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Episode 10

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 10:09:48 pm
by Kimmi Kappenberg
Congrats on f10! icon_chaos icon_chaos icon_chaos icon_chaos

There's only 7 more votes between you and the final tribal, do you feel like at this point you'd be considered deserving enough of a win if you make it that far or do you have your work cut out for you? If you think you're winner material, how do you plan to stay in that long? And if you don't just yet, what's your gameplan? 7 votes isn't a whole lot of time, you'd better get crackin'.

If you had your way, who would be the next person to leave and why?

With the way the last tribal went down, what's your next move? Alec got the most votes after Mike, so is he the next easy vote or are you going to try to make some waves and push your own agenda?

Can you give me a rundown of the rest of the players and your relationship with them? Who do you think you can work with, who do you think are the biggest threats, who would you invite to your birthday party?

Re: Episode 10

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 9:12:07 pm
by Clay
At this point, I think I have some work cut out for me. I have heard my name has come up for a few votes but I've managed to build enough relationships to stay in the game, which says something. But at the same time, I think I need to make more big moves to pad my resume for the final tribal. Right now the gameplan is to take out some of the more "goat-like" players to get their numbers down, and then go for the bigger threats (ie Alec and Chelsea, etc.). It sucks at this point because we are all pals, as I've said several times, but Survivor is about outlasting and that's what I gotta do.

I would love if we could get Chelsea out. I see her as a big threat, socially and strategically. Also, I don't think she trusts me as I've said before. But I think to be wise, I need to wait before I start gunning for her. Pushing for her to get out could put a big target on my back that I don't need right now.

Alec makes a lot of sense: I think people realize he would do well at the final TC at this point... But the more big targets I push for, the bigger of a target I become myself. So yes, he would be an easy vote, but several of us want to take out a few of the goats first before him so that we can lower their numbers. For now, Alec is safe, but we'll see how it goes after the next few tribals.

As I've mentioned a lot, Robb is my closest ally in this game. We don't keep any secrets from each other and have strong connections on both sides of things. I want to go to the end with him. Sometimes I think that I may need to betray him if I want to win this thing, but I'm still thinking through that one. Sebastian is my next closest ally. We talk a lot and I'm not really keeping any secrets from him either. I don't think he's playing me, and I trust him. In the middle are Angela and all of the goats: Pat, Davie, Gabby, and Donathan. Angela and I don't talk that much. I'd group her in with the rest of the goats, but she rocks at challenges and actually talks to me more than the rest of the goat-gang. My feelings toward her and the goats are very neutral. Next is Alec, I think we both trusted each other a good bit, but I've heard talk that he might want me out soon, and I also want him out soon. It's too bad though, we're like Jay and Adam from Millenials vs. Gen X. We get along so well and I love the guy, but game recognizes game, and I think we both want to get the other out sooner rather than later. And finally is Chelsea, she's nice and cool and all, but rarely talks game with me unless I bring it up first. I think it's because she doesn't trust me, and may even want me out. I want her out, but more because she makes me paranoid than any concrete reason. I think she is good at this game but wants to keep me in the dark, which is why I trust her the least.

I would invite all of them, plus Kimmi, to my birthday party so I could get maximum presents!