6th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 5-0
By Danni Boatwright
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CHELSEA icon_chaos icon_chaos !! Congrats on surviving your first tribal council! I have a few questions for you to think about this weekend.

1-Did the votes at tribal surprise you at all? Or were you expecting this outcome?
2-Can you walk us through the tribe dynamics as you see them? Are there any clear alliances or groups that you can see?
3-What do you think of the Taureg twist? Any advantages/disadvantages you can see from this twist in the game?
4-Any other thoughts? questions?

We look forward to hearing from you!
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By Chelsea
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Did the votes surprise me? To be honest.. yes. Coming in here tonight I thought I was going to vote for Donathan, but Donathan and I bonded before the challenge and I did some game talk with him because apparently he hasn't talk to anyone yet about the game and he doesn't know what his position was. And as much as I a crazy I kinda felt bad about it.
I feel like The Cool Kids felt sad to vote him out too but if we lose we have to vote someone one because this is a game.

As much as possible I want us to win the challenge because I don't want to vote someone out. Unfortunately we lost and it just really crazy, because suddenly The Cool Kids can't vote Donathan because he did the puzzle #1. Now it's either Angela or Sebastian. I can't let Angela go because I know we will need her in the Pleasure Seeker's alliance and especially Seabass I can't let him be voted out. So I guess the bonds that I had was the determining factor and Chris and I didn't really had that bond and he is close to Kellyn, I need so he had to go. Especially earlier in the game they are the one who likes to strategize and that is dangerous maybe not for me but to the people I have bonded with.I felt bad to be honest because no one wants to be voted out first but it has to be done and I am really sorry Chris. Maybe if Chris and I bonded more maybe the outcome would be different.
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I think it is funny now because at First I want to work with the Hot men of Jellal and on I thought I would be working with them to take out the other girls but that didn't happen now Lol. This is crazy. I guess being social really helps especially earlier stage of the game.
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Okay so there is clear majority Alliance which consists of 4 people - Kellyn, Brendan, Chris and myself.
I think Kellyn formed that group and only Kellyn is the one I bonded with in that alliance, I felt that I was the bottom in that alliance. It seems like Kellyn and the Hot Men were and close and the two Hot Men are Close. They always like to strategize.

And then there is a not so solid Girls Alliance which are Pleasure Seekers LOL
not solid cuz Kellyn just voted for Angela. and I feel like this alliance is much better than the Cool kids. it does benefit us three and I hope we can be solid moving forward.

and then there is Me and Seabass which is a secret - the Sea weed Alliance LOL

and Angela and Donathan are alone as far as I know. But I bonded with them and we are good so far.

My relationship so far with everyone I feel would keep me safe and or it could be my downfall and that would be Fun tbh ;)
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What do you think of the Taureg twist? Any advantages/disadvantages you can see from this twist in the game?

I don't really care for the twist haha! I don't want it but I feel like I just need my name to involved just in case because as much as I don't care for Immunity Idols that could be useful and I can use that as a weapon in the future.

One advantage I could see from that is you can already make bonds with the other tribe which could be really useful in th future.
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Well the first tribal was really crazy, the scrambling part is so stressful. I hope I get used to this.

I do feel bad for lying to Kellyn but I already made a fool of myself so I just continued lying like a mf cuz I like here. So I am really sorry Kellyn.
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Okay this is very Therapeutic LOL THANK YOU!
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Okay... so I feel like posting here again now that everything has set in... cuz why not. I am going to make it long so you guys can die of boredom reading my thoughts. icon_mml
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Okay so after what happened last tribal council, the first 2 days in the game - I feel much better now and calmed down. That first two days was mixed with so much emotions especially after the first tribal council.

Looking back on what happened, I felt I was too uptight about my thoughts on the game and reading back my confessionals it's kinda up tight, somber and weird LOL It's like I am reporting about a very boring topic in front of the class hahaha.

