By Danni Boatwright
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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I work from 11 AM to 7 PM (EST) most weekdays. I don't usually have evening commitments during the week, so the 9-11 pm Eastern time window should work well for me. Aside from that, I get a 30 minute lunch break in the day that I could check and respond to messages on, and I can obviously do some of that before work as well.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I'm a big fan of the show (which I'm just positive no one else applying is ;P). Been watching since season 2 and I've always thought it would be awesome to play, but I'm not the kind of person who would ever actually apply to be on the show. I love all the crazy twists and aspects of the game: especially the social aspects of bluffing, making alliances, hooking up with hot girls on the island (wink), etc. It seems like an online version can capture all of the core aspects of gameplay without all of the starving and mental breakdowns, which sounds dope as hell to me.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
Online games of this nature? Not really. I play in a survivor "stock market" game where we purchase castaways as "stocks" to "sell" later at higher prices to become more wealthy. Sounds whack as shit, but it's actually pretty fun. It's taught me to appreciate Survivor in a different way than before, and enjoy different aspects of the game.
As far as online gaming in general, yeah I've been on Xbox Live and online PC gaming for probably like 12 years. I've played several MMOs, lots of team based shooters, all the battle royale games, you name it. Online gaming is something that has just become part of my day to day life. It is super fun and something I really enjoy.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
First that comes to mind is Christian from DvG. He's incredibly dorky but also hilarious and easy to get along with. Tbh he probably has more charisma than I do, but there were a lot of moments watching him last season where I just thought "this dude is my spirit animal". Christian is the kind of guy that I'm sure I'd get along with really well if we met in person, just because of how genuine he seems: I don't present myself as something I'm not either.

Second, I would have to say is Spencer from Cagayan and Cambodia, minus all of his arrogance. The way Spencer approached the game in a very strategic and analytical way is very much the same way I would play the game. Spencer was very smart and knew when to make big moves and who to align himself with. Although, I think his arrogance was a downfall and many times made him look like a huge asshole. Overall, I really liked the guy and could really follow along with his gameplay, but he was full of himself, which I definitely am not.

Finally, I think I'm a lot like Fabio from Nicaragua. Do I have his physical charm? Hell no. But Fabio was hilarious and all around just a fun person. He was out there to have fun and somehow ended up winning the whole thing. I also am still pretty convinced that he acted dumb around everyone so he could sneak his way to the end. There honestly was a strategy there with his goofy, lovable personality that carried him to the end. I'm here to have a good time and not take myself too seriously, a lot like Fabio was

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
First is Jay from Millenials vs Gen X. That dude was so good at the game. He was funny, charming, smart, and an all around amazing player. I definitely think Adam deserved the win that season, but if it had been between him and Jay, that would have been a tough call for me. I initially thought Jay was going to be an idiot, but he quickly proved to be an awesome castaway who kicked some ass that season. I'm really hoping to see them bring him back.
Second is Nick from DvG. This season had SUCH a good and memorable cast, so it's hard not to have some favorites from it. He is a good ol boy from the south, like myself, so that right there was one reason to cheer for him. He also was on the chopping block from the very start, but managed to stay in the entire game and come out as sole survivor. I loved his energy, his desire to make and name alliances with everyone, and his scrappiness to stay in the game, no matter what it took. He was always thinking several moves ahead when it came to big game moves, which a lot of people didn't on this season.

Lastly is Cochran from South Pacific and Caramoan. I know, he's probably on most people's top 3 lists, but come on, the dude is a Survivor legend. To be fair, his first season did not end so well, but even then he established himself as a poster boy for Survivor. He was fun to watch, his confessionals were always great, and he basically mandated that Jeff call him "Cochran" right at the beginning of the game. And then when he came back, he powered through his season to finish with a perfect game. That dude is a Survivor beast, and an inspiration to geeks everywhere.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
I would want to hear all the info they knew and who they heard it from. Obviously any interaction is a great opportunity to build trust with that castaway or to sew seeds of distrust around other castaways. I'm not afraid to lie in this game (especially considering there will be no face to face interaction so lying will be hella easier this way) so I'm willing to spin any story in a way that furthers my game. At the same time, I can't be lying all the time because I want to actually have a chance at winning this thing. This question is so vague, I'm not exactly sure what the situation described is. Just know that I am ready and willing to make shit up on the spot if it's going to keep me in the game longer.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
Probably as a Cochran-esque character. Someone funny and relatable but also knew what they were doing. Someone that everyone was rooting for, to an extent, and wanted to see do well. I'd like to be seen as a serious player, but also someone who gives much needed comic relief to the viewers as well as other castaways.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
Hopefully as described above, but probably less like I knew what I was doing. If I were to be on actual Survivor, I'm almost certain I would get really overwhelmed and resort to just being the funny guy to build relationships and be likable. I'm sure as the game moved along, I'd get more comfortable and have a better feel for things, but it would be rough for the first few episodes. Like I said, I never would want to actually be on the real show, but I think this ORG would be super dope.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
People who are easy going, but loyal and reliable. People who can laugh at themselves and not take life too seriously. I like being around people who don't get easily stressed or anxious and can just say "it's cool, we'll figure it out" when obstacles arise. Also, I love being around witty people who I can have witty back and forths with. If people don't get my sense of humor, I probably don't want to hang out with them.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
People who are overly anal about everything, or conversely people who just don't give a shit about anything. People who are overly anal and stressed just stress me out and I already stress myself out enough. At the same time, people who are in no hurry to get anything done and don't pull their weight piss me off. If someone is always just "along for the ride", they're not going to accomplish anything very ambitious in life which is very frustrating for me to be around. Fuck those people.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
Loyal gameplay, but gameplay that isn't afraid to lie when necessary (as in lying to those not in your closest alliances). I am not the kind of person who lies to others in the real world, but in Survivor, anything goes. Creating solid alliances from the start is the way to go, and you want to show your allies that they can trust you, so lying has to be done with discretion. At the end of the day, I'm also here to have fun, so I respect those who can appreciate a big game move, even when it gets them out.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
Get to know everyone on my tribe as soon as I can. I don't want to be one of those losers who hangs super low and quiet at the beginning. At a certain point, if you're that guy, they keep you around until the end just because everyone knows no one will vote for you. I'm no sacrificial goat.

