4th Place - Final Juror - Voted Out 3-1
By Kimmi Kappenberg
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Congrats on f10! icon_chaos icon_chaos icon_chaos icon_chaos

There's only 7 more votes between you and the final tribal, do you feel like at this point you'd be considered deserving enough of a win if you make it that far or do you have your work cut out for you? If you think you're winner material, how do you plan to stay in that long? And if you don't just yet, what's your gameplan? 7 votes isn't a whole lot of time, you'd better get crackin'.

If you had your way, who would be the next person to leave and why?

With the way the last tribal went down, what's your next move? Alec got the most votes after Mike, so is he the next easy vote or are you going to try to make some waves and push your own agenda?

Can you give me a rundown of the rest of the players and your relationship with them? Who do you think you can work with, who do you think are the biggest threats, who would you invite to your birthday party?
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Kimmi Kappenberg

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By Gabby
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Ok FUCK ALEC. I know he's upset bc I would be too, but now he's just trying to make me feel bad. Is this supposed to make me want to help him? I'm pretty sure he's going to come after me now anyway. This is kinda ideal for him because now he's a number anyone could pull in. You're welcome, bitch. You didn't go home either, so it looks like I did my job. I don't remember promising to make sure you don't get any votes at all. He says he's sketched out by me lol obviously but I've been sketched out by him for a while. He keeps saying he wanted to take Mike out at f9 but if we were ride or dies then I should've known that, right? You'd think. Maybe I'm the crazy one. I wouldn't be surprised, but he's just not saying anything real. He's just shaming me.

This is the life I choose, being a whore for flipping after all. Woe is me.

If Alec is gonna keep being like this, I'd love for him to go. If he could get over it, I'd be down for Chelsea or Clay or Davie really. Chelsea because she's the next biggest threat. Robb doesn't do as much as people think. Chelsea is doing a lot. Clay is hard to talk to and not loyal to me. Davie who? See Clay.

I tried to talk to Alec and I tried to keep it civil and real, but I don't even know what happened in our conversation tbh. He's acting like he wants revenge, so I'd bet he'll be lying and manipulating me next tribal. Idk what to do. I talked to Robb and he said it just makes him want to work with me more that Alec is being so annoying. He went through somewhat of the same bs with Stephanie and Jed. Really, I just need to keep Donathan voting in the majority so he can make it to the end with me. I have a lot of thoughts rn and they're not in order but oops.

Alright Alec is finally chill. I mean I really do get it. I'd probably be just as mad and hurt and go a bit crazy as well. I'm kinda proud of myself for not crying during our argument though lol that's so lame. I really just needed him to tell me what he was thinking. I feel like we talked game half as much as like Angela and I talk game and she and I just started talking game this round LOL. I'm so tired today and this has just worn me out even more. This is the worst confessional known to man lol sorry.

Alec - Not the biggest threat, but he'll say something and make himself the biggest threat. He's coming back around to being cool guy Alec. I truly don't want to lose him. I'm just a whore.
Angela - Huge goat rn, but she's easily forgotten so no one really targets her. I guess Mike was going to, but I keep forgetting. No offense Angela lol
Chelsea - Biggest threat. I don't see her making it past F8. I think we're good, but I also think you never really know with her. I think she and Sebastian are close, so hopefully I'll know if she tries to come for me.
Clay - who? untrustworthy.
Davie - who? but even more untrustworthy.
Don - <3 I wanna take this babe to the end I love him so much. I think we're tight, so hopefully he sticks with me.
Gabby - shit i dunno. I know I'm not that big of a threat, but I'm still working on my social game. I think I'm doing p alright. I might accidentally become a challenge threat, so that's not good. BUT challenge wins may be all I have to help me in FTC lol we'll see.
Pat - I do like Pat a lot. We keep saying we want to work together and he's opened up way more to me than Davie ever has. I think he'd stick with me. He's pretty goaty as well rn, but I know he's young so he may try to start playing soon like he said he would.
Robb - I like Robb. He's been the second most open person with me. I believe in our little secret alliance, but he'll have to go eventually. I think he'll stick with me for a while though.
Sebastian - <3 How did I get so lucky? He could be playing me the hardest of anybody, but I believe him 100%. I think we've done pretty well to keep us a secret. I'm thinking Mike was mad at Sebastian bc he thinks Sebastian is the one who flipped me. Or he was mad at Sebastian bc he actually cared about Sebastian and got his feelings hurt while he didn't give a fuck about me lol idk. Who fucking cares?

