12th Place - 2nd Juror - Voted Out 9-3
By Gary Hogeboom
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Congratulations on surviving another tribal council icon_blush ! The game is really starting to pick up as we lost 3 players just today! But you still out here though. Let's see what's on your mind tonight...

1. It seemed like you had a solid plan for the next tribal council. Do you think those plans will change or have they already?

2. Have you gotten any clues to the location of the hidden immunity idol? How hard are you going for that idol? Do you think you're on the right track?

3. Did the putting people on blast punishment tell you anything about your castmates that might affect your game going forward?

4. It might be time to start thinking about future changes in the game. What are your plans as of now for approaching a merged game or other tribal twists you might encounter?

5. Who are your closest allies on this tribe? Who are your enemies and why?
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Gary Hogeboom

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By Stephanie
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I don't think the plans will change. We have a strong 4 and we aren't ready to shake things up until the next-next tribal council. Robb, graciously shared the two hidden immunity idol clues to our alliance. Jed and I spent about 30 minutes trying to figure it out and didn't really get far. I went on the path of old Berber/North African/Moroccan heroes or anyone of really big importance and didn't get super far. Jed went on the path of some of the first survivor players and yet, we still got nothing. The putting people on blast didn't really tell me much, it seems like everyone is still in the faux friendship part of the game. It won't be until the tribe swap or merge, we'll really get to know people. For the future, Jed and I are going to stick together and try to keep us for the final 2. If there's a merge or tribe swap, it'll be obvious that Ahmar is on the bottom as we have the least amount of people. I think we just really need to put our social game and challenge game on high blast to really secure our spots in the future. Jed and I are really close, we have our own little 2 person alliance inside the 4 person alliance. I wouldn't say I have any enemies, but the next person that needs to go is Clay.
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By Danni Boatwright
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icon_chaos YOU SWAPPED icon_chaos


Can you give us a rundown on your new tribe? Are you planning on staying strong with your old allies, or do you think it's time to start from scratch? How is the nomad twist going to shape your strategy moving forward?
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Danni Boatwright

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By Stephanie
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Our new tribe is getting along pretty well. Our old Ahmar alliance is linking up with Angela and Chelsea and hoping to get rid of Brendan tonight. The idea of slowly getting rid of the guys to become female strong if we go to the merge, sounded pretty nice. I trust Jed a lot and I'm not sure if I'm ready to get rid of him. Kellyn is planning on going to the other tribe and making it female strong over there as well. Everything seems a little too good to be true. I'm not super worried about the nomad, if anything it's helping our game right now. But we'll just have to wait and see.
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