I want to establish myself early on as a social player and someone my tribemates can trust. I'm not going to try to establish myself as the tribe's leader or anything, but I want to be a known member of my tribe, for sure. I want to make strong tribal alliances to have numbers later on in the game (obviously). Also, I want to convince the other tribe that I'm willing to flip just to get some kickass blindsides on them (the opposing tribe, that is) post merge.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I love improv comedy, and am on a team myself. I am quick on my feet and have experience in acting. I have been told my many people that I am super witty and a funny person.

Age: 24
Gender: Male
How did you hear about us? (If referred, by whom?): Kimmi on here is a good friend who I've known since elementary school. He (she, on here I guess) suggested I give it a shot
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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
During the day and evening as much as is required and then some. The times advertised would be 2-4am for me during the week when I have lectures so I might have to miss one a week at the most since I want to throw myself into this as much as I can. I could even be around for the first hour and then leave.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
Well being British I don't have Survivor and our version of Big Brother is very different to say the least. The other year our most famous housemate was plunged into BBCanada and I became obsessed with it and other shows like Survivor and I Love Money (I'm white trash, please don't judge). This has been quite a new discovery so I have never played anything like this before. I'm a pair of fresh eyes with very little exposure to this world and so I believe I can bring something very different to the game for that reason.

I like to think one of my best attributes is being self aware. I know my limitations and I work within them. I know the social aspect of the game will be my biggest strength and I want to play to meet new people, have a new experience and make it one hell of an adventure for everyone involved.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
I did play Big Brother on a movie forum once and I finished runner up. We played movie related challenges and despite loving my horror I fell flat on my face. It was 'The Room' level of bad.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Parvati - I think people underestimate me like they do her. But I welcome that like she did. Hopefully I'll end up having the last laugh like she did too. Plus she's witty, smart, tactile and strong. All traits I would love to have/have to a lesser extent.
Honourable mentions - Sugar. Cao Boi.

BBCanada - Nikki. Sorry for diverting but she fits me exactly. British, fiery, unapologetic for who she is. And she was compassionate, chilled, loyal. Funny as hell and totally wild. Unpredictable like myself.
Mitch - Very tactile but so lovable too. He kept emotions out of the game and held no grudges when he left. Kinda introverted but extroverted when around people he was comfortable with. Plus he's gay like myself.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Parvati - People dismissed her on her original season and yet she was so observant and could see through everyone instantly. She played coy and worked the field to get who she wanted out. She was also a threat in the challenges.
Ozzy - So good at the challenges, making the most out of the environment and is pretty potent at the social aspect of the game too. He so should have won his original season. People like to say Russia interfered in the 2016 election but they must have rigged that one too.

Jonathon - God the man was an arsewipe and hung around like a bad case of herpes. But he fought with every fibre of his being to get as far as he could and I have to respect that. Plus he added drama and I can't fault that.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
Shock. I'm a very upfront person who tends to wear their heart on their sleeve. I would talk it through and be calm. Being calm and non threatening is a crucial part to my strategy.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
Someone who cares about the game but who cares about their friends just as much. I am a very loyal person. If you do something for me then I will have your back until the end. Someone who is assertive and can stand up for themselves if needed though.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
As a massive bitch.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
People who are more introverted than myself. I couldn't care less what people say about me because it's probably true. But I cannot stand when people bully people who feel like they can't defend themselves and I turn into a raging mother hen.
People who are up for a laugh. Who are chilled back. Who love to debate and discuss things. People with a sense of wonder.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
People with their heads wedged up their arse. Prom Queen types. Right wing nutters (I'm a left wing, gay drag queen. It's like WW3)

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
People who boss the challenges because there is no reality out there where I see myself bossing the challenges. That's more admiration though.
To answer the question it's a mixture of two strategies. I love people who build strong alliances and work the game that way. They might lose some members and have to adopt others and work the votes if needed to, but they stick it through with dignity and integrity.

