4th Place - Final Juror - Voted Out 3-1
By Danni Boatwright
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Welcome to final 11 hot shot icon_clap2

1-It seems like tonight's vote was pretty straightforward. Were you surprised it wasn't unanimous?
2-With Steph out of the game, are there any targets left who will be an easy vote out?
3-As the numbers get smaller, there is less room to hide in the tribe. Are you worried that taking out these big targets will expose you and make you vulnerable?
4-Who do you trust most in this game? who do you trust the least?
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By Jeff Probst
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Unrelated to this season, I want to apologize on behalf of some of the Stranded community members who joined your game to troll it. I was unaware of this and apologize for any inconvenience.

We have a very diverse and typically older community than most who sometimes have a twisted sense of humor. We generally fight, get along, etc... However, we have a HUGE variety of personalities, as you have experienced already this season. They range from edgelords to sjws to dramaqueens to normal people to fangirls etc... There's something for everyone and we generally don't turn too many people away. We want to welcome you with open arms and anyone else hoping to come into the community.

I hope you are enjoying this season and your interactions with some of our alumni do not affect how you view the series as a whole or your experience in this season.

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By Gabby
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I love a good troll, but when it comes to personal attacks toward younger people, that's not trolling. Discord means so much to me. I've met some of my absolute best friends there, some shit ass enemies, and some crazy fucks, but I love all of them so dearly. Obviously that's where I got my start in all this that eventually led me here. I've loved every second of this game, but it was super sad to see this community be so disgusting to the community that I came from and love. It definitely made me question whether or not I wanted to stick around in this community after this game is over. Thank you for the apology, but it's not your fault <3 and I don't hold anything against you. I've already unblocked the people involved, so I'd love to just move on and never see this happen again.
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By Jeff Probst
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Gabby wrote:
Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:23:37 pm
I love a good troll, but when it comes to personal attacks toward younger people, that's not trolling. Discord means so much to me. I've met some of my absolute best friends there, some shit ass enemies, and some crazy fucks, but I love all of them so dearly. Obviously that's where I got my start in all this that eventually led me here. I've loved every second of this game, but it was super sad to see this community be so disgusting to the community that I came from and love. It definitely made me question whether or not I wanted to stick around in this community after this game is over. Thank you for the apology, but it's not your fault <3 and I don't hold anything against you. I've already unblocked the people involved, so I'd love to just move on and never see this happen again.
I know you've come highly recommended from several of our alumni and you know them well. And i know you get along with several of them. I come from SurvivorSucks and our community generally skews 19+ median age of 25, so... it can be a bit harsher than other communities which is fun sometimes, but can also be too much other times. Much like Stranded... it's a ride with highs and lows. We like our trainwrecks just as much as we love our sympathetic underdogs. I'm sure you've met some people from our community that are the sweetest people you've ever met. And some that are the worst, but that's Stranded in a nutshell. We love extremes, but above all we love a good laugh. One day you might be in absolute tears laughing at the hilarious and outrageous stuff that goes on and other days it's too much and it gets to be too emotional, sometimes it's just boring for an extended period of ttime or just pleasant. It takes some getting used to, it helps to block out the parts you don't like too and focus on the people and parts of the community you do like. But you will always be welcome because you're part of the family now... for better or worse icon_wub
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By Gabby
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Just don’t mess with my Discord babies lol I’ll fucking FIGHT. I can give you a list of servers I’d love to see trolled bc they deserve it. So like, hit me up first, trolls. I understand the different average ages of these sites, but don’t come for kids. What if something really bad happened as a result from such shitty trolling? It wasn’t even funny. Why does anyone wanna run around so hated?
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By Gabby
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But yes, y’all got some cool bitches here lol no matter how shit some can be. I like the cool kids enough to wanna stick around <3
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By Jeff Probst
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Gabby wrote:
Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:49:35 pm
Just don’t mess with my Discord babies lol I’ll fucking FIGHT. I can give you a list of servers I’d love to see trolled bc they deserve it. So like, hit me up first, trolls. I understand the different average ages of these sites, but don’t come for kids. What if something really bad happened as a result from such shitty trolling? It wasn’t even funny. Why does anyone wanna run around so hated?
They will want that list XD. Eh from my understanding they were just bored and thought it was a low effort ORG that wasn't serious or anything. I THINK they wanted their friend to practice on a smaller ORG because tthey didn't do well in a larger one from my understanding. I am just learning of all this and someone tipped me off that Stranded's getting a bad rap so I gottta shut that shit down. The parties involved are kinda known trolls who are overall annoying, but thtey can also be hilarious and sweet at other times, so we take the good with teh bad and choose to ignore their trolling moods when they get in them. Also I dont think they knew the others were playing until after they signed up since someone posted the link on the server. So it wasn't a planned attack and that's not how Stranded rolls. We are very much... fight by yourself type of community. If you're going to fight, that's fine, but we don't do ganging up or armies to fight battles for you. I typically dont cast TOO many people under 16 because of that and if I do, they are usually mature for their age and we watch closely and they have been fine. So I understand you wanting to protect younger players <3 we do too. Anyway...

