. Assuming he has it, then that's two of my boys with idols. It's nice to maybe know where they're at, but it'll come up sooner of later especially for Sebastian. I'm thinking I need to distance myself from him so I can hear if there's going to be votes for him eventually. Idk why we're being assumed as a duo anyway.
Also, since I haven't answered a tribal question yet, I'm going to see if I can go the whole game without answering. Is that too fishy? I may just start not being on for tribal lol I feel like most of these people don't notice things anyway. They're too excited for their own questions, they probably don't read everyone else's anyway.
Mike, Alec and Sebastian wanted to have a bet on who outside of our alliance would post a meme first. Whoever lost had to write something embarrassing in the meme thread. I was like wtf you idiots. Go ahead and fuel everyone's already formed idea that y'all are all working together. These children.