But I realized that this is a game and I need to loosen up and have fun with it and do whatever that would spark joy in me while I am here, LOL Marie Kondo... Because the reason why I did this in the first place is to have fun and give the Chelsea character the edit that she deserves. Right?! I am going to have a great fucking edit this season.

Anyways...coming in here I was sooooo excited because I just found out about ORGS like a couple of weeks ago when I was invited to apply.

But as a Messy insecure queen that I am, I tend to overthink and especially that I am very new to Survivor and ORGs in general so I was always thinking on what would happen, on what strategy I should do.. at first I plan to team up with the BJ's ( Boys of Jellal ) and take out the girls but the feeling coming into the game first day was like coming in at a new school.. like what the fuck should I do, there a lot of things running on my mind. Should I be making friends? should I message them first? should I start an alliance? should I smack a bitch? should I just wait for someone to pick me up like a fucking prostitute that I am? but what if they don't like me? what if they are unlikable? IDK sooo much thinking..
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Shortly after that start of the game, thankfully Sebastian messaged me and we just clicked. The moment we joked around I knew that he could be an ally. We are both chill, we like to joke around. Nothing too serious unless we have to be, Game Talk wit him is fun and for me that is perfect and unexpected cuz I didn't really thought that I would work with him so from there I just thought.. hmmm this is going to really unpredictable.. ( and hell yeah it will be LOL ) and from then on I knew that he is going to be my #1 and even though I am a messy queen I am Loyal messy queen. So he is now my Ride and Die here in Jellal and decided to keep it a secret which would be fun in the next few days.

I realized that.. besides having fun and playing the game, why not use this to make new friends and just really have fun with it and eventually I talked to everyone. I did message them first cuz why the fuck not. I was really looking forward to work with Chris and Brendan and we would be like the God gifted bitches or something like that. But unfortunately that didn't happen. Chris was nice but I never really gotten to know him unlike SeaBass, maybe cuz he asked early on what are my strengths are, tbf understandable but to me that is no fun.. so I thought well too bad. While Brendan, he was also nice and we chat a little bit and that was it..... then nothing... so yeah my dream alliance with the Bj's ended before even it started ,,,, oh well too bad. LOL
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Then Kellyn... girllll it was really great talking to her. The initial conversation was great, we were joking around,we talked about a lot of stuff and I thought "Wow maybe she could also be my ally and person I could trust with Sebastian".
But then something weird happened, idk I can't really point it out but I just brushed it off and toned down messing around cuz there was something weird but since I like her and our conversations that is not about the game I just went along with it. Until we got to the Game Talk part.. unlike with SeaBass.. it's not much fun but.. Since I do really like her, I stuck with her.

The connection for me was there but when it comes to game talk it's not there, but I just went along with it because she was nice. And then suddenly after a few minutes booom! We had an Alliance with the Hot Men of Jellal - Chris and Brendan. Well even though I feel like I don't belong there I just stuck with it cuz of Kellyn and also... I can't just say Sorry bitch NO thanks LOL bye! and then get voted out.. it's too early to be messy sooo whatever...Im just gonna be part of this and go along with it as long as it's not Sebastian going home.

And the Cool Kids are born.. at least here in stranded but tbh I didn't really feel cool at all and I feel like I was the bottom of that Alliance. cuz Like with the Strategic Kellyn I felt she was closer to Chris since he is also strategic they must have some AWESOME strategic talks right? and then I realized this is not good for SeaBass so I might as well stay here in the Majority and try to sway these hoes to the other targets. And oh boy... our game talks are very fun. . . . yeah. So maybe if felt that bond with SeaBass with Kellyn she'll be my #2 but I never really felt it so as I meet the other hoes her ranking with me keeps going down....
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Anglela, the late comer.. my first impression.. well not that great I do not care for her at first but when I get to chat with her like wow! It was so much fun. I feel like she is fun and I can trust she seems to be liking my humor so that is great. We bonded and then it just became an alliance.
The Panda Express was created. It was so easy to talk to her about anything and game talks seems so easy with her which I realllly like and from then on I know she is my #2 here in Jellal. Kellyn and I wanted to have a girls alliance which is kinda funny cuz I am not a girl so I giggle every time I say "GiRLz aLLiAnCe" lol but I feel like being there are 3 girls in the tribe its perfect right? and since I have Sebastian it's all good, but nope... It didn't happened and probably will never happen. LOL

