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Episode 05

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 8:57:10 pm
by Dale Wentworth
Another one bites the dust, but not you!! Congrats on making it another round in the game! I've got a few questions for you to answer, as usual!

1. We're down to 15 castaways. How important are these next few votes leading into a potential merge?
2. Are you interested in becoming the nomad? or is it more important to solidify yourself in this tribe?
3. You have allies, but do you think you've made any enemies? Any players in the game that you think are gunning for you?
4. What are you planning to do this weekend to set yourself up for a successful challenge/tribal on Sunday?
5. Lets talk critically about your game right now. Would you consider yourself a power player who is worthy of votes at the end? Or are you worried that you're just coasting by and could be considered a FTC goat?
6. Did Captain Marvel rock your socks?

Thanks and good luck!

Re: Episode 05

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 8:00:03 pm
by Clay
1. I think these next votes are super important. As both tribes have members from all three original tribes (I believe), tribe lines and alliances are going to either be strengthened or weakened in these votes. Big moves will come out and show who is loyal to who
2. I think it would be cool to be the nomad, but honestly I want to work on my relationships within this tribe. Being the nomad would be good because I could check in with Jed and Robb and see where they're at, but I have a solid thing going on in this tribe with Sebastian, Mike, and Kellyn that I don't want to be on the outside of just yet
3. Like I've said in previous confessionals, I think Ghandia and/or Stephanie do not like me... I don't know that we are necessarily enemies, but I get the feeling that they didn't like me back in the old Ahmar days. I get the impression that Ghandia isn't connecting with new Ahmar that well, so voting her out soon may be a good move for me.
4. Been processing things a lot this weekend. I chatted with some tribe mates this weekend just to reflect on the tribal and challenge, but nothing too crazy. I'm looking forward to the results of the challenge tonight
5. I think I'm making decent moves but nothing too impressive yet. I don't think I'm a goat but I need to step my game up between now and the end if I want to win this thing. Things are in the works for some big moves soon hopefully!
6. Captain Marvel was AWESOME. Definitely one of my favorite MCU titles so far. Definitely want to see it again!