8th Place - 5th Juror - Voted Out 4-0
By Danni Boatwright
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ANGELA icon_chaos icon_chaos !! Congrats on surviving your first tribal council! I have a few questions for you to think about this weekend.

1-How did it feel to get votes tonight? Were you expecting to be targeted so early?
2-Can you walk us through the tribe dynamics as you see them? Are there any clear alliances that you can see?
3-What do you think of the Taureg twist? Any advantages/disadvantages you can see from this twist in the game?
4-Any other thoughts? questions?

we look forward to hearing from you!
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Danni Boatwright

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By Angela
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Hi Danni! I'm going to respond to your questions tomorrow, but I need to vent right now.

What the FUCK was that tribal?? First of all, that was so stressful getting votes. But secondly, it was a cluserfuck leading up to the vote. People were telling me all kinds of different things. Supposedly, me Chelsea and Kellyn were having a girls alliance. But Kellyn barely talked to me before the vote, so I knew she wasn't really loyal to me. Chelsea and Sea Bass told me to vote Chris. Sea Bass was actually the one who said Chris was telling me the vote was Kellyn when it was actually me. So once I saw Sea Bass was telling me the truth, I decided to vote Chris. So glad I did. Sea Bass kinda spilled the tea and said there was a cool kids alliance of Brendan, Kellyn, Chelsea and Chris. And I really don't have a reason to not believe Sea Bass. I probably trust him the most right now. And Chelsea told me to vote Chris too, so I trust her as well. Kellyn lied and told me Chelsea. So I don't trust Kellyn at all now. If I have any say the next time we vote, this cool kids group is done. Kellyn and Brendan are the ones that need to go. I like Donathan and Sea Bass and Chelsea. I'm worried it might be me if we go again cause it seems like I just barely scraped by. Holy fuck this shit is stressful.
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By Angela
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1-How did it feel to get votes tonight? Were you expecting to be targeted so early?

I wasn't really expecting to be targeted, and it seems like I almost went home. This stupid Cool Kids alliance (Chris, Brendan, Kellyn and Chelsea) wanted me or Donathan out. Sea Bass was the only one who kept it real with me. Chelsea did too, but she didn't give me as much info. I'm expecting to be a target again, but you best believe I'm gonna get myself out of that one too.

2-Can you walk us through the tribe dynamics as you see them? Are there any clear alliances that you can see?

Well, I was told by Sea Bass (later confirmed by Brendan) that the cool kids alliance was Chris, Brendan, Kellyn and Chelsea. I don't know why Brendan told me he was part of an alliance that tried to get me out. Dumb move on his part. Basically that alliance is dead now, but it shows me that Kellyn and Chelsea are double dipping because they had an alliance with me too (the 3 girls). So really I need to scoop up Sea Bass and Donathan and try to get out Kellyn or Brendan next.

3-What do you think of the Taureg twist? Any advantages/disadvantages you can see from this twist in the game?

It was a twist that saved me! I think if there had been 7 votes last night I might've gone. So I'm glad it's a part of the game. But I'm also glad I didn't go for it last night, because it'll come out later who had it since people from the other tribes know. So it can't be kept a secret forever. So whoever blocked Brendan's vote is gonna be exposed at some point. If I get it and block someone's vote, I want to make sure they're voted out so there aren't any repercussions later on.

4-Any other thoughts? questions?
I'm good for now! Thanks for listening. :)
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