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Episode 10

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 10:09:22 pm
by Kimmi Kappenberg
Congrats on f10! icon_chaos icon_chaos icon_chaos icon_chaos

There's only 7 more votes between you and the final tribal, do you feel like at this point you'd be considered deserving enough of a win if you make it that far or do you have your work cut out for you? If you think you're winner material, how do you plan to stay in that long? And if you don't just yet, what's your gameplan? 7 votes isn't a whole lot of time, you'd better get crackin'.

If you had your way, who would be the next person to leave and why?

With the way the last tribal went down, what's your next move? Alec got the most votes after Mike, so is he the next easy vote or are you going to try to make some waves and push your own agenda?

Can you give me a rundown of the rest of the players and your relationship with them? Who do you think you can work with, who do you think are the biggest threats, who would you invite to your birthday party?

Re: Episode 10

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 11:39:13 pm
by Chelsea
Kimmi Kappenberg wrote:do you feel like at this point you'd be considered deserving enough of a win if you make it that far or do you have your work cut out for you? If you think you're winner material, how do you plan to stay in that long? And if you don't just yet, what's your gameplan?
TBH I don't have any delusions of grandeur of my winning, because it's still early. This game is sooo unpredictable and all I could say now is I feel like I could go deep into the game with the people I am in. I went into the merge with a strong relationship with 6 people and I have different alliances with all of them and that kinda puts me in a good position.

and all I could do is really continue what I've been doing from the start just make this relationship stronger and take out people who I trust least or hoes that coming for me.

Kimmi Kappenberg wrote:f you had your way, who would be the next person to leave and why?
Hmmm... I feel like it's time for the quiet ones to go, like I said before no one is noticing them and because a lot of people are like soo focused on me or Mike and Alec and that could be dangerous.

Kimmi Kappenberg wrote:With the way the last tribal went down, what's your next move? Alec got the most votes after Mike, so is he the next easy vote or are you going to try to make some waves and push your own agenda?
Wow I still believed that happened LOL I mean yeah I did that but wow...I just feel like these hoes are itching to make a move.. lol

And I was surprised that everyone is coming to me asking me what to do, who to vote for and shit. Like I am a mum to 9 children telling them what to do, don't run around, be careful and all that shit LOL it feels weird.

But the Mike vote like was planned wayyy before the merge.. and people are just itching to take him out, this was just the right moment and as for Alec, yeah everyone sees him as a threat and he is an easy vote but I don't want him gone too soon.
and right now Alec feels paranoid and pissed, and a whole lot of emotions... which I could use to get him to vote with me. LOL

Re: Episode 10

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 11:47:23 pm
by Chelsea
Wow last tribal was really made a mess out of some of the plyer's trust, alliances and shit its crazy!

Re: Episode 10

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 5:21:02 am
by Chelsea
Kimmi Kappenberg wrote:Can you give me a rundown of the rest of the players and your relationship with them? Who do you think you can work with, who do you think are the biggest threats, who would you invite to your birthday party?
Well Kimmi I would invite you to my birthday party, I will invite all the host of Stranded ! LOL

anyways so here it the rundown of the rest of the players

Like I said I came to the Merge with 6 people that I have strong connections with

The Brick boys - Davie and Pat - they are a part of my Fenassa 2.0 Alliance

Davie so far has been UTR, I think based on what are the others are saying, I am like the only person who like talks to him a lot. He seems to be like a smart player and so far he has been reliable. Like Pat he seems so down taking out the Threats. My relationship with him has been okay, we talk non game things too.

Pat... hmmm Pat is like non existent tbh but I think like with Davie I was prob one of the people he talks a lot too?But we never talk anything other than strategy and the game.. idk what he is thinking. He likes to make big moves and stuff, he is so quiet that I don't know what he will do next tbh. He also seems so down taking out threats like Davie. I don't know if they can actually see who are the real threats so far..

Rob - Fenassa 2.0 , Rob-Chelsea Duo, gosh I need to ask him a name for our alliance LOL
He is one of the guys I really bonded with on Fenassa 2.0, He is original with the Piss Club with Stephanie and Jed.
And I think there mistake was they let me use the info they given me to forge a bond with Robb and used that against them and also I gained an ally. For me Robb is actually a great social player and so far has been loyal to me. What bothers me is when he runs to people that we are gonna vote and tells them he is voting for them, that is weird LOL

Angela - Panda Express Alliance, OG Jellal and Fenassa 2.0
She is also one of great friends here this season and I am really thankful that she was with Fenassa with me, I feel like we really trust each other after all the things we have been through LOL Angela for me seems like a solid player, strategically she uses common sense which is hard these days, decent in challenges and socially she is great.

Donathan - Hoe Garden Alliance , OG Jellal
I thought at first that we are not gonna hit it off, but we did and now he is one of the people I love talking to here.
He is awkward LOL which I think is endearing.. so socially I think he needs to work on it more but he is not the type of person to rub people the wrong way. So far he is perceived as a follower by the other which is fine I guess for now cuz I think that it's his strategy and strategically he is okay so far, he is also decent in challenges so far and really loyal to me and someone I know I could trust with the votes.

Sebastian - Seaweed Allaince , OG Jellal
My #1 ally, my ride and die and I am really happy to be partnering up with him. We really get along so well, which is great.
Just like Donathan, Angela and Robb, we also talk non game stuff which is always fun and whenever I talk game with him I don't feel weird cuz he isn't a gamebot and I respond to that well because it's fun.He is sooo trustworthy and very loyal, I tell him almost everything now, that's how much I trust him lol If there is someone who could win this, for me it's gonna be Sebastian, strategically he is good, decent in challenges and socially he is great. So far we are really good at keeping our alliance hidden and so far no one has noticed? LOL tbh idk but I do make sure that my relationship with him is on a down low.