The other type are the people who play shy or weak. They throw challenges and use that as an excuse to get bigger threats out. They work with anyone and everyone and deceive them all until they can work out who will be the most useful to them in the long term.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
I plan to be the calm and collected one. I want to be social and get to know everyone as best I can. Ideally I don't want to be put into direct positions of power because I want to be the swing vote and keep my cards close to my chest. Will I throw challenges to do this? I likely will. I want to prove to people that they think they can trust me. This will allow me to get close to them. Then by staying calm, and not letting the game get to me I can support my allies and make them dependent on me through this way.
I believe you should be aware of your limitations and work within them hence my unusual plan. But I know my social game will be my strongest asset going into this game. Plus by throwing challenges I can prove how non threatening I am and use that to get bigger players out.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I know my application seems like I'm just a joker, but I am serious about this. I want to have a memorable experience and meet an array of new characters and develop bonds with each of them that will hopefully extend beyond this game.
That being said I am a wildcard. I'm very eclectic. One minute I wanna watch Kingdom Hearts LPs and the next I'm preparing BDSM looks for drag. I'm going to add a sense of unpredictability but in a safe way. I know this is just a game and I can leave it at that should it not go my way or I get eliminated in the early stages.
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By Danni Boatwright
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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I am a master procrastinator of all things important in life, so I will find as much time as required for a fun online game. I am studying at university, but my workload this year is really low, so I really don't want to give a specific number of hours. I'll devote as much time as I feel I need to based on my interest and the activity of other players.
Not really any problem hours, as I can text on my phone at any time, but I do study in the UK, which is 6 hours ahead of the USA. :S The redeeming part is that I am a night owl and have likely the worst sleeping schedule you have ever heard of.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
To have fun.
To be a big player or character (actually, why not both?), who makes a lasting impact.
To meet some new people and crush their dreams.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
The first online game I've ever played was a Survivor game on RFF, and I've participated in a few online games of The Amazing Race on the same site.
The TAR games, like the actual show, are not exactly social, although there is a small social element to them. They're very individualistic and task-oriented.
I also participated in a Big Brother-style game, but it went pretty disastrously. A lot of the players were either inactive or just semi-active, and the active ones also got booted pretty early, including me. The game even got cancelled at the final 6 or 5, as no one cared enough to finish it.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Jeff Varner. His sense of humour is great, and he's really resourceful. Even too resourceful for his own good, but I didn't develop the slightest dislike against him after the events of Game Changers. Yes, what he did was wrong, so don't paint a transphobic picture of me in your head.
Monica Culpepper. She is such an undeserving outcast, which I've felt in life, too. She has a heart of gold (and I'm not denying that I can be an absolute manipulative bitch), but is so naive that oftentimes people take advantage of Monica without her suspecting anything. There are few castaways I have rooted for as much as I did for Monica in BvW, and never have I cried as significantly during Survivor as I did during that season's FTC questioning.
Alec Merlino. Tbh this took me a while. I don't really contemplate which Survivors are the most similar to me, but what I can say is that I found Alec very relatable. First of all, I think I'm similar to his archetype, just somewhat more nerdy. I also think I would've played an identical game to him, and would have cried at the thought of being "some unanimous boot", too. Alec's such a kind-hearted, inoffensive guy off-camera, and he seems really intelligent. If you haven't seen his Ponderosa video, you must.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Cirie. She doesn't just have immense social charm which objectively puts her among the top few most likable contestants of all time, but she's also a master strategist.
Russell. There are so many bad things I could say about Russell's game, like his non-existant jury management, but he revolutionised the game and was a master manipulator. No one had ever pulled off blindsides with the help of idols like he had, and without him, we wouldn't have got one of the best underdog stories in the franchise - the rise of the Foa Foa 4.
Natalie Anderson. Okay, now I'm a bit biased, as I loved Natalie & Nadiya on TAR, and came into SJDS immediately rooting for them both, but she is by far my favorite one-time player who won. An aggressive female strategist who was also a physical force and had impressive social skills.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
I would initially want to snap back at them, but would probably rethink what would be best for my game, and try to handle it calmly. No doubt they'd become my next target.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
In a fantasy world, I'd love to get a well-rounded edit, showing off my social & strategic prowess along with my evil/villainous moments.
... but that rarely happens on Survivor, as people are put into their archetype boxes and portrayed one-dimensionally to more easily create (un)likable characters. So I guess I'd prefer to be shown as a fun, endearing, or even kooky character rather than a boring gamebot.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
Well, to answer this question I'd need to know my placement or the circumstances of my outing. But generally speaking, I'd likely be edited as a likable guy who takes the fall after failing to downplay his threat level. I feel that my edit would be very strategy-heavy.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
Rational, intelligent people who like to have silly fun.
I really have such different people in my close friend circle that it's hard to generalise them. I probably just need to see some substance in them, as vague as that sounds.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
People who have diarrhea of the mouth, are too open about themselves and need constant attention.
Also people who exude fake happiness or affection, and treat you as a closer friend than you actually are.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
A proactive decision maker who controls the direction of the game and has been key in some important vote-offs is the person I would vote for at FTC.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
Feel out the people first. If everyone wants to coast through the beginning, I'll lay low as well. If shit hits the fan pretty soon, I'm going into overdrive making alliances and making sure I am in people's plans.
I really need that one person who I can trust fully for the duration of the game, share mostly everything with them and compare notes while maintaining a semi-secret alliance. Together with this person, I would try my hardest to influence others into doing what's best for me, while not pushing my agenda too hard too early, so as not to become an obvious threat.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I question and overthink every relationship that is important to me. I'm so interested in social dynamics between people that I almost pursued Psychology in college, and I like to call myself socially paranoid.
All of the above is why I find Survivor so appealing.
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Shii Ann
1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
9-5 because I’m one of those lame ass people who commute into the city for work every day. I work from home two days a week so finding time to devote should not be an issue.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
My main motivation for playing is to win. Is that not everyone’s motivation? I like to make friends, but let’s be real I’m here for a god damn trophy not to make friends. I hope there’s a trophy.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
I played in a survivor Org on discord. Got 4th place bc I actually stirred some shit up the whole game while all the others who made it to final 3 basically did nothing the whole time and then decided to play some big moves last minute. Just bc I’m still not over it and I can write whatever I want in here....the person who won was inactive the first half of the game (first 2 weeks).

