4th Place - Final Juror - Voted Out 3-1
By Danni Boatwright
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We're in the endgame now. Are you prepared to do what it takes to win?

1-Who are you targeting next and why? Do you think you'll have the votes to make it happen?
2-Who do you think wants you in their final 3? Is this scenario good for you?
3-The jury has been very vocal at these past few tribals. Do you think you have the game/charm to get their votes?
4-How are you feeling about the game as a whole? Did you expect to make it this far? Has anything surprised you?

Good luck Gabby! Finish strong!
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Danni Boatwright

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By Gabby
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Ugh I just realized I did that thing I hate where your ally gets voted out and you just assume you're next. Which, if anyone should've assumed it in their situation, it should've been me. Whatever lol

1. We all want Robb out either this time or next time. Hopefully this time because otherwise it'll be too close for comfort. I'm so glad he's made it this far though. He's been one of my favorites and I think he's told the truth the most to me. That's why I'm always so confused when people say he lies all the time to them. Or maybe I'm just dumb lol maybe I just believe everything. He was the only person to tell me the truth of all the liars in the Alec vote. As long as he doesn't win immunity, we're set. If he does, we'll probably vote out Davie. No offense Davie but it would be a disgrace if you made it to FTC. You haven't played. Donathan at least has played a goat game. We still have Sebastian's extra vote too. I think I have everyone voting how I want rn as well so he can't try to flip it on me. I see Robb trying to turn us all on each other this round if he doesn't win, but rn he's already telling Sebastian he won't vote him out over Davie. I did that. Sebastian fucking doubting me in this game is embarrassing for him.

2. Everyone. Supposedly. I think the person who wants me in their f3 the least is Sebastian lol. This is a great scenario rn. Something wild could happen though where they all decide I'm a threat or at least the threat they don't want to win. I'd be happy with a Sebastian or Donathan win. He's played a decently respectable goat game. I believe in the goat game even if others don't. I'm not on jury yet though so oof for Donathan. He has a chance.

3. Yeah I wish they'd stfu. People keep wanting to talk about this, but I just haven't thought that much about it yet. Robb is making fun of me for saying I'd help him think. Apparently that's a weird thing to say. I'll make a list of the jury and how I think they'll vote and why tomorrow.

4. I always expect to win because I'm a bitch. I just have to be able to take the stress. Actually, though, I did think I was gone like 3 times now. I surprise myself with my social game every time. Most of the time I'm just having fun talking to people and it just works out. I know where to put effort in and who needs what from me, but mostly it's just fun. This has been the most fun game I've ever played. I'll talk some more tomorrow. I'm too tired to think lol

lol at Alec posting so fucking much. He's the only person I'd want a million posts from tbh.
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By Gabby
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I just noticed you were fan fav, Danni. How?
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By Gabby
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Gary Hogeboom wrote:
Tue Mar 26, 2019 11:46:41 pm
Gabby wrote:
Tue Mar 26, 2019 11:44:06 pm
I just noticed you were fan fav, Danni. How?
We only had one fan that season, tbf.
They just liked Danni's boob
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By Jeff Probst
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So let's play a fun game. In good game strategy you should anticipate your opponents best move. What do you think each of the 4 other tribemates best moves to get to the end and win is? Who would you vote out 5th and 4th if you were them?
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By Gabby
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Jeff Probst wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2019 8:28:43 am
So let's play a fun game. In good game strategy you should anticipate your opponents best move. What do you think each of the 4 other tribemates best moves to get to the end and win is? Who would you vote out 5th and 4th if you were them?
Oooh this seems fun. It's crazy there are only 4 other tribies left.

Davie - we all quit
Donathan - we all quit
Robb - get rid of me and Sebastian with me being 4th just in case
Sebastian - get rid of me and Robb with me being 4th just in case

I'm voting out Robb as soon as he loses a challenge. If that's tonight, then he's 5th. If it's tomorrow, then he's 4th. If it's never, then he may be 1st. Sebastian wasted time voting Alec out before Chelsea and Robb. Alec could've helped us win against Robb and he might already have been gone by now. BUT having Robb this whole time was beneficial to me 1) bc I like Robb and he's fun to talk to lol 2) he's most honest with me 3) he trusts me I think and 4) I do believe he's real about wanting me in F3 with him.

It's too late for Davie to start playing, so he'll just try to ride this out. Donathan kinda came alive within the last few rounds and I kinda think he maybe helped me stay sometimes. I'm not sure though. No one wants to tell me anything about that side at all. Chelsea had them all chained up and beat them or something. It's weird.

Sebastian hasn't won any immunities, has he? I don't think so. Maybe I'm just forgetting. Davie might be our best chance at someone winning against Robb, sadly. Robb definitely thinks he can win over me, but he was trying to decide last night if he could win over Sebastian. I know he was just trying to make sure he gets to the end. We all are.

I know I shit on my game a lot, but that's really just because I've never played UTR like ever. It obviously didn't keep me UTR here lol but I'm excited to maybe get a chance to figure out how to sell it.
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By Jeff Probst
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Gabby wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2019 12:30:25 pm
Jeff Probst wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2019 8:28:43 am
So let's play a fun game. In good game strategy you should anticipate your opponents best move. What do you think each of the 4 other tribemates best moves to get to the end and win is? Who would you vote out 5th and 4th if you were them?
Oooh this seems fun. It's crazy there are only 4 other tribies left.