Re: Episode 10

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 8:46:08 am
by Chelsea
so I will just continue talking here cuz I love talking hahaha

So next up

Clay - I have really nothing bad to say to him,he seems like a fun guy and from what I heard he is at the bottom of his OG Tribe, and they were mean to him, so I am really glad that he is now at the merge and is playing a good social game and he is one the the remaining for his OG tribe. He is perceived as a guy who is tight with Mike and Alec so I am pretty surprised that he voted them so I guess he is really here to play.

Gabby - hmmm out of everyone in here she seems like to be the Smart UTR type of player, which is kinda dangerous and it's weird cuz she doesn't seem like it. No one is noticing her except a few people now. She is also good at challenges so far. Seb mentioned her to me several times before but I just noticed her recently, if she goes deep in the game she might win.

Alec - for some reason.. he is perceived as a threat. I guess he is Socially he is great! He is a nice guy, easy to talk to, talkative too, he also talks with you about non game/strategy stuff which I feel is important in this game and that's what I only know about him, we talked a lot but not really about deep game stuff unlike the others so I really don't know what he is thinking but after what happened last night I would probably work with him and we'll see what happens.

Re: Episode 10

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 8:47:21 am
by Chelsea
Kimmi Kappenberg wrote: who do you think are the biggest threats
Hmmmm... so far it has to be Gabby for me.

Re: Episode 10

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 9:46:52 am
by Chelsea
So I am talking to Robb about who we could take out next.. and I wanted to take out the UTR Players, especially the OG Fenassa.. but damn it's so hard when these remaining player sa nice and likable and I feel as the games goes on it will be harder........

Re: Episode 10

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 11:03:48 am
by Jeff Probst
Chelsea wrote:
Tue Mar 19, 2019 9:46:52 am
So I am talking to Robb about who we could take out next.. and I wanted to take out the UTR Players, especially the OG Fenassa.. but damn it's so hard when these remaining player sa nice and likable and I feel as the games goes on it will be harder........
True. Is your thinking that you don't want to be the most threatening / out spoken person left in the game at somepoint? IE: the target?

Re: Episode 10

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 6:13:06 pm
by Chelsea
Jeff Probst wrote:True. Is your thinking that you don't want to be the most threatening / out spoken person left in the game at somepoint? IE: the target?
Hmmm I feel like even if I don't want to the most threatening out here, I think I already am and I will always be from the night after that crazy tribal, I will always be that "controversial" figure. Especially now that we are getting smaller and smaller and I will always be in danger loool

I asked some of the players and they tell me I am a threat LOL

In this point in the game I am just really relying on the strong relationships I have built in this game, that's why I feel like instead of targeting me.. They go and target those they think that are bigger threats than me.

Re: Episode 10

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 11:54:41 pm
by Chelsea
LOL I sucked at the challenge tonight.. so far it's my weakness icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol

Re: Episode 10

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 1:02:58 am
by Chelsea
Tonight Angela won again which is great for her game but I worry that she will be a target being a challenge threat in the future.. but if she win all the way to the Final why not? I wouldn't have to worry about her and that is good.

Based on the chats I had with the other players.. Like myself they also wanted to take out a UTR player .. so the choices are Davie/Pat and Gabby..

The guys wanted Davie out so I guess we'd go with him, they see him as a UTR Threat that would slip through the cracks and end in the Final.

It is a little hard for me to write Davie's name cuz he was a nice guy and he has been loyal to us.. damnnn it's soo hard
but I feel like we have to take him out sooner than later because it might be hard to do that later. Also we are trying to lessen the numbers of Fenassa just in case they decided to get back together. So far no one seems to notice that Jellal is coming back together in the future so this is great diversion for us now that the focus on players who are UTR and Fenassa has more UTR players at this point.

Angela and I had our first disagreement because she wanted Alec gone, she thinks Alec is gonna do something but I don't think that is the case, he has no one atm and I am trying to work with him so I could probably use that relationship in the future, so far yes Alec has been a social threat but I don't think he is that Kind of threat in this game but he is already branded as a threat so... keeping him now would be beneficial for me and Angela because she is starting to be become a challenge threat and he is a good shield for her. In the end I convinced Angela to go along with the UTR purge.

Re: Episode 10

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 1:09:46 am
by Chelsea
Alec and I had been talking so I was trying to get him on my side too. and I think I am successful. He is a nice guy and it's easy to talk to him, we get along very well cuz we are both talkative, he has a great personality and I enjoy talking game to him. After what happened last tribal council where he got votes and then feeling being betrayed by his ally. I think this time I could now work with him moving forward. I wouldn't mind him being at the final with me, I think he would be a great competition at the FTC but I don't know if I can save him until then but right now I will be working with him because I don't think that taking him out early is a good move and I don't know if he truly trusts me now but if he do betray me.. I have an army to avenge me LOL

So far I have close relationship with almost all of the remaining cast members which is weird LOL

Re: Episode 10

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 1:13:16 am
by Chelsea
If I had a choice, on who I want to be at the Final Tribal I would be like...



Re: Episode 10

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 6:48:01 pm
by Chelsea
Goshhh.. voting someone who has been loyal to you is so hard...

Re: Episode 10

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 8:58:50 pm
by Chelsea