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
I gotta admit I’m not one of those huge survivor fans who can list off their favorite ppl and seasons and whatnot. I used to watch it when I was younger, but I can’t remember shit from all this weed I smoke on the daily so I got nothin for ya when it comes to survivor personality types. HOWEVER my personality is awesome I promise.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Piggybacking on what my previous answer.... I actually did watch this past season (shocker I know) and I actually remember it soo my fav contenstant was Christian. He was so freakin cute and smart. I’m a sucker for the nerdy types.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
My initial reaction would basically be like “where did you hear that” and then make up a whole bunch of shit to make them hate whoever was talking about me.
Snitches get stiches.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I like to be the villain but the nice lemme paint a picture for you.
I’m super nice to begin with ya know everyone is liking me then BAM I start telling people shit stirring the pot. Getting idols. Making blindsides. Now everyone is like woah she’s a threat. But also they wanna be my friend bc I’m nice to them. The nice villain.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
I am exactly the way I want to be portrayed. Ain’t no fake bitch here.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I get along with people of all personalities. No personality left behind.

My dream castaway is someone who has a really dry and dark sense of humor who curses a lot like me. Who speaks their mind and doesn’t take shit from no one, but at the same time cries at sad songs on the radio on their way home from work....I don’t do that tho just sayin.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
The only people I clash with are people who make no sense. Ya know those people who just talk gibberish and no matter what you can’t understand a single fucking word they say.....also known as trolls.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
I respect the people who go ballz to the wallz. The people who make really big plays and don’t take no for an answer.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
I think my strategy changes as I play the game. Going in I am usually there to win and my strategy is to make social ties to people who I think will go far with me and to make people trust me since trust is a huge thing. As it gets further I aim towards the demise of people threatening my chances of winning.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I think from my answers you can tell what kind of personality type I am (I did that on purpose).
I think I make the game more interesting at least for the viewers bc who doesn’t like draaaaammmmaaaaaaa.
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By Danni Boatwright
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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I can practically spend most of my time through out the day. I may have occasional things pop up for 30 minutes but I'm free most of the day. I'm usually offline by 11pm EST and I'm back on around 7am EST.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I have always loved survivor and the community that it has. I've watched nearly all 37 seasons and enjoy rewatching often. I want to try my hand at it with out going into the middle of nowhere.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
I have not but I have been an avid survivor watcher since Africa.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
The 3 survivor contestants I'm most likely are Candice Woodcock, Kim Spradlin, and Cirie Fields. For all these amazing women, they are all honest and trustworthy. Though Candice played both sides of her game in season 20, she prided for being honest with both of the alliances she had. Kim and Cirie never left the strong alliances they had in their seasons. (Cirie 16). I try to be honest with those in my life and sometimes that can back fire. I never leave their side as I'm loyal, but in a game like survivor you have to be willing to move alliances if it furthers your game.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
My 3 favorite Survivor contestants would be, Parvati Shallow, Kelly Wiglesworth, and Chelsea Meissner. Parvati in all her seasons played all of her alliances like a fiddle. She was a flirt not just for the fun, but to further her game. She has gone far in nearly all of her seasons, and even won one! Kelly Wiglesworth is the original female survivor winner, even though she technically lost to Richard. She played her game so well, winning a handful of challenges, and having an amazing social game, she won it in my eyes. Chelsea was a blunt force in season 24. She stuck with her alliance of Kim and Sabrina as they all picked off the boys one by one.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
I would try to diffuse the situation and try to keep the conversation between the two of us and not let it get to our alliances. If that isn't possible I would try to coerce the alliances to get that person voted off while trying to keep myself the "good guy" in the situation.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I would love to be portrayed as just a "go with the flow" kind of person. One who doesn't disrupt the tribes vibe, but can make strong, blindsiding plays.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
I would probably be portrayed as someone who is too laidback around camp and just relaxes in the ocean while the game is going on around them. I would be good at challenges but horrible at everything else except social, which could ultimately be my fall.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I typically get along with those who going with the grain in the game. I trust them as they are the least threatening and are easy to persuade and align with.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
I don't typically get along with those who are always looking to start trouble or an issue. As well as those who are chary and skittish in demanding situations.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
I respect the style of game play as physically focused. Sure you could talk for 39 days with 20 people and make it far, but winning challenge after challenge as you have had little food and are so physically demanded on, is respectful player in my eyes.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
I will try to put a focal point on my social game and build alliances. Even if that goes rocky, I will hone in on my challenge abilities and ability to coerce people in what I want.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I love the ocean and animals. I especially love cetaceans and study them in university.
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By Danni Boatwright
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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I am home bound and my teenager is at boot camp so I am literally free 24/7 until March 28th. What a great way to spend this last 10 months of hell.
(Thursdays from 4-5 pm I am not free but that doesn't seem to be the hours this plays out)

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
Occupy time, connect with peeps, learn how to be social again, make the last month of my child being gone bearable, and to get my foot in the door of these online social reality tv show games. I am seeing more and more of them pop up. It just may be something I am really into and may even be good at.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
Nope, never. Well, backgammon, checkers, solitaire etc... lol.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Stephenie LaGrossa- the sole survivor from her very first tribe many-a-years ago. Why does she match my personality the best? Because she is the most resilient of all the survivor players I have ever watched. That woman just kept on going no matter how bad things got and so am I.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
I cannot answer this question. Although I have seen every season, I watched them in order as they aired. Meaning, I have been watching for nearly two decades. Yes I am old. I don't remember lol. I remember the villains more than the people I loved in the moments of their seasons. Stephenie will always be remembered by me because I related so much to her. Anyone else's name I would mention though would not be a favorite of mine; just a Survivor who is talked about a lot on message boards or is most liked to be hated.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
Laughter. That is just my natural reaction to confrontation. It is a nervous laughter so I don't flight. Then I fight. You know, fight or flight. I used to run away and hide. Not anymore, after many years of being walked on, abused, and living a life of pure bullshit I fight for what I need in this world. So if a fellow castaway confronted me I'd fight for what I thought was right. Initially though my reaction would be laughter.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
As a good mom, discovering herself, and accomplishing things she never imaged possible (and doing things I never imagined possible.)

