6th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 5-0
By Gary Hogeboom
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Chelsea Chelsea,
Well, you've made it to the final 9. Single digits!!! icon_eek If you feel comfortable, it's probably time to make sure everything is as it seems. We are closer to the end than it may appear. There are only a handful of votes separating you from the cash prize in Morocco. Here's a few imperative questions to get you thinking.

1. Tell us why you didn't go for the idol tonight and explain what was going through your head at the time the twist was announced.
2. Tonight's tribal council seemed to have a lot of uncertainty and tension. Did anybody's behavior before or during the council alarm you? What did you learn and how has it changed your plans immediately and over the long term?
3. There's at least 1 idol currently in play, how much are you worried about someone being able to remain immune for the rest of the game? Do you have any plans to deal with idols in the future?
4. You just put a 4th person on the jury, that's potentially enough votes to win the game. What do you think are your jury votes right now?
5. How much are you weighing the potential of each remaining player as an opponent at FTC versus a potential jurymember? Do you have a strategy for jury management from this point forward?

Keep up the great work and good luck tomorrow!
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Gary Hogeboom

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By Chelsea
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Okay so I accidentally voted out Pat LOOOL

this is fucking hilarious! LOOOL
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By Chelsea
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Okay so last night was so fucking wild.

Davie was the main target to be voted off.. but like I said I like Davie and I can't write his name cuz I like him and he has been loyal to me at Fenassa 2.0 so I decided to just write Pat's name instead because I am pretty sure Davie is a goner anyway and my vote didn't matter even with Donathan voting with me anyways.

So I was talking to Gabby last night (here in Manila) and I shared to her that I am gonna vote Pat and I already told her that the guys are going for Davie, she even said that she doesn't like Davie that much so I assumed she'll go with Davie. We talked about Pat and the way he doesn't reply much and all that shit and before I go to bed I told her I was voting Pat.

So before tribal I went online and Pat and I talked a little, and since I thought Davie is still the vote I told him he was safe because that's what I thought. I even told him it's Davie/Alec cuz that's what I know.

Then I was chatting with Seb telling him about the target on his idol and stuff and I told him that I would be voting Pat even if he didn't because a vote or two doesnt even matter cuz I thought Davie was locked anyway. So he suggested what if we just voted Pat, and I was hmmm..yeah sure let's do him LOL and I thought it wasn't even serious cuz I was accused of splitting the votes to blindside someone which is not true so I guess he did ask the others to vote Pat out.

While Gabby when being asked who she is going to vote she is telling the others that I told her to vote for Pat so she is voting for Pat which set the motions to the Fuckery last Night.. She told Robb and apparently Robb told Pat and Pat confronted me and I told him the truth.. or atleast what I thought was true! and he is not believing it and he was mad.
Because I didn't even know that the Davie flipped to Pat. Pat told me what I was throwing their name..which I didnt even do.. I just told people to I was voting for him. I even told Alec just to vote for whoever and he seems like he would be voting with me so it's just 3 votes which is still not enough anyways..

I also told Davie what happened and he was chill about it.. told him the truth about him being the target all that shit and since I am in danger cuz of the fuckery that is happening... I just told Davie to vote Pat cuz wtf I will just go with it.

I wasn't even sure if I was gonna survive that tribal LOOL

So Sebastian pointed out that I actually and accidentally campaigned for him and Gabby was the fucker who told the others and accidentally flipped it LOOOL

so I fought with Pat last night, asking him to tell me who the fuck told him cuz I was pissed that he thinks I am actually throwing his name out which I didn't (at least intentionally) because it was Gabby's fault to begin with and Robb ratted me out.. just because I didn't tell him.. I guess he was pressed I didn't tell him? idk but it doesn't even matter cuz it was just like nothing to me.. .I guess I should have taken this more seriously LOOL

so I fought with Pat, got him voted out because I accidentally and unintentionally campaigned for him to be voted out and I got mad cuz someone lied to him, which all came from a misunderstanding LOOOOL

I was sooo pissed a while ago and now I can't stop laughing icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol
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By Chelsea
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Gary Hogeboom wrote:1. Tell us why you didn't go for the idol tonight and explain what was going through your head at the time the twist was announced.
I didn't go for it because even though I know I am in danger my gut is telling me that I don't need it.. So I didn't.
I expecting someone to get it though..so I was shocked NO ONE actually went for it hahaha

Gary Hogeboom wrote:2. Tonight's tribal council seemed to have a lot of uncertainty and tension. Did anybody's behavior before or during the council alarm you? What did you learn and how has it changed your plans immediately and over the long term?
Well if you wanna know why plans changed and there is so much uncertainty please read my post above LOL
it was kinda my fault hahaha!! Well Pat did certainly became more talkative now loool

Gary Hogeboom wrote:3. There's at least 1 idol currently in play, how much are you worried about someone being
able to remain immune for the rest of the game? Do you have any plans to deal with idols in the future?
Hmmm I am not bothered by the idol because it's with Sebastian, all he has to do is just use it correctly.

Gary Hogeboom wrote:4. You just put a 4th person on the jury, that's potentially enough votes to win the game. What do you think are your jury votes right now?
I have NONE atm! looool
Kellyn hates me, Stephanie Hates me, Mike IDK? Pat hates me
Gary Hogeboom wrote:5. How much are you weighing the potential of each remaining player as an opponent at FTC versus a potential jurymember? Do you have a strategy for jury management from this point forward?
Now this... I really don't have any strategy for jury management other than owning everything I did in this game and probably just tell them what they want to hear/know when I get to FTC.
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By Chelsea
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Okay... So I just realized my strategy of fighting everyone and being outspken has probably no use atm LOL
I was trying to put the target on me, being more exposed and visible and shit so they wouldn't even dare noticemy Jellal friends but suddenly Angela became a challenge threat and Seabass who still has an idol and Donathan a very UTR player and was targeted last night LOOOOL

and now I feel like all of us 4 are now fucking targets AHAHAHA!!! Great. icon_lol icon_lol
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By Jeff Probst
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Let's do a recap. So far this is the breakdown of the final 9 in the game:

Original Ahmar: Clay, Robb
Original Fenassa: Alec, Davie, Gabby
Original Jellal: Angela, Chelsea, Donathan, Sebastian

New Ahmar: Alec, Clay, Donathan, Gabby, Sebastian
New Fenassa: Angela, Chelsea, Davie, Robb

Do any of these formations stick out to you, do you think it could impact the game going forward and does it factor into your plans?
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