6th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 5-0
By Gary Hogeboom
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CHELS! Final 16! Wow! What an accomplishment! icon_bananadance
We have a couple questions for you to think about as we head into tomorrow's challenge.

1-Where would you place yourself on this tribe? Are you in the drivers seat? Stuck in the middle and not sure where to go? Feeling alone on the bottom? We want to know!

2-With the nomad twist, Kellyn can swap places with anyone in the game, making them immune for the next round. How does that effect your game?

3-Who would you say your closest ally is in the game? Who do you want out the most? Why?

4-What does the idol situation look like on your tribe? Do you think it's been found? If so, do you know who has it?

5-As the game progresses, are you paying attention to which tribe people started on? Or have the lines blurred enough where that doesn't matter?
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By Chelsea
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Dammnnn long way to go hahahaha!
Gary Hogeboom wrote:1-Where would you place yourself on this tribe? Are you in the drivers seat? Stuck in the middle and not sure where to go? Feeling alone on the bottom? We want to know!
Right now me and Angla is in a 5 people Alliance with OG Ahmar people and I am definitely on the bottom on that one. And you probably know what happened last time when I was part of an Alliance and I felt I was on the bottom LOL

Gary Hogeboom wrote:2-With the nomad twist, Kellyn can swap places with anyone in the game, making them immune for the next round. How does that effect your game?
It affects my game depends on who Kellyn choose. Because I have plans on how to survive this tribe and I hope I get lucky. I just need the right timing. But either way its still going to be messy and I will just have to adjust accordingly.
so I'll just have to wait and see
Gary Hogeboom wrote:3-Who would you say your closest ally is in the game? Who do you want out the most? Why?
My closest ally atm is stil Seabass and I hope he is doing well at the other side. Right now Angela and I have each other and I feel like just a little bit more we could survive this Putang Inang tribe.

People I want out? hmmmmm atm I just want to lessen the numbers or OG Fenassa cuz we still dont know their Dynamics are I don't care who goes but I just want one of them out.

and anyone on the Ahmar tribe I want out too because they just don't do it for me.

when the time comes I'll stike and it would either be a success or I end up going to loser island.

Gary Hogeboom wrote:4-What does the idol situation look like on your tribe? Do you think it's been found? If so, do you know who has it?
Idol has never been a topic of the people of my tribe. So I can't really answer that but I feel like someone has an idol, I need more time to figure out who. But for sure.

I was thinking a while ago during Tribal, maybe I should have just found it and used it there and Blindside someone from the other tribe LOL that will be funny hahahahaha but I got what I want so can't complain hahaha
Gary Hogeboom wrote:5-As the game progresses, are you paying attention to which tribe people started on? Or have the lines blurred enough where that doesn't matter?
Nope Lines is still not blurred or whatever because all of us is still depending on their original connections because they want the numbers by the Merge. The reason why I really want Brendan out is so we don't get targeted yet. Some of the people asks if that is a good idea because we are down but nope that is alright. Whether Brendan shows up or we was active didn't really matter because I will still take him out. I will still subtlety mess up the challenge to get him voted out and us willing to take him out will make an impression on the others that we down to fuck it them.

yeah numbers are important but bond is much important and that's what I am trying to do now so others can cut their old alliance I just need right timing.
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I just realized I voted out the two guys I initially want to be aligned with. LOL

how things have change... this game is crazy af icon_chaos
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So I guess being on the other side of the earth has advantage too LOL

Robb is always online whenever I am online and I think I can use that to forge a bond between us, Jed told me he was intense. But so far I don't think that's the case.. or maybe I have just adjusted chatting to game bots? IDK lol but I feel like I did change from Day 1 to now and I am more confident now.

it's good to have two people I can work with from different tribes so far I am working now with Davie and sooner or later I will probably get Robb or Jed on my side if things work out. but at least one of them is good

So I'll just have to wait and see what happens tomorrow or later lol
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So tonight Kellyn is going to choose the next Nomad......................................

Ugggghhhhgh why the hell its so hard to explain! LOL

I don't want to be on that Girls alliance, Fuck that shit! I am gonna contest that fucking bullshit.

where the hell is Seabass when I needed him hahahaha!

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LOL at the hilarity of explaining myself to Kellyn. icon_lol

Well I didn't expect anything less from her strategic mind.
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Kimmi Kappenberg wrote:Care to elaborate?
I was explaining to Kellyn in my perspective on what are the possible scenarios after she chooses the next Nomad. She is 85% on picking Davie cuz he isn't going to take advantage of it which is funny cuz if that's what they want they should just choose Pat instead the guy doesn't talk much.. I'd probably enjoy more talking to a stray dog outside tbh.
I prefer Kellyn to be on the other side but when I explained to her why she told me I don't make any sense and making me feel stupid which is rich coming from a girl who got blindsided at Day 2 which is hilarious. LOL

I feel she is so dead on with this Future Girls Alliance with people who we just met. I mean yeah I understand why is it a good thing. But why would I even want to work with people who I don't trust. Maybe if Steph actually interacted with me more I'd probably consider it. But nope.. so fuck that Girl's Allaince. I don't want to be a part of that.

and another girls alliance? come on! the guys can see it from a mile away and it hasn't even formed yet LOL
so that Black Widow Brigade ver 57 can kiss my brown ass. hahahaha
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Wow so Kellyn chose to be at the new Ahmar tribe, I was surprised! I don't know why she did that. Maybe she listened to me looooool IDK? and also IDK why she chose Alec. All I could think was because he wasn't online much in the past few days..
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Also we won the challenge last night! I can't believe it hahaha! I was ready to go to TC tbh but having a down time is great.
Everyone was worked well together, even though we are mess at first but eventually we pulled it together. I volunteered to post our answers and we got a little lucky. I know that my weakness are the challenges but I feel like even if I sit out on challenges, mess it up and lose... No will will write my name.... yet lol
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I am really looking forwards on who is going to be voted out tonight. Hopefully it's not one of my allies. I think everyone want an OG Fenassa to be voted but I don't know what will happen later.
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