Glad that's cleared up... Back to Stranded, hows thte game looking for you so far? I just peeped and saw you had a confessional deleted, wanna give us a quick tl;dr version?
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By Gabby
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Ugh yeah I usually can type on and off for a couple hours and then post, but last night it logged me out when I pressed submit :( I have something typed up but I can’t post it for a lil so stay tuned for that. But also JEFF <3 FUCK UP MIKE MORE PLEASE
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By Jeff Probst
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Gabby wrote:
Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:03:58 pm
Ugh yeah I usually can type on and off for a couple hours and then post, but last night it logged me out when I pressed submit :( I have something typed up but I can’t post it for a lil so stay tuned for that. But also JEFF <3 FUCK UP MIKE MORE PLEASE
Just wait, I put the pressure on the UTR players come late game. No one can hide from me icon_lol
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Jeff Probst

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I wanna start by saying I had that maze done in like half the time it seemed. I sat and contemplated whether or not to win, but I figured I would make sure Stephanie didn’t win. I’m still and will probably always be kinda nervous about posting in public pages bc I’m such a pussy lol so sorry. I also had never used imgur before so that took a while to find that link. OOF.

1. Initially, yes, I was very surprised that Stephanie got 2 people to believe she was going to get my immunity or Sebastian’s idol. Then I realized it was Pat and Davie who voted with her. Talk about extreme game unawareness. Davie told me he was voting Steph, but Pat didn’t. Maybe I should’ve assumed they would do something stupid. What is extra stupid is that we’re just going to have to keep them around for way longer than they deserve because they could be useful. COULD. Not useful if they vote dumb like that.

2. Clay, Pat and Davie would all be super easy votes, but it’s time to start making moves. Mike and Alec sent me very close to the exact same message about how they’re going to try to pull in Pat and Davie since they voted like doofuses. I heard from Steph and Chelsea that Pat and Davie wanted one of Ahmar 2.0 out, so that’s why they voted Clay. If that’s the case, they probably won’t vote with Mike and Alec then.

3. I don’t think I’ll be exposed for a while. Sebastian said we’ll basically just go from hiding behind Mike to hiding behind Chelsea. She said Mike is hiding behind her lol so at least she’s already somewhat smart. I told Robb that Mike and Alec are being super weird to me and I’m scared. I told him I’d rather play with him because he actually talks to me like a person whereas they just send me a message every once in a while, just to keep the connection. He talked to Chelsea and she said she wants to split votes between Mike and Alec, but if one of them wins immunity, she wants to put votes on me. Awesome.

SO, I talked to Chelsea and told her I was tired of being Mike’s and Alec’s slave. I told her they don’t even talk to me except to tell me what to do and I know they plan together and just try to pretend to include me. So, she’s hopefully my protector now AND she knows I’ll vote with her against them. Alec and Mike wanted me and Sebastian to get in our alliance chat to “discuss” the plan. They obviously had a plan and just put on a show to make it seem like we were helping. They even told us not to do anything, that they would get Clay, Davie, and Pat. How do you make someone feel like you’re using them and don’t actually give a shit about them? Just like that.

I told Chelsea and Robb what Mike’s plan is so they can extra trust me. I told them I’m pretty sure Alec and Mike have the nomad idol, except that they never told me. I really truly do like Robb and Chelsea a million times better than Mike and Alec. I used to trust in Alec 100%, but he’s letting me down. Sebastian even told me I mean nothing to Mike and Alec. He said he didn’t want to upset me so he just wasn’t going to say anything. I told him dude plz tell me this shit. I’m obviously dumb lol

4. Sebastian is <3 and Mike is 666 the devil. I also really love Donathan and I think we’re close. He doesn’t really talk to anyone else supposedly. Chelsea wanted to maybe throw his name out, but I don’t want to risk losing him. I’m super down for Robb, Chelsea and Angela. Pat and Davie are dumb. Clay who? Fuck Mike and Alec. I really hope all this works out this vote. Maybe we can get Alec to waste his idol on himself. I wonder what he’ll do when Mike is gone.
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By Gabby
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Honestly, I do not feel good about tonight. If the wrong person hears the wrong thing, it's all coming back on me. I guess I need to talk to people and feel them out. Pat messaged saying "so there's a split vote plan now?" and all I could say back was "oof what is it?" bc idk who he's talking to and what he's hearing and who he's actually with. This is so irritating because Pat and Davie are so untrustworthy. I've been as open and honest as possible with them, but I just get nothing in return.
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By Gabby
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Alright I caught Donathan up, so he's good. Pat is in; I think Chelsea told him the plan. He agrees Mike is running the game. He says he wants to work with me, but we need to all remember that Sebastian has an idol lol fuck. He should probably use that soon. We'll see. I keep getting super stressed and then chill and then stressed again. I'm gonna do a bunch of shots right after the challenge. It seems like it's literally everyone against Mike and Alec. Idk where Clay stands because I think he'd suck Mike's dick in an instant. Davie is tight with Pat I believe. Davie won't tell me things like Pat will though.
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