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
As a bi-polar basket-case.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I am like a wall flower. I can get along with just about anyone. IF I want to. I prefer though open minded individuals who have lived a little bit and experienced what life has to offer.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
Stupid people.
People who think they are too good for others.
Racist people.
Homophobic people.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
I respect all types of game play. I am the type of person who honestly believes winner deserve to win (even when the audience is sooo disappointed with said winner.) Period.
What I do not respect is vile, disgusting, toxic human beings who are hurtful, mean, and disrespectful to others for absolutely no reason, unrelated to the game. IE: Some current celebrity BB season players come to mind.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
Cut throat. Let's be real. These are online people who I will never meet them. I live in a small bubble where my son is the only thing that matters. This cannot affect him so I would want to win!
And no.

That sounds good but as I was typing that, that isn't who I am. At all. My strategy? Hell if I know! Connect with people and make sure they want to take me to the end. Then write up some kick ass, blow your mind speech and hope my connections have made an impressions?

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I'm just a girl trying to have some fun. I guess in a 2019 kinda way. Which works out because I am home bound and isolated.
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Danni Boatwright

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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
The game hours for sure, as well as at least an hour but likely more during most days. Problem hours are as follows due to college classes:
Tues: 12pm-7pm EST
Wed: 9am-3pm EST
Thus: Before noon EST

Sundays & Mondays are no issue, and I would do whatever messaging/posting I needed for Tuesday before noon, and Wednesday + Thursday after classes are over. I am home well before the game hours begin, and would devote essentially any time I could afford to devote while keeping on top of my studies, which I don't see being an issue.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
The thrill of social politics is something of a guilty pleasure for me, this would be a downright joy of an experience and one I'm sure I'll be thinking about for a long time whether I'm first boot or sole survivor.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
None like this. I've dabbled in mafia-style games like Town of Salem, but this would be my first experience with an online game this large.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Alec Merlino - Chaos is fun. I'm not the type to totally throw my game away just for laughs, but the thought of playing a game like this and not stirring the pot a little is just too absurd for me to even consider. Much like Alec, I can also be quite cocky at times.
Brett Clouser - Though his "ladies man" gimmick certainly isn't one I particularly relate to, Brett had a good strategy of keeping his strengths hidden until the post merge and keeping just enough under the radar that, with one more immunity win, he could've gotten to FTC. In life, I feel that I hide my strengths in situations that would make me stand out too much, and save them for when I truly need them.

Tyson Apostol - Because we're both winners ;). Tyson is another castaway I relate to in terms of our unpredictable natures. Tyson wasn't often afraid to voice his dislike of someone, and I can definitely relate to that. On the flip side, Tyson was a bit more easily manipulated in his first two runs than I tend to be in day-to-day life.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Davie Rickenbaker - How can anyone not love Davie? Maybe it's because DvG just ended last month, but Davie just sticks out as a loveable, strategic, wild player that brought so much to his season. It was a shame to see him leave, and I wouldn't be at all upset to see him return in a future season. I tend to favour chaotic players, but Davie is a definite exception to that.
Kass McQuillen - CHAOS KASS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Did I mention I like chaotic gameplay? Kass embodies this, to the 100th degree. Though she arguably didn't have the greatest chance of winning due to just how chaotic her game was, she was incredibly entertaining and I loved every second of Kass on both seasons she played.

Sandra Diaz-Twine - What more needs to be said about Sandra? Two-time winner, queen of flying under the radar when she needed to and making explosive moves when she needed to, and overall one of those players you just loved to hate while watching her play. I love a player that can have you rooting for them one second and despising them the next, and Sandra embodied that quality quite well.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
The context would matter. If the situation is severe, lie my butt off and act shocked at the accusation. If it would benefit me to eat a loss in order to gain trust from others, tell the truth and act apologetic.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
Somewhere between a complete lunatic and a great strategic player, with nobody truly being able to tell moment to moment.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
Probably more of a lunatic than a great strategic player, unless of course my strategy paid off and I won!

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
People that think for themselves instead of blindly following the herd. Seeing people vote just because they're afraid to go against the flow is unfortunate (though sometimes necessary, it is Survivor after all.)

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
Followers. Unless of course, they're gonna follow me. Then they might just be smart.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
Doing whatever it takes to make it to the end, even if it means risking everything to make sure you take out a threat.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
Cultivate strong relationships with anyone that seems like they could get past the merge. Make at least one move memorable enough to warrant jury votes from players that "respect the gameplay". Don't look too strong in team challenges, for example if someone else on my team is close to getting the puzzle, let them do it and look strong in the early game. Pre-merge: look weak, make friends on the low-key. Post-merge: Take out threats, make a big move, avoid pissing off the jury.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.: I started watching Survivor around Palau, and took a brief hiatus a few years ago. I started watching again at the start of DvG, and have since gone back to start catching up on what I've missed. I'm a film student in my second year, I love reading about true crime/real-life mysteries, and I think my polarizing personality would make me a great part of this season. Although a primary part of my strategy involves keeping low-key pre-merge, I certainly won't be quiet or uninvolved.
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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I work an extremelly boring job, i basically sit around on my work computer and watch youtube videos all day lol
I'm extrmelly free to interact with the game at all times. Honestly the only "problem hours" for me are between 4am to 5am and 2pm to 3pm, because that's when im commuting to work.
I'm free as can be <3

