- Wed Mar 27, 2019 8:13:06 am
Robb - hmmm tbh he is so messy for me, But he does work hard to stay which I respect but damn.. IDK about him winning.. He for sure would have a decent FTC because he is good at explaining his shit. I don't know if you guys would respect a player that really doesn't care about loyalty and just runs around being messy just like Alec said. It's gonna be Robb vs Seb for sure.. I feel like only one of them will go to FTC. I will not vote for him, because I feel like he forgot that he is actually playing with real people and fuck feelings right? cuz It's a game.
Gabby - very quiet player and I really don't know what kind of player she is that's why I want her out so bad and for her to win she needs to sit with Don and Davie at the end.
Davie - He is the guy who is the most reliable and honest out of everyone there, very loyal. When we were working together and there is a crucial play that needs to be done I always go to him because he is soooo reliable and will deliver. I feel like he is getting shit on for being inactive most of the time and they think that he is nothing, But you really don't have to make big/flashy moves to win. The subtle and small moves are enough as long as you survive and for me he isn't coasting, that's what I observed when we are in Fenassa.
Don - hmmm... IDK he is too nice and also a bad liar, and in his defense he made some moves in his own..lmao and taking me out is probably the best thing he did so far? Will not vote him
Seb - He is the only person I knew who could beat me in the end. But now I know what he did to everyone in here.. WOW! Loyalty to me is soooo important especially to my Jellal tribemates and I had one request he didn't do that after all the drama he told me about writing his name that didn't even pushed thru and didn't even mean anything and if he really did care, we could have done something if he really wanted me to be in f3 with him like what he claimed to be, so fuck our alliance and he and Donathan can fuck themselves. I will not vote for him.