4th Place - Final Juror - Voted Out 3-1
By Gary Hogeboom
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Well, you've made it to the final 9. Single digits!!! icon_eek If you feel comfortable, it's probably time to make sure everything is as it seems. We are closer to the end than it may appear. There are only a handful of votes separating you from the cash prize in Morocco. Here's a few imperative questions to get you thinking.

1. Tell us why you didn't go for the idol tonight and explain what was going through your head at the time the twist was announced.
2. Tonight's tribal council seemed to have a lot of uncertainty and tension. Did anybody's behavior before or during the council alarm you? What did you learn and how has it changed your plans immediately and over the long term?
3. There's at least 1 idol currently in play, how much are you worried about someone being able to remain immune for the rest of the game? Do you have any plans to deal with idols in the future?
4. You just put a 4th person on the jury, that's potentially enough votes to win the game. What do you think are your jury votes right now?
5. How much are you weighing the potential of each remaining player as an opponent at FTC versus a potential jurymember? Do you have a strategy for jury management from this point forward?

Cheers and good luck!
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Gary Hogeboom

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By Gabby
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1. I didn't want to risk being the only person to go for it which would've been the case lol plus, we needed all the votes we had. I kinda thought it might be a double elimination and that was a stressful fucking thought seeing how the before tribal planning went.

2. There's just too much to even say and it's all just wild and confusing. Chelsea wanted me, her(?), and Donathan to vote Pat, while everyone else voted Davie. When I talked to Robb and Alec, neither of them knew the part about a few people voting Pat. We started theorizing that maybe she was trying to take out someone else while having us split our votes or maybe she was trying to flush an idol or idk. I still don't know what she was trying to do, because she told Davie he was going home. Chelsea didn't talk to me any after she told me to vote Pat, so that was the tiniest bit comforting. Not that there was any comfort in this last vote lol but the fact that she just assumed I'd stick to the plan with no check-ins necessary means she trusts me to at least follow through. Well, while telling Robb about her weird plan, he told me she wanted to vote either Pat or me. So that was super swaggy to find out, but also not that surprising.

I got all this fucking info but Sebastian wasn't on during any of it lol so when he finally came on I threw everything at him to catch him up. I wanted Davie gone because I knew he was just following Chelsea, but Pat couldn't keep his mouth shut about Sebastian's idol. That was my only reason that I could find to vote out Pat. I mean I was going to vote Pat no matter what because I wasn't going to get Chelsea up my ass. Except looky here, Chelsea is up my ass rn trying to figure out who told Pat everything. I told her I didn't tell Pat, but I told people who asked me who I was voting that I was voting Pat. Robb told Pat everything and if that whore tries to turn things on me I'll destroy his ass.

Literally 5 min before tribal, Robb messages me to vote Donathan with him, Pat, Davie, and Angela. Somehow, with 5 people, we would be enough. Sebastian just said Davie messaged him that too, but Robb is denying that it was a real plan lol wtf. I don't understand these people pussying out of their own plans but also just assuming no one else talks to each other in this game. Alec is still super down for me, him and Sebastian. I just need to figure out if Donathan is actually a Chelsea follower. He was just busy today and did whatever she said to not have to worry about tribal.

I still want Chelsea out asap, but not I'm starting to want Robb out asaper. I think we need him for a Chelsea vote, but who knows? Idk where the fuck Angela stands on anything. Davie should be loyal to either me or Sebastian now, but I know he's gonna be a pussy too. How come people like Davie can put their vote literally anywhere, but, when I vote correctly, I'm the one in trouble? I think I'm still kinda good for now. If Chelsea was targeting me before, since I proved loyal, will she still be targeting me? Davie and Pat were loyal, but look where that got them. Robb got super paranoid and I think is still freaking out, so that's annoying.

3. Nah, I just hope y'all don't offer that idol again. If you'd offered during any other vote, I think there would've been some takers. Once again, idols are for pussies. We got rid of the person who kept bringing up the idol, so ideally we'll just keep getting rid of people who bring it up.

4. I think Mike will be too bitter towards me and Sebastian to ever give us his vote. Or maybe he's just super bitter towards Sebastian. I think I could get Pat's and Kellyn's votes. Stephanie's? Idk. I'm used to having more control and just being able to say "I literally did everything." This time, though, I've played super careful because if you even think about planning a vote, you're now the biggest threat. And these whores LOVE taking out threats asap.

5. I wish Natalie had made it to jury, because I think I could've gotten her vote for sure. Lot's of times it comes down to how you sell your game at the end, not necessarily how you played. If you can spin it the right way, you're golden. Chelsea is trying to sell that she's a goat now because the jury hates her lol bitch we ain't dumb. I'm just trying to stay on everyone's good side. It's annoying people like Clay have made it so far because he's hard enough to make small talk with, there's no way I can talk to him enough to get a guaranteed vote right now. I'm pretty set on who I want to go to FTC with; I mean one spot is already filled lol I just need to see who ends up in that 3rd seat.
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By Gary Hogeboom
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I believe you've said before that the "spot" you're referring to is Sebastian's. Correct me if I'm wrong. But I have a couple followup queries based on this assumption...