Davie - we all quit
Donathan - we all quit
Robb - get rid of me and Sebastian with me being 4th just in case
Sebastian - get rid of me and Robb with me being 4th just in case

I'm voting out Robb as soon as he loses a challenge. If that's tonight, then he's 5th. If it's tomorrow, then he's 4th. If it's never, then he may be 1st. Sebastian wasted time voting Alec out before Chelsea and Robb. Alec could've helped us win against Robb and he might already have been gone by now. BUT having Robb this whole time was beneficial to me 1) bc I like Robb and he's fun to talk to lol 2) he's most honest with me 3) he trusts me I think and 4) I do believe he's real about wanting me in F3 with him.

It's too late for Davie to start playing, so he'll just try to ride this out. Donathan kinda came alive within the last few rounds and I kinda think he maybe helped me stay sometimes. I'm not sure though. No one wants to tell me anything about that side at all. Chelsea had them all chained up and beat them or something. It's weird.

Sebastian hasn't won any immunities, has he? I don't think so. Maybe I'm just forgetting. Davie might be our best chance at someone winning against Robb, sadly. Robb definitely thinks he can win over me, but he was trying to decide last night if he could win over Sebastian. I know he was just trying to make sure he gets to the end. We all are.

I know I shit on my game a lot, but that's really just because I've never played UTR like ever. It obviously didn't keep me UTR here lol but I'm excited to maybe get a chance to figure out how to sell it.
So as I take it, Davie and Donathan are guaranteed f3 at this point with the other 3 of you duking it out to sit next to them? Are you concerned it wont be you in the f3 with them? Is there anyway to change that or are those 2 spots locked?
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By Gabby
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No, I don't want both of them there. Only one. That one being Donathan. I'm sure Sebastian and Robb would prefer to take both of them, but I don't think Davie deserves to be there even as a goat. Nothing is locked yet. We have two more immunities to win or lose. I think Davie and Donathan both want to go to the end with me over Sebastian and Robb. I could be wrong, but, if not, those are two votes with me against whoever.

lol wait lemme find the messages Donathan sent me last night before tribal that scared the shit out of me.
"i know you came into this thinking it might be you tonight
but i hope you changed your attitude"
He said afterward that he was in the middle of a motivational speech that got cut off LOL but it got cut off at the absolute worst part and time. Telling me to change my attitude ooooof I was like shit alright this is it.

I don't think anyone actually wants Davie to get to the end with them. I love Davie but I also know nothing about him. He didn't help with any planning ever. Idk if he and Sebastian even have a single dm between them. I wouldn't be surprised if Sebastian has been lying about not talking to Davie or Clay or Pat or Donathan. Well actually he said he was talking to Donathan some. I really just want to get me, Sebastian and Donathan to the end. They're the two people I've been saying and meaning F3 to this whole time. Donathan told me last night that he believed me when I said I wanted him in the F3 with me, so that's at least a little more trust than Sebastian has towards me lol oof.
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By Gabby
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Ok so jury vote guesses:

I wish Natalie was on the jury. Who is even on jury? I'll go backwards! I'm gonna do this based on my ideal f3 and then I'll do based on if this was a f5.

Chelsea - Sebastian : Their relationship still confuses me a lot, but I think she'd send her vote his way. I coulddd see her voting for me, but I'm not sure.
Alec - Gabby : Especially since I had no idea about that blindside, I think he'd love to vote for me. Alec is a fair guy though, so he may be waiting until speeches and questions are answered to decide. Actually, he might think it was cool Sebastian blindsided him...
Angela - Sebastian : I'm just so sure he was a big part of that side. Maybe I'm just confused lol I just can't believe he could make it through so easily without having played both sides.
Pat - Gabby : Just from talking to him while he was in the game, I think I'd get his vote. I talked to him a decent amount and we always said we wanted to work together.
Mike - Gabby : This one I actually don't know. I'm just putting myself because I don't see him voting for Donathan and he's constantly throwing up on things Sebastian says. Honestly, he could vote for Sebastian. I don't know why he hates him so much. He may be pretending?
Stephanie - Donathan : I'd love for Stephanie to vote for me. She was so great until she wasn't. I could see her voting Donathan just to be crazy. Idk lol.
Kellyn - Sebastian : I want to say Gabby because I love Kellyn, but she made a f2 with Sebastian before she made a f3 with me.

LOL did I just make it a tie? I don't think it would tie. I just don't know who is saying what in their chat and who has been paying attention. Sebastian held on to that idol for a long ass time and that's not little. Did I help? Yeah, but he still did it. I think he could've done it on his own too, but who knows? Once again, Sebastian doesn't tell me as much as I tell him, so I could be very wrong with my vote predictions.

Ok, now for of all 5!

Actually, lots of people hated Robb. He has been really great at manipulating people, but at what cost? Pre-merge things only matter to the people who were there. And, even then, merge is usually more important to people. I could see him getting Mike's vote and maybe Stephanie's? Didn't they like really hate each other though? I could be so extremely wrong, but I don't think Robb is as big of a threat as he seems. He has lots of immunity wins. That could be the threat thing. I bet he'd write a good speech/answer questions really well. Actually, idk lol thinking back to Alec going off on him for 2 days. He just acts dumb until you're done talking to him. He could almost be a goat at this point other than the immunities. I still stand by my Donathan + Sebastian f3.
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By Gabby
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I'm almost sad I've played such a nice game. I wanna get railed at FTC.
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