Then Donathan..sweet sweet Donathan... he was the first original target. We had a little chat and that was it, never really gotten to know him first day, no bond at all.. so I don't care for him. So I pushed him to be the first Target instead of SeaBass and I didn't feel bad about it. But then the next day he was online when I first got to camp. We had a great fun chat and wow...at first I do not care for him but after we bonded I now care for this little bitch. Then I felt bad for putting a target on him, especially when he told me no one had game talk with him... of course I didn't know if that was true or not but whatever.. I have a soul and I hate it. I felt like he is now my #3 here in Jellal.
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With all these developments it made me life here a little complicated. It was going to be difficult to vote someone out because I now care for these hoes who aren't in the majority alliance.
Also complicated because I am in an Alliance that I don't feel comfortable with.

And with Kellyn calling the shots for tHe CoOL kiDz, it's going to be difficult. especially since the girl is so eager. I mean come on.. Donathan and Sebastian was targeted because we had a truth or dare, and when Don and Seabass made jokes and having fun, she saw them as eager and strategic threats which really weird to me.. and the whole situation is very funny to me. The Irony is not lost on me. I was literally like this when she told me about it.


As I was hanging out with tHE CoOL kiDz, I really feel that Kellyn and Chris were close.. I don't know if I am right, but from what I can see... and its not good for my allies and tbh I feel like that time it would be the great to take out Chris and I will take him out not because he is a direct threat to me but he together with Kellyn were threats to my friends. Since I like Kellyn, I'd rather keep her and try working with her and we gotta go with Chris, I just need the right timewhen it comes to that. Soooo I was really hoping that we win the challenge so we don't have to vote someone out since its too early and we are all active!!!! But nope we Lost the challenge and the FUCKERY Began.
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That 20 mins before the tribal was one of the most stressful that happend to me! Damn it was hard! So since Donathan performed great in the Challenge they have to chose another Target so it's either Angela or SeaBass and no way in hell I am going to throw SeaBass's name so I just told them Angela which infairness to them they approved but I know that is not a good move for me and for my allies and when SeaBass told me one of the CoolKidz has to go, I just threw Chris's name since I was already thinking of taking him out and break him and Kellyn anyway. With Chris out Kellyn is mine and we can now have the Girls Alliance but the girl didn't trust Angela and that's Messed up. But in keeping Angela I still have my #2 and have Kellyn with me so it's perfect. And since Chris and I aren't close and he doesn't really think I am hot he has to go.

Sooo yeah First Tribal council - Day 2, I never really thought that I would be Blindsiding someone and Betraying the Majority but oh well... Sorry Chris. So if he is your winner's pick sorry I took him out LOL. I think their mistake was just being complacent with the Majority alliance and not really having a genuine bond with me. But wow Social Skills are so important in here, If I didn't have that bond with these hoes and they didn't trust me.. We wouldn't be able to pull this off. At first I feel weird but after everything sets in I can't stop laughing... omg those hoes... tsk tsk they got blindsided lol
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As for the Tuareg twist - I already shared my feelings, thoughts and theory on what happened and who is the T and it's genius tbh. I didn't really care for it at first but after thinking about it. That maybe it's Brendan all along damnnnn. That is fun! hahaha! But I still don't know if I am correct but yeah. I think that with my theory I think there is something I could do with it that would benefit us along the way. I'll maybe try something and see if it will work.... *smirks*

So Chris wasn't the only one got Blindsided.. the rest of ThE cOoL Kidz well they were also blindsided and cuz I am that messy queen that ruined everything I know I have to do damage control. But since this was my first time doing this shit and still feeling low key bad, my heart still beating so fucking fast. I have to talk to Kellyn and Brendan.

