6th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 5-0
By Danni Boatwright
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Wow what a night!
A few questions for you to ponder over the next few days

1-Tonight's tribal was insane. How do you think it changed the tribe dynamics, if at all?
2-Do you feel like you have control of your game? If not, how do you plan on changing that?
3-Alec picked Mike as the new nomad. How do you feel about that?
4-Were you surprised how quickly someone took immunity during today's challenge?
5-Can you give us a breakdown of who you trust most in the game to who you trust the least?
6-You got votes tonight. Were you expecting them? Does this worry you moving forward?

That's all I've got, have a great night!
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By Chelsea
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I am still High from TC icon_chaos icon_chaos icon_chaos

I am glad that my 2/3 Tribal Councils were Crazy Intense...

So I assume Chelsea can get a decent Edit now? right?
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*Me and Angela after our plan to take out Jed of the Piss Yellow Duo was a success*

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By Chelsea
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Danni Boatwright wrote:1-Tonight's tribal was insane. How do you think it changed the tribe dynamics, if at all?
Yes! it was insane but I already knew it's going to be a tie between me and Jed because I already felt she has an Idol.. cuz she is awfully confident going to TC and alsooo she is bad at acting and then I'll just have to wait and see what would happen after the tie.. but eventually I get to stay so fuck them.. they can try again. So it seems like moving forward.. The Blue Hoes , The Brick boys plus Robb will be working together while Bland Pissy Steph is alone... She is Begging MIke to be the next Nomad which is funny cuz she probably wants to take revenge on us. Well good luck with that.
Danni Boatwright wrote:2-Do you feel like you have control of your game? If not, how do you plan on changing that?
Maybe I would have to go with my gut more. My gut is telling me to just put Jed but I went on voted for Steph even thought I know she has an Idol. But I guess I really wanted to see what would happen if the votes were tied. It was risky but I know I still have a fighting chance to stay.
Danni Boatwright wrote:3-Alec picked Mike as the new nomad. How do you feel about that?
I was not surprised because the 3 OG Fenassa were tight. I have feelings about that tbh.
Danni Boatwright wrote:4-Were you surprised how quickly someone took immunity during today's challenge?
No I am not surprised, because we are in a tribe where you really don't know who to trust and I did understand that Davie got spooked by what Jed told him. It actually passed my mind to maybe just get it but I want to vote out one of the Pissy duo so I didn't take it.
Danni Boatwright wrote:6-You got votes tonight. Were you expecting them? Does this worry you moving forward?
Yes i am expecting them cuz they were dumbasses who can't lie properly. Porn stars have better acting skills .
Tbh.. No I am not worried. I told on my interview that I don't mind taking a hit as long as my target goes home and his stupid ass did. LOL
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By Chelsea
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Wow that was succhhhh a crazy tribal council.

Me and Angela both knew that those two can't be trusted and spoiler alert we are right.. and I really used the whole weekend to think ways on how I could survive this. I even convinced Robb to work together and I was successful.
Me and Angela laid out 3 plans.
1- was to actually join the Piss Yellow Club
2- Take out Steph
3- Piss off Steph by taking out her #1 ally

we are leaning towards #2 and that's what I told the Brick boys earlier and they were down.

But the moment I got my "hOw wAs yOur WeEkeNd?" reply from Steph.. I know that something is wrong and I was right cuz she is gunning for me and her being soooo brave of targeting me I knew she has an idol and everything that I was thinking was right, If she was a better liar and if Jed isn't so obvious for his dislike towards me then I would probably would have been voted out.
I feel like Jed tipped off Steph based on his chat with Robb. I can't really fault Robb because he really did believe Jed even though I already warned him.. oh well
So last night I did really took a risk by trusting the Brick boys and Splitting the votes. I know it will tie but at least I would still have a chance to stay. I did really contemplate on putting Jed's name instead of Steph but I just went to stick to the plan and hence all the fuckery during TC hahaha!

