11th Place - 3rd Juror - Voted Out 5-4-2
By Gary Hogeboom
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Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike,
Congratulations on surviving another tribal council icon_blush ! The game is really starting to pick up as we lost 3 players just today! But you still out here though. Let's see what's on your mind tonight...

1. It seemed like you had a solid plan for the next tribal council. Do you think those plans will change or have they already?

2. How hard are you going for that idol? Do you think you're on the right track?

3. Did the putting people on blast punishment tell you anything about your castmates that might affect your game going forward?

4. It might be time to start thinking about future changes in the game. What are your plans as of now for approaching a merged game or other tribal twists you might encounter?

5. Who are your closest allies on this tribe? Who are your enemies and why?
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Gary Hogeboom

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By Mike
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So today was a day! Image

Plans they are a changin. Turns out my friend Davie was lying to me about the idol clues. Suddenly I'm not so sure how I feel about this man. Luckily Gabby's pretty straight forward and gave me the entire clues (I hope goddamn it). Davie was trying to use me to form an alliance or friendship but he wasn't willing to truly meet me halfway, so I'm thinking that Davie has gots to go. Knowing that most people weren't told he was the tuareg, I have ammo to convice others to write down his name.

It's all fun and games until you fuck with me. Then you get snuffed.

I'm trying to find the idol pretty hard but these clues don't make any sense man. I've done more research on North African cuisine than I did for most of my papers in college, but none of the passwords work. All the clues involve the word dig and people have been saying things like "DIG DEEP" in all caps and I'm starting to get paranoid about this shit. Davie could possibly have an idol... I don't know how he would've solved that clue, but it is possible.

The on blast didn't really change much. Gabby picked Pat because we had nothing to say about him really. I wish she picked Davie. Fuck that guy. We did learn that nat cares most about staying in character.

I don't feel very comfortable to be completely honest. I thought Davie was going to possibly be a useful ally until it was his turn for slaughter, but now it seems like he's trying to play me the same way. Maybe I could rely on his vote if it meant he'd be safe another day, but truthfully I want him gone. Natalie doesn't seem to be making a lot of friends. She's too caught up acting. So she or Pat would be the easy vote. Then we blindside Davie. The question is, does Davie have an idol.If we do this right, he wouldn't know and would enjoy a 5-1 vote, maybe with an idol in his pocket. If he did know and played his idol, I'm hoping to convince him to vote for Nat. There's a lot of risk involved there. If everyone was on board we could get crazy and split the vote 3-2 between Davie and Nat. That opens up a chance for a 3-3 tie and a revote, but then we just vote Davie on the revote and he goes home anyway. Nat would be a burned though. She'd go nuts haha.

So yeah. My head isn't on the post-merge right now because I still need to solidify my standings in the tribe. If all goes according to plan, Davie will go home, Nat will be on the bottom, there will be a 4 person alliance with Pat being on the bottom of it, and Alec, Gabby and I will be in control. Easy stuff right?

I hope to get Tuareg and start making alliances with the other Tuaregs. That or find an idol. That would make everything so much easier.

Games on everybody Image
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By Mike
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What the fickity fuck just happened? hahahahahaha

I'm just gonna keep this short and sweet cuz no one asked me anything yet. We swapped. It was great. I somehow ended up on a tribe that has 4 former Fenassa, and they were the 4 that were actually here day 1. Some of that luck went out the window when I realized that Kellyn can replace anyone on our tribe, and apparently it's going to be nat? her reasons are beyond me, but suddenly my tribe is going to be 3-3-2 rather than that beautiful 4-2-2.

That being said Sebastian and I seem to get along well and same with Kellyn. I know it might just be because we have the numbers, but having more friends is never a bad thing. Though I do need to watch my back. They might turn out to be some sneaky mofos.

Gabby wasn't here for long, same for Alec, and Nat is just a La croix version of the real deal, so I ended up talking with Seb and Kellyn the most. I can understand why this could be dangerous. They will be our equals in terms of having the numbers and I can already see Seb subtly gunning for Alec. If the tribe ends up 3-3-2 then suddenly they can take control by voting off a fenassa member. Truthfully I'm a bit behind on getting to know Clay and Ghandia so we might have some work to do, or I'll end up in a bad position.

Seb almost lost us the challenge so maybe that's a way to weasel in their heads that giving former jellal the control is a bad idea.

Alec is back on. We've got some catching up to do. I'll give you creeps more later.

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By Danni Boatwright
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icon_chaos YOU SWAPPED icon_chaos


Thanks for giving us a good rundown. Can you give us any updates on the relationships you're forming? How is the nomad twist playing into your strategy?
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Danni Boatwright

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By Mike
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SO APPARENTLY NAT WANTS ME GONE. THAT BITCH IS GOING HOME. I know it can't be for a few days, but still.

The relationships I'm forming are solid, and things have only gotten better between Alec, Gabby and I. I think Seb and Kellyn will be great allies, but it seems like we're destined to be on a feuding tribe. Half jellal, half fennassa with 2 former Ahmar making things interesting.

Seizing control to be "Fenassa Strong" would actually be pretty difficult, and if Nat wants me gone, I don't think it's in my best interest. My game plan might be to use Nat as a sacrificial lamb to make peace between the two warring factions within our tribe. I'll try and convince them to make someone else nomad if I can still. The former Jellal will feel safe being at the very least equal in power, and probably feel safer once I tell them I'm voting for Nat. Maybe I can build strong enough relationships that we'll peacefully vote off the remaining Ahmar afterwards? There's a lot of risk in that idea but there's also a lot of risk in letting a player who wants to stab my back stay in the game, and actually gain power through the nomad position.

It's a slippery slope out here. I'm just hoping Nat is the one who trips up.
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