Well Kellyn... hmmmm she wanted explanation.. which tbf an easy task.. just tell her that "yeah girl sorry we wanted him out" but nope...instead I made up a fucking Lie that doesn't make any sense or whatsoever.. cuz I panicked LOL I just fed her some bullshit lie . Thinking about it now I felt fucking stupid and I am laughing at myself. I don't even know if she bought it but I just stuck with it.
I convinced myself it's true and I tried to sell it. She was replying with actual sensible facts and asked me to tell her the truth.. deep inside I feel bad for lying to her and I thought of just coming clean but nope.. I panicked again and I thought it would be dumb to tell her the truth now.. so I just Natalie Anderson my way until the dumb lie is not the truth and I hoped my friends would back me up lol.

As for Brendan... I just fed him the same bullshit lie. Well for now it work cuz THe CoOL kiDz Lives on another day!

Knowing Kellyn for the past 2 days.. I know she would be scrambling after the first TC, because one of her closest ally was voted out and I think she would want to have another majority alliance, probably take in Donathan. Angela I know she doesn't trust. I know that she will be doing a deal with Brendan too. Probably talk to SeaBass.

After Tribal I think it still haven't set in on her. She'll probably be pissed after it sets in. (Spoiler alert! - yes she's pissed now LOL)
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Everything was overwhelming.. Lying, Blindsiding, Playing the social game.. for a first timer I felt so exhausted but also it's exhilarating. It's weird. But I love it. After everything had set in now got into the groove, I feel like I can now truly play this game without feeling weird about myself. What a moment. LOOL
I just have to tell myself that this is a game where it's acceptable to lie.. It's not like I never lied before. I lied to my boss being sick all the time... so this should be easy right?

As for my friends...

SeaBass and I were great. Out team work so far was great, The secret Sea Weed alliance is strong and it's a secret. tHe cOoL KiDz thinks he is alone. great!

With everything that happend I feel like my bond with my friends/allies just solidify.. at least that' what I felt. I offered Donathan to work until Final 5 and from there he could take me out if we get to that part of the game and that is some realistic shit .

Angela and I seems okay..I will have to talk to her too just in case. I felt like I need to let them know that I am a loyal messy bitch which is really important right now because they find it valuable atm.
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So Now Day 3 .. I was just here checking the forums. no one is here almost the whole day. Kellyn surprisingly was online at one point and I ask her how was her Friday night and all, being pleasant and I actually want to know what she is up to and I got a really short reply about that topic and we move on to yes gAmE TaLK! yay! lol

When it's GaMe TaLK with her it feels really aggressive and pushy but I guess that's the kind of player she is and I just have to accept that.. and it doesn't spark joy to me which is a little sad cuz I like her if we aren't talking game. Oh well.. sad.

She told me how she talked with SeaBass and how pissed she is with him cuz he doesn't want to talk game to her. Thinking about it... It's probably a funny scene. SeaBass told me she was pushy and I guess it rubbed him the wrong way.. hillarious. LOL

Her being the way she plays I am starting to think on what should I do if ever we lose again.. at this point I think it would be better to just team up with Brendan.. he seems much calmer and Idk? balanced? level headed? I need to observe more with him, so I'll try to actually bond with him this time and see if maybe he is willing to play with me... in the sand.

So think this is it for now... if you read all the way to the end. wow. you are weird and probably need a new hobby. JK LOL
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Me and Kellyn talked a while ago.. well since I need to embrace the Deceptive Lying Messy Bitch persona. I told her that SeaBass hatesme and told her lies about our dynamics... The whole short convo was like


I think am kinda getting used to this.. so fun. LOL

and I was suppose to meet here in the woods or something and she isn't here yet and I need to sleep. I'll just email her and tell her I'll just see her tomorrow.
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Day 4
*After Church*
Me after prayed and asked god to give me the strength to endure trials and the strength to....bullshit my way into this game.

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