Did I regret not going with my gut? A little? But I really thought what happened during Tribal was fun and tbh I didn't even need to tell shit cuz those stupid pissy shitheads dug there own grave by lying and pretty much telling everyone that they are a pair and also they keep bringing up Kellyn like wtf, they were fighting really hard I'd give them that LOL

I took a risk and it was a success so I am really happy. icon_chaos
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By Chelsea
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Me being targeted and almost being voted out because of Kellyn.. is pretty hilarious too! icon_lol
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Oops I missed a question
Danni Boatwright wrote:5-Can you give us a breakdown of who you trust most in the game to who you trust the least?
1- Angela I trust the most atm here at New Fenassa
2- Robb, we've been talking a lot and I just did what those Dumb asses can't do with him
3 - Davie , we had a talk before that we would have each other's back.
4 - Pat , tbh I feel like he secretly hates me lol but he did save me and I really wanted to work with him. I guess I just need to know what he really thinks of me

I trust the least of course would be Ms. Bland Stephanie, I mean she went after me and started making up lies she is probably planning her revenge, she is so pissed and I am really happy about it and then you have Kellyn IDK what the hell she is telling people but I was targeted because of that LOL
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So Stephanie like a dumbass she is, started lying and throwing Jed under the bus and blaming him for what happened last night so she could save herself LOL this is FANTASTIC!
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By Chelsea
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So tonight I just also realized that Jed basically voted himself out LOL

well I am assuming that this what happened..

- if he didn't scare little Davie, he wouldn't take the Immunity and sending us to Tribal int the first place...

- then he probably warning Steph about what's gonna happen.. played her Idol

- also think we are stupid .. we voted for him too

- and then got voted out by screaming to the whole Morocco that him and Steph were a Duo.. LOL

what a dumbass icon_lol
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Last night we won the challenge.. Miss Stephanie with no personality is so lucky we didn't lose because she is in danger.
I wanted to throw the challenge actually, I wanna do it in a subtle way but it's so hard when it was obvious that the other tribe has weaker players in that challenge so Miss Bland Dumbass bitch lives another day.

Right now I think everyone is thinking about the possible merge soon and planning on what should we do.
This is the only moment that I felt was the lines are really blurred, I was given a lot info last night on were working with who so that is interesting.

Also some of my questions were also answered last night.. like who is the First Tuareg and shit. lol
and I was wrong about Brendan hahaha!

There was a lot of talk about the idols too.

I also confirmed that The Piss Yellow Duo doesn't really like me. I was asked the question if I do have enemies or if someone is coming for me and my answer to that was I don't know yet but I have a feeling someone was plotting against me. Turns out my gut is correct again that someone is plotting against me but I didn't really consider them as enemies before at the end of the day this was a game and they are just wanna stay, play the game and vote someone off but what I didn't expect was it seems like a personal thing against me than strategic ( at least that's the vibe I got from the Tribal and also from what I was told ) .. well too bad for him cuz I got to him first LOL

I didn't really consider them as enemies before but now I do consider Dumbass Stephanie my enemy .

Getting Robb on my side is really beneficial for me game and I am glad I did that, like I said before I just threw the information they given me to their faces.
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By Danni Boatwright
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Chelsea wrote:
Tue Mar 12, 2019 4:55:37 am
Right now I think everyone is thinking about the possible merge soon and planning on what should we do.
This is the only moment that I felt was the lines are really blurred, I was given a lot info last night on were working with who so that is interesting.
Can you give us an idea of where your head is at headed into the merge? Who do you want to work with from this tribe? Anyone from the new Ahmar tribe that you want to get back together with?
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By Chelsea
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Danni Boatwright wrote:Can you give us an idea of where your head is at headed into the merge? Who do you want to work with from this tribe? Anyone from the new Ahmar tribe that you want to get back together with?
I am really excited going into the merge. but atm I am still thinking what is the best step moving forward because right now it's like there's almost like 13 possible alliance ( that I counted based on the info I have ) new cross tribal and OG tribal alliances . So I am still thinking on ways on how I could navigate this because we ll predict that it's going to be a mess at the merge. So I have to wait and see who goes home next tribal

I myself have like connections to almost everyone that I met so far my OG and the new Fenassa. The biggest mistake that those dumbasses Stephanie and Jed was they are sooo pressed on my connections with my OG Tribe that they never thought I already created allies within our tribe.

I am really looking forward on reconnecting with my Seaweed Alliance - Sebastian and also with The Hoe Garden Alliance- Donathan.

I am also looking forward meeting Mike again, we had a talk while he was a Nomad that we'll play together if ever we get to the Merge. I think I could also work with Alec since I feel like we could work together too. TBH these two player are the ones I feel like are strong players based on my interaction with them, the way they chat and also seeing them perform on challenges.
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By Chelsea
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Oh and also I am looking forward on Angela and Kellyn reuniting! LOL

Angela vs Kellyn at the Merge please! icon_chaos
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