8th Place - 5th Juror - Voted Out 4-0
By Joaquin Souberbielle
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Congrats bitch!! You have made

and survived your first merge vote! Only going to get harder from here.

1. The vote was pretty much unanimous. That generally means…someone who voted correctly tonight will be voted out tomorrow and tonight was a mistake. What makes you think that wasn’t you?
2. Who will you be targeting next cycle?
3. Do you think lines will be drawn in the sand next tribal, or will there be more of the same?
4. What did you make of no public immunity idol being played? Do you think there is another hidden immunity idol out there?
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Joaquin Souberbielle

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By Angela
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Joaquin! Thanks for sliding into my confessionals. Yasssss bitch, Final 12. Let's do this.

1. Tonight was a mistake for old Ahmar. As I said in my confessional this afternoon, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?? They had the numbers to easily take us out, and they were planning on voting Steph, which we were all on board with. That group switched up the plan on their own! If we can get the numbers at the next vote, they'll regret sending Kellyn home. If it's me that leaves next, I can make my peace knowing that Kellyn leaving was the best move I could've made tonight. *Side bar, I know I didn't vote for Kellyn, which was in case she had an idol. I knew everyone was voting that way and Chelsea was Kellyn's choice, so voting Steph was an insurance policy so Chelsea wouldn't have gone home.

2. I'm really hoping we can find a way to target someone in the alliance of Gabby, Alec, Mike, Clay and Sebastian. Those 5 are incredibly strong together and we need to figure out how to break them up. I'm hoping the rest of us can come together to take them down. Of those 5, I'd prefer for Mike or Gabby to go. Mike is a really sneaky player. He was talking a ton to me when he wanted me to vote Kellyn, but was giving me really short answers after the vote tonight. He only wants people long enough to use them for their vote. Gabby is playing a very low key game, similar to how I'm trying to play. She's a number for them, and until she shows me otherwise, she's a threat to me.

3. Yes, next tribal is going to draw lines in the sand. I don't think people are going to be on board to vote Stephanie out. We need to either threaten to draw rocks or try to get one of them to flip to make it a 7-5 vote. We're going to work on Donathan over the next few days, but I think we need to prepare ourselves for a rock draw. Those 5 have to be broken up.

4. Sebastian had no reason to play his idol. He knew where the votes were and kept it for himself. Smart man. He's a threat because he's such a cool customer. He's good at this game. He's messaging me right now saying we need to find a way to get ourselves to the end. He's an inroad for me to break into that other side, so I need him right now. I do think one of the nomads (Alec, Clay, Mike) has the other idol. Which makes that whole group extremely dangerous. The time is now to rise up and strike against their alliance before it wipes us all out.
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By Danni Boatwright
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Angela wrote:
Thu Mar 14, 2019 9:42:26 pm
The time is now to rise up and strike against their alliance before it wipes us all out.
My nipples could not be any harder right now icon_excited

In your hypothetical 7-5 vote, who do you have on your side? Do you think you have the social capital to pull this off?
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Danni Boatwright

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By Angela
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icon_lol icon_lol I can't. I STANi Danni.

I this hypothetical 7-5 vote, I think the only people we can get are the 7 people outside of that alliance. So it's me, Chelsea, Robb, Davie, Pat, Stephanie and Donathan. It would be us 7 against the other 5. But here'e the rub...

Stephanie can't get her shit together to save her life in the game. She's still all butt hurt that we sent home Jed. Bitch, get the fuck over it. It was forever ago! Apparently Robb was talking to her last night telling her there's a 5 person alliance that needs to be split up, and she ran right to Sebastian and told him. icon_yucky This is why we can't have nice things. Robb is also an idiot for telling her since we know she's a sketchball. I told Robb I'd work on Steph over the weekend, but he blew his wad and had to talk to her right away. These people are exhausting.

We're still gonna figure out a way to split them up. I'm not sitting back and letting this alliance take over the game. Somehow, someway it's going down.
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By Angela
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As far as my social capital, I think I have enough to convince people a move needs to be made. I think it benefits everyone outside of that alliance to make a move against it. I'll try to use my persuasion skills to get people to jump on board. I really have nothing to lose. There's only so much time before people realize I'm a huge threat and target me, so I'd rather make a move now than get picked off later.
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