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I looooove reality shows (survivor being my favorite) and love games in general. I actually studied games on college. Videogames, boardgames, you name it, i'm in.
I also love interactig with different people.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
I mean, I play a lot of rpg.
Also spend my fair share of time on tengaged.
In general role playing is something i've always really enjooy.
That's just something about living another more exciting life that really appeals to me lol

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
I'm very commited to my alliances, i like to make them early and stick with it. At the same time, i've done the "multiple aliances at once" game, but sticking to my main one. I like to have a nice personality, likeable if you will. I would say i'm a Rob-ish player.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
My favorite contestants would probably be Ozzy, Russel and Rob
I know, three completely different players right? I just really value skill above all, and i believe they are the top when it comes to challanges, manipulation and social game.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
I would defend myself. Lie if I had to. Usually i try to work things out. I don't like to be on someone's bad side. I don't wanna be the crazy one everyone's leaves around to have their ass off the target lol

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I would do it in a heartbeat. I feel like i would be great at surviving and I also have a lot of heavy stuff i lived to tell to the camera, like those "sad story" moments that every reality show has? I'm reality show gold in that matter lol
But anyway, yes! I would freaking love it. I always wanted to try, but I was 14 when I started watching the show and also the different country thing might have been a tiny problem :P

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
Probably this emotional chick with a dark past but very "bossy".
I always thought they might make me look bossy af because i do have a strong very social personality and also the tendency of being on top of things.
I try be hear everyone, but i'm an "organizer".

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
Most of my friends are male, so i have that. The "all girls alliance" is kind of out of my confort zone. I get along with dudes much better.
Also, i'm a huge nerd, know...we get each other.
Generally i'm a very outgoing person, if you're friendly i will like you.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
I get along with most people, but i have problems with very girly girls. Like, if it was real survival, those "im not eating a slug" people would piss me off.
Also people that think they are superior to others or judge other people, think that something is "too childish" for them and such.
Oh....also...don't be a biggot in front of me. I have no respect for prejudice.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
Loyalty. That's important to me.
But really my final vote will go to whoever play the best strategy.
I'm ok with giving the win to someone thatwas just a better playerm even if they stabbed me in the back.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
I want to make a early strong alliance and be true to it.
Be the best and most dedicated at challenges and have a very presence. Be the most social i can.
You have to be liked, but never have your guard down.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
Hmm, let's see... I'm a very energetic girl. I love games, as said before.
I have a condition called BPD, which basically means my brain doesnt compute my feeling quite right and makes everything bigger, so...I feel a lot.
If i had to pick a dream job I would be an youtuber. I actually used to make some streams in the begging of the year. I got about 500+ followers lol.
I wanna go back to making those. I'm very artsy and i try to be a jack of all trades as much as i can, music, paiting, drawing, acting, singing, dancing, etc(i suck at all of them, but still)
I also love writing, i take this one a little more seriously, also, i'm technicaly trained as a photographer.
I work as a freelancer for a while, both with photos and with children party entertainment, i used to dance, play games with them, make balloon animals and face paiting. Right before i move in my myself i was doing a internship with a children dance class teacher, i loved it.
Now i'm at this boring ass job, but you know, it pays my bills. Anyway, hope to be in your next game <3
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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I work part-time, but am at a job where I have easy access to my cell phone and can respond to any important messages (probably not immediately).

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I am a Survivor superfan and I've never gotten an opportunity to play the game with other people. I would really like to put myself to the test as a fan and see how I do, because I'm pretty sure I'll kick ass. Stranded seems to be of a higher caliber than many of the other ORGs I've seen before, so I think this would be a good outlet to test myself. Also, an opportunity to meet new people and talk with them about their culture and lifestyle is something I'm always excited for.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
The only ORG I've played was a Big Brother one, and I placed 7th (which I felt was impressive for a first-timer).

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
1. Michaela Bradshaw from MvGX and Game Changers. For the most part I stay calm and level-headed, but when I reach a certain point I have no problem "popping off." I can also have my occasional petty moments just like Michaela.
2. Sean Rector from Marquesas. I think I match a lot of his humor, and as a black male I really identified with him on his season when he discussed race relations on these types of social games.
3. Bradley from Ghost Island. Comparing myself to a pre-merge from one of the worst seasons probably isn't a good look, but I think my personality is fairly similar to his in terms of the sort of dry wit, and I also constantly complain about things (at least in my mind)

