- Mon Mar 18, 2019 6:17:19 pm
I wanna start by saying I had that maze done in like half the time it seemed. I sat and contemplated whether or not to win, but I figured I would make sure Stephanie didn’t win. I’m still and will probably always be kinda nervous about posting in public pages bc I’m such a pussy lol so sorry. I also had never used imgur before so that took a while to find that link. OOF.
1. Initially, yes, I was very surprised that Stephanie got 2 people to believe she was going to get my immunity or Sebastian’s idol. Then I realized it was Pat and Davie who voted with her. Talk about extreme game unawareness. Davie told me he was voting Steph, but Pat didn’t. Maybe I should’ve assumed they would do something stupid. What is extra stupid is that we’re just going to have to keep them around for way longer than they deserve because they could be useful. COULD. Not useful if they vote dumb like that.
2. Clay, Pat and Davie would all be super easy votes, but it’s time to start making moves. Mike and Alec sent me very close to the exact same message about how they’re going to try to pull in Pat and Davie since they voted like doofuses. I heard from Steph and Chelsea that Pat and Davie wanted one of Ahmar 2.0 out, so that’s why they voted Clay. If that’s the case, they probably won’t vote with Mike and Alec then.
3. I don’t think I’ll be exposed for a while. Sebastian said we’ll basically just go from hiding behind Mike to hiding behind Chelsea. She said Mike is hiding behind her lol so at least she’s already somewhat smart. I told Robb that Mike and Alec are being super weird to me and I’m scared. I told him I’d rather play with him because he actually talks to me like a person whereas they just send me a message every once in a while, just to keep the connection. He talked to Chelsea and she said she wants to split votes between Mike and Alec, but if one of them wins immunity, she wants to put votes on me. Awesome.
SO, I talked to Chelsea and told her I was tired of being Mike’s and Alec’s slave. I told her they don’t even talk to me except to tell me what to do and I know they plan together and just try to pretend to include me. So, she’s hopefully my protector now AND she knows I’ll vote with her against them. Alec and Mike wanted me and Sebastian to get in our alliance chat to “discuss” the plan. They obviously had a plan and just put on a show to make it seem like we were helping. They even told us not to do anything, that they would get Clay, Davie, and Pat. How do you make someone feel like you’re using them and don’t actually give a shit about them? Just like that.
I told Chelsea and Robb what Mike’s plan is so they can extra trust me. I told them I’m pretty sure Alec and Mike have the nomad idol, except that they never told me. I really truly do like Robb and Chelsea a million times better than Mike and Alec. I used to trust in Alec 100%, but he’s letting me down. Sebastian even told me I mean nothing to Mike and Alec. He said he didn’t want to upset me so he just wasn’t going to say anything. I told him dude plz tell me this shit. I’m obviously dumb lol
4. Sebastian is <3 and Mike is 666 the devil. I also really love Donathan and I think we’re close. He doesn’t really talk to anyone else supposedly. Chelsea wanted to maybe throw his name out, but I don’t want to risk losing him. I’m super down for Robb, Chelsea and Angela. Pat and Davie are dumb. Clay who? Fuck Mike and Alec. I really hope all this works out this vote. Maybe we can get Alec to waste his idol on himself. I wonder what he’ll do when Mike is gone.