As of now, do you think you will beat Sebastian at FTC if he's next to you and this 3rd mystery "goat"? Why or why not?
On the flipside, do you think Sebastian is the type of player who would still vote for you if you betrayed him before FTC?
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Gary Hogeboom

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By Gabby
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Yeah Sebastian. I hate to be that player, but I've done the winning stuff before, so I'm not that pressed to do it here, too. I'm not saying I'm not trying to win, because I definitely am. This is just such a strange group that it's hard to become a threat and stick around long enough for it to stick. I would gladly lose to Sebastian, but I'd also gladly rub it in his face if I won. Mystery goat is supposed to be Donathan, but everyone is so scared of him being with Chelsea that he might not make it too much farther. I think Sebastian would vote for me unless I brought someone with a better game to FTC. I think he respects the game too much to just vote for a friend. I'm not going to betray him, though, so, if anything, I'll be the one voting for him. I know that's such a shitty thing to hear from a player, that they're not trying to be ruthless and cutthroat and demand the W. I'm going for the W, but I'm not going to betray Sebastian to get there.
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By Gary Hogeboom
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Gabby wrote:
Thu Mar 21, 2019 12:34:56 am
Yeah Sebastian. I hate to be that player, but I've done the winning stuff before, so I'm not that pressed to do it here, too. I'm not saying I'm not trying to win, because I definitely am. This is just such a strange group that it's hard to become a threat and stick around long enough for it to stick. I would gladly lose to Sebastian, but I'd also gladly rub it in his face if I won. Mystery goat is supposed to be Donathan, but everyone is so scared of him being with Chelsea that he might not make it too much farther. I think Sebastian would vote for me unless I brought someone with a better game to FTC. I think he respects the game too much to just vote for a friend. I'm not going to betray him, though, so, if anything, I'll be the one voting for him. I know that's such a shitty thing to hear from a player, that they're not trying to be ruthless and cutthroat and demand the W. I'm going for the W, but I'm not going to betray Sebastian to get there.
We appreciate the honesty. I just want to make sure you're considering every angle and it seems that you are.
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Gary Hogeboom

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By Gabby
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I may be a constant fuck up but I know my angles lol so turns out that Chelsea wasn't asking me to vote Pat, but just telling me she was going to vote Pat. So when I told people I was voting Pat, they ended up latching on, and so sorry Pat. It wasn't even supposed to be you lol jesus fuck can I not mess up something???
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By Danni Boatwright
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Gabby wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2019 11:36:03 pm
Idk. I'm used to having more control and just being able to say "I literally did everything." This time, though, I've played super careful because if you even think about planning a vote, you're now the biggest threat. And these whores LOVE taking out threats asap.
I find this interesting. Who do you think is benefiting most from this trend of voting off threats as soon as they're recognized?
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Danni Boatwright

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By Gabby
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Everyone is somewhat benefiting, but definitely people like Clay and Angela are getting off easy. I’m not sure why Robb is such a big threat, and, also, fucking Clay and Angela keep either winning immunity or getting close to it. Are other people throwing rn? I’m sure. That’s part of why I wanted Mike out. He went super hard on challenges before merge, so you’d just figure he’ll go super hard here too. There were so many threats/crazy people that it does benefit me too, this whole take em out quick thing. I think this next vote will determine a lot. We thought we’d have Robb going forward, but for some reason he dug a grave deeper than Chelsea’s. He thinks me, Sebastian and Alec are close but he also told me he thinks Chelsea, Alec and Sebastian are close. After taking out a quiet player, everyone is going to want to go for a threat. Hopefully Davie stays mad at Chelsea bc even if that was all an accident last night, she was trying to manage the jury hard and Alec said Davie accused him of jury management earlier in the game.

I thought Angela and I had gotten somewhat close, and I know she just wasn’t on at all yesterday, but last night made me not want to trust her at all. I don’t know if she threw out my name in those 10 min she was on, but I guess now we at least kinda see who Clay talks to. That being Robb or Chelsea and Angela. I’m thinking more Robb from them being from the same tribe.

Robb had been telling me things he wasn’t telling other people and I was always keeping him in the know. It’s going to be extremely irritating if he’s turned on me. He was probably extra freaked when Angela actually got online and starting telling people what to do to switch the vote. I’d be mad at Angela for waiting so long to come on. Maybe it was a fake idea and they were just trying to manage the jury as well.

These games are extra hard when you’re trying to look out for other people as well as yourself. It’s definitely more fun than just sliding through on your own. More thrilling I guess because you’re scared to see other people’s names as much as yours.

But to finish off your question lol Angela is benefiting. She’s racking up immunity wins while we focus on the people with the big personalities who we think are planning the votes. She’s probably every bit as involved as they are. Robb has said several times that he planned stuff with Angela and Chelsea.
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By Jeff Probst
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Let's do a recap. So far this is the breakdown of the final 9 in the game:

Original Ahmar: Clay, Robb
Original Fenassa: Alec, Davie, Gabby
Original Jellal: Angela, Chelsea, Donathan, Sebastian

New Ahmar: Alec, Clay, Donathan, Gabby, Sebastian
New Fenassa: Angela, Chelsea, Davie, Robb

Do any of these formations stick out to you, do you think it could impact the game going forward and does it factor into your plans?
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By Gabby
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Going by either set of tribes, Sebastian is in the majority both times. Does it look like Jellal is trying to pagong? Yes. I just can't trust Robb enough to turn it around. Plus, Sebastian said he wants to get out Robb then Chelsea. The only Jellalian lost during merge so far has been Kellyn I think. I'm usually the Sebastian in games where I always have the majority backing me and from both sides, so it's super interesting to feel what everyone else feels this time lol. I don't really know why we aren't going for Chelsea this time, but I also don't know why Davie and Don are all the sudden so against each other. Robb has it going on if he's the one who did that. That makes him a bigger threat. These fuckers believe anyone who throws someone under the bus to them. They don't respect loyalty or anything. Idk if I answered the question at all lol I'm too stressed to think. I just think Sebastian's got it going on and I trust him a lot. I don't trust this vote at all, but we'll see what happens.
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By Gabby
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1. Donathan
2. Chelsea
3. Chelsea
4. Davie
5. Angela
6. Chelsea
7. Clay
8. Robb
9. Robb
10. Robb
11. Clay
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By Gabby
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I fucked up. We can't change any answers right?
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