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
1. Sandra- because anyone who doesn't list Sandra as one of their favorite Survivor contestants is lying. She brought entertainment, strategy and gameplay - a true triple threat.
2. Natalie A. - Has anyone in the history of Survivor ever told the other tribe which of their members to vote out and succeeded? Natalie calling out John Rocker for being sexist at an actual immunity challenge is an iconic moment in the history of Survivor, and only one of the many reasons I love her. Plus her gameplay was awesome and she's severely underrated.
3. Kelley Wentworth - Her story in Cambodia is one of the most entertaining of all time. Coming into the merge an underdog and fighting her way to final four is truly inspirational, plus she provided quality entertainment (and GIFs) on the way there.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
If the confrontation was about my gameplay I would try my best to handle it and sweep it under the rug. If it were about anything else or something stupid I'd probably argue back as long as it didn't hurt my game or people's perception of me. Otherwise - deny, deny, deny.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
Villains have the most fun, in my opinion. I think being portrayed as a likable character with devious gameplay (similar to Sandra, Tony, etc.) would be most enjoyable, especially from a viewer standpoint.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
I think I would probably be a jerk, just because many of the things I say can sometimes be viewed as rude or mean.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I usually get along with people who are kind and understanding. Intelligence is an important quality to me, but I also know there are many different types of intelligence, and all are just as valuable, especially in this game.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
People who are controlling or bossy rub me the wrong way. I don't like being told what to do, and have a bit of a rebellious nature so I could very likely blow someone's game up if they talk to me the wrong way. I'm not a big fan of the "alpha male" persona but I'll do whatever I have to do to get by in this game, even if it means biting my tongue for a little while.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
I most respect strategic games. Someone that knows and understands the game and is able to work it to their advantage is someone that I admire. Competition wins aren't important to me (as someone who would probably suck in any sort of physical comp) and I especially respect competitors who don't need to win immunities to make it to the end.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
My strategy going into the game is to make strong social bonds with people that I click well with right out of the gate. The more relationships I can establish in the beginning the more I will be benefited deeper into the game. I'll try to keep a low profile and not draw too much attention to myself, and hopefully perform well enough in challenges that I don't become a detriment to my team.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I graduated college in December and packed up and moved to a new state for the first time!
I've seen every season of Survivor (I actually bingewatched all 36 seasons in like 8 months).
I am gay in case that wasn't obvious from my love of female contestants. I'm also mixed- my father is Black.
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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I'm pretty much free all the time. I have class on Monday and Thursday which takes up about 4-5 hours of my day, but I usually am still on my phone during the Monday class lol so Monday and Thursday from 12pm - 4:30pm EST. My college is like an hour away so I'm really only busy during the drive. I'm not sure when this game starts, but my parents will be staying with me Feb 16-20, so I'll be a little busy then. They usually just make fun of me for being on my phone a lot but they'll get over it. I do work some, but I pick up the shifts I want to work and I can just pick them up for Fridays and Saturdays. And for my other job, I work from home and can do whatever while I work. My girlfriend works overnights right now, so I'm extremely free during the day.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I'm extremely interested to see what this is exactly and how it's run. A couple people who have played this before told me I should apply. I'm already extremely impressed by just this website like wow. Y'all are killing it! I love playing these games, and I love meeting new people. I really only play these games to meet cool new friends! And to have something to do in my spare time lol I'm getting close to the end of the ORG I'm in right now, and I need a new game to play, too! But, like, I could apply for any game on Discord, but this game seems so professional. I LOVE organization and high quality things and I especially LOOOOVVEEEE when people care about what they're doing. Whether it's playing or hosting. I feel like this will be full of people who care.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
YES! I've played in a few Discord ORGS and (sorta) two Skype ORGS. The first Skype ORG I played in was extremely rigged. Everyone on my starting tribe knew each other, so me and the other new person were just fucked from the start. The other people threw the first few challenges to get rid of us. It kinda scarred me and made me a bit anxious about these bigger/non-Discord ORGs. The second Skype ORG turned out to actually be a Tumblr ORG and it was full of inactives. But on Discord, I've played some of my absolute favorite games! I won the second game I played in and I'm very close to winning the one I'm in right now (knock on wood). So overall, I've played about 5ish.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
I'll admit I haven't seen every Survivor season. I've seen all of them up to Nicaragua and then just some here and there until the most recent DvG (which I LOVED). I just watched Nicaragua the other day, so it's super fresh on my mind. So, ummmm, the 3 that best match my personality would be (and I hate to be stereotypical, but) Russell Hantz because I can be extremely calculated and ruthless, a little Na'Onka because I can be delusional and argumentative, but ALSO I'm Davie from DvG because I'm usually chill and I can get along with everyone. These all seem to contradict each other, but you'll see. I'm like Shrek. I have many layers.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
FABIO <3 UGH what a cutie! He's so sweet and so fun. I also really loved Marty from that season too. He was running the game and then people got smart. Honestly I could be like Marty too. Actually, yeah, I feel like he's a good combination of all the people I mentioned in the last question. So person I'm absolutely most like would be Marty, but less cocky. So, to answer THIS question lol Fabio, Marty and DAVIE <3 He messaged me on Discord so be jealous lol. Davie is so cute and sweet as well. I guess I'm a nice bitch in games but I love nice sweeties lol weird.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
It depends on where they confronted me and what it's about. If they did it in tribe chat or tribal council, I'd keep my cool as much as possible, but if I have so facts that I can throw in their face that's not going to fuck up my alliance members, then they 'bout to get learnt. Oh, also, it depends how late in the game we are. If it seems beneficial to go off, honey, I'll go off, honey, honeyyyyyyy. If it's in private, I'll talk the fuck around the subject. I'm usually pretty good about not getting into confrontational situations, because I'm usually pretty good at not ever lying in games. I've gotten a bit messy lately because it's fun lol but in the first game I won, when I voted out the people who thought we were going all the way together, they realized they never actually made an F2 deal with me. I stand by my word. I never ever break promises in games.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
Exactly like Marty. He got so much screen time and he was hella CP the whole way through. He never complained about anything. He was just hardcore into game mode. BUT he also loved the fuck out of Fabio and that was so damn cute. I want a cute showmance like that lol Sorry this answer is short, but that's just all I had to say.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
I think I'd end up like Gabby from DvG. Crying constantly and jealous of my showmance's real girlfriend LOLOLOL Short answer again I'M SORRY! She was a good player though, so at least I'd have that.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
All of them tbh. I'm really good at talking to people because I actually care to learn about people. I'm obsessed with knowing everything about everyone. I ask people a million questions and lots of times don't have to give anything to them. I mostly love chill people who have the same interests as myself. I sound like I'm writing a dating profile lol

