6th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 5-0
By Gary Hogeboom
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Hey Chelsea,
Welcome to the Jellal tribe! I’m excited to see you all out here in Morocco. My name is Gary, and I'm one of the hosts for this season. From time to time we will be sliding into your confessionals. Our job as hosts is to help answer all of your questions, and drill you icon_whistling in confessionals to get the strategic gears in your brain turning.

Let’s start by running through the other members of your tribe. Who gave off the best first impression? Who gave off the worst? Are there any players here that you think will be an easy boot when you attend your first tribal? Do you think that three tribes is more difficult to manage than the typical 2? Do you think the smaller starting tribes will be beneficial for your game? Any other thoughts you’d like to share about the other tribes?
That’s all I’ve got for now. Enjoy getting to know your tribe, and let’s get this show on the road! Go win this thing!
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Gary Hogeboom

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By Chelsea
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I am very excited and nervous because this is my first ORG. So going into the game I don't know if I should first approach these hoes or I just be like a high class hook on a hotel lobby and just wait for them to pick me up.
but then Sebastian was the one who sent me a PM, we get each other's humor and now he is sending me MEMES. yes! Memes, and are now each other's ride and die. So I don't feel that much nervous now.

Who gave off the worst?
I can't really say the worst impression but I just haven't gotten to know the hot guys of Jellal - Chris and Brendan for some reason and I am now a part of that Cool Kids alliance and I don't feel cool at all. IDK maybe its because of the early game talk, Stats, Records, Trivia or whatever that is but yeah.
I like Kellyn but I feel like she is aggressive and a little paranoid which I understand that this is the game and because some of the guys where joking around. Which I find a little funny tbh and ironic lol

But so far I feel like I am good with everyone except the Hot Jellal men but I'll try to work with them

Are there any players here that you think will be an easy boot when you attend your first tribal?
So far cuz there is some paranoia, I fee like I have an idea who they would target when it comes to that. Which for me it hard because I am just getting to know them and I haven't even shown my crazy side yet or pissed them off. which is sad cuz I wanna mess with them LOL

Do you think that three tribes is more difficult to manage than the typical 2?
I don't think so?

Do you think the smaller starting tribes will be beneficial for your game?
Yes! because there are less people to deal with and I feel it's easier to navigate.

Any other thoughts you’d like to share about the other tribes?
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By Chelsea
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So far I am really Good with
Angela and we call ourselves The Panda Express
Sebastian we are Seaweed which is dumb af and it's perfect hahaha!
and I am a part of theCoolkids Alliance with Chris, Kellyn and Brendan

so far so good.. I am not letting the crazy out yet. ;)
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By Chelsea
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Okay so there is a twist before the challenge starts.
Tbh I am not really interested in it unlike The Cool Kidz,
I think it would be better if Seabass takes it but he is not here yet and the real actual clue (LOL) to the immunity Idol could really help us in the future.
But also I was thinking if I volunteer, I could mess with some people too which would be fun, but it's still early on the game to do such thing yet.
Hmmm I really need to think about this.
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