I'd invite Jeff, Sebastian, Alec, Don, Angela, maybe Pat, and Robb. When Danni asks about the party later, I'll lie and say "Omg I totally invited you. It must've gone to your spam or gotten lost!"
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By Gabby
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Here is the ideal bootlist
don + gabby + sebastian
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By Danni Boatwright
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Gabby wrote:
Tue Mar 19, 2019 12:22:51 am
When Danni asks about the party later, I'll lie and say "Omg I totally invited you. It must've gone to your spam or gotten lost!"
well first of all fuck you icon_redface icon_censored icon_fingerwag
Here is the ideal bootlist
don + gabby + sebastian
Do you think this boot order is mutually beneficial for Sebastian and Donathan? Or do you think you'll need to put in a lot of leg work to get them to vote along with you?
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Danni Boatwright

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By Gabby
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I think it’s my way or the highway lol dude idk I don’t wanna explain it. Alec asked me for a bootlist so I was like whatever I’ll just post it and see if I predict the way the rest of the game goes. Alec is already pushing for Davie to go next which is ideal. Idk if he’s talked to anyone at all about anything real this whole time. Sebastian has been talking to Donathan more since I told him I like Donathan a lot. I’m really only set on the next three votes being those three people. I just put Angela in randomly. I feel like she’s the least invested in the game but most talkative. If we don’t take Alec to FTC, then we need to get him out earlier than F4 so he’s not a threat to slip through and so hopefully he can get over being betrayed again oof. This is my prefered way for the game to go and I know it’ll be different for everyone. We all have different connections and different deals and different people we trust.

I feel bad for Sebastian bc I’ve just gotten so fucking annoying over the past few days. I’m such a needy bitch lol fuck. Sorry I’m annoying, guys. I’m trying to chill out lol Alec has a lot of ammo against me now, so idk if I can chill. I broke his trust, but I really didn’t think there was a chance he’d go over Mike. Not that that means too much. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was copy and pasting everything he asked me for last night to people. If anyone was so suspect Sebastian and I are close, it’d be Alec, but he still doesn’t seem like he thinks that.

Also, ok, I get it lol I haven’t done that much. Jeez. Sorry my social game isn’t that obvious yet lol but like no one really guessed my number this past challenge. I have secret connections with several people, and even if they’re stringing me along like a goat, I’m still like a medium threat with at least one immunity win. Especially with this last vote, it should show I’m open to anything. I’m kind of advertising myself as a free and loyal agent. Chelsea is planning with someone and idk if it Angela or Robb or maybe even Sebastian. I’m leaning more towards Sebastian since he keeps saying she’s Mike 2.0. She’s not Mike at all to me, so she’d have to be Mike to him.
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By Gabby
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Alec is too good for me. I'm not usually afraid of or bad at confrontation, but the fact that I do really really like Alec and didn't want to just blow him off and lie to him any more made that one so painful the other night. I definitely still feel bad. He's such a great sport in this game, like, way better than I am tbh lol. It makes me super nervous for the future, if we both make it close to the end. I know Sebastian won't want him at FTC. He'll have the underdog story now maybe. That would be a great FTC though with me, Sebastian and Alec. I probably wouldn't get any votes LOL Alec and I have been talking a lot more and being more open than before. I know he was still just trying to hide for a little longer, and that probably made him keep everything to himself. That's just not how close alliances work though. I hope he's just trying to become closer and not actually sending everything I say to everyone else.

Stephanie did say Robb was a liar, but that was to her. It's just the same as Mike thinking Sebastian was closest to him. Everything is perception here. Robb is going to play nice with everyone to get to the end, so I agree with Steph. I'm sure he's a liar. Aren't we all though at some point? You just have to hope you're that one person they're not lying to or else you're done.

Chelsea wants to take out Pat while Robb and Alec want to go for Davie. Sounds like she's close to Davie. Davie is really bad to only talk game to one person and then just make everyone else annoyed. Seems like maybe the same for Pat, but at least I'm the one person. Or one of them lol. I'm hoping we all stick to Davie though, because that would be the best for me and Alec. Pat wants everyone to remember Sebastian's idol, so either he needs to chill on that or he'll have to go soon as well. I'd just prefer Clay and Chelsea to go before Pat.
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