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
I don't think there's one I clash with really. There's one guy I HATE from Discord, so maybe his type. Ok, wait, two. They're both married men who are almost/are 30 and they prey on young, not fully developed minds. One of them manipulates and abuses people OUTSIDE of games and then tries to pretend he's the victim when people call him out. I don't think abuse is ok in or out of games. Disgusting. The other can't take being called out for being shady and started harassing people. They both are terrified of people who can actually play in ORGs without hurting people. UGH.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
An honest game. Even if it's somewhat manipulative or a little messy. Honesty just goes a long way. Like if someone lies to me in the game, I don't know if I'd want to be their friend outside of the game. They're just not trustworthy. But I guess the same could go for honest manipulators. You never really know when they're manipulating you. That makes me nervous for my relationships with my friends lol fuck. To go ahead and answer the next question a tiny bit, I'm an honest manipulator. I don't mean to be manipulative. I always considered it persuasive honesty. I don't know. Wow.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
So yes, persuasive honesty. I'm an extreme social player. I feel like that was obvious from my past few answers lol I go hard in those DMs. I'm decent at challenges, but I find myself always thinking, eh, I don't need this win. I'll be fine without it. Really, it's not even a social game, it's me wanting friends! I really, truly just love talking to people and getting to know people. I have a new friend crush on everyone when we first start talking if that makes sense. I can be a villain, but I prefer to stay neutral but also loved by everyone. I don't like having enemies, but I get them later in the game when people start realizing they need to vote me out but everyone else refuses. I'm a whore for flipping as well. I'll flip all over the place. Love that shit.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I'm gonna go for like the regular, get to know me sort of stuff. I'm, yeah, 22, and I live in Florida. I worked at Disney World for a few years, now at Universal trying to get into a Creative role there. I go to UCF for Game Design. I have a cat that I will post a million pictures of if you're into pussy pics ;) I love these games and I put a lot into each one that I play. I love writing confessionals because I'm a fucking nerd. I only play one ORG at a time because I like to give them my all. I really just want to be a part of this community because it seems super cool <3
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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I work, but am free to talk on message boards and participate for the most part while working. Nothing is scheduled to interfere from 8-10 but unplanned events could happen once or twice during my time playing

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I recently got into survivor with some help from my brother. I've been binge watching seasons and truly love the game. My brother played in your last season (Danni) and told me about stranded. It sounds super fun and I really want to know how I'd do. I was very socially awkward at a young age and a lot of my social skills were mimicked from others. I want to see if my learned social skills can function in this setting.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
I have not played any games like this before. Does this include generic video games? I play league of legends...

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
I think I'm a lot like Davie from the current season. I'm nerdy, but friendly and like to avoid conflict. Information is key to his game and he keeps his moves under the radar. He also keeps around meat shields so no one targets him. I feel like I'd play a similar game and have a similar attitude and excitement as he does.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Tony from Cagayan and game changers. He's so wild and fun to watch. Once he had a lead in the game he pressed his advantage and became an unstoppable force. I would never play like him but it's so fun to watch.
Spencer from Cagayan and Cambodia. Watching someone play survivor like chess was definitely interesting. It's something I could see myself doing, but he forgot that the other players can't know how much you are using them as pawns. He lost due to making no personal relationships, which is a good reminder how complex this game is.

And lastly, Joe from world's apart and Cambodia. His social game was far from stunning, but to see someone play so hard and be an absolute immunity beast was great to watch. He knew he was going home the second he lost a challenge and he tried so hard he only lost due to passing out. Major respect to Joe.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
Stay cool and try to difuse the situation. Blowing up and showing raw emotion is a great way to get voted out. Figure out why they are upset and see if you can help fix the problem and repair the relationship. If you can't and they are a threat to your game, try and use their confrontation and emotions as a catalyst to get them out. Paint them as unhinged and dangerous to everyone's game.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I'd like to be portrayed as someone who is out having a fun time, but playing hard in secret. Playing too hard in an obvious manner and seizing control gets you targeted and that's what I would try and avoid. hopefully they would show off my intelligence and ability to keep multiple strong relationships throughout the game.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
I think they would show me as a follower who didn't do enough work to warrant how far they got in the game. Maybe even a goat if I played poorly.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I get along with most people. Specifically others who are calm and think logically. That being said I also enjoy playing with and talking to jocks/golden boys. People who look to make friends rather than viewing everyone as an enemy.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
Those who get emotional easily and confront others without thinking. I don't understand them very well and don't deal well with strong emotional based arguments.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
I respect those who wins immunity and dominate the game. It's something I could never do, and rarely wins, but those players stick to their convictions and play hard. Immunity beasts have a tendency to get blind sided just because of the threat they pose in winning out. I'd love to be able to play like them.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
My strategy going in is to be very malleable in the early game. Getting to the merge requires working well with others and winning immunity. Being a positive standout isn't as important yet, so the main goal is to avoid standing out for any negative reason. Build as many relationships as possible, and just be a number if you have to. The goal is to not make enemies

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I said it earlier, but I have a tendency to mimicked others to fit in. I spent so much time learning to fit in because of dealing with bullies in my childhood. I think these skills will help a lot in a game like this, but they could also backfire. Only one way to find out.
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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I can devote a lot of time throughout the day to the game - it's more just knowing when I will need to be on and accommodating that. I often commute to work so in order to be fully online to participate in competitions and such, the problem hours would be between ~5:30-8 PM ET but would have phone access at worst during those hours. Throughout the day, various meetings will pop up but not anything I can't work around with notice.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
'Winning - and if anyone answers otherwise, that's just dumb and they shouldn't bother playing. Or should I say online fame? Either way, I used to play these all of the time and, for the most part, came up short. I was always a "challenge beast" because of fast typing (humble brag) but in my youth I never really had the finesse to play a smart social game at times and let temper get the best of me. Now that I'm older and somewhat hopefully more mature I want to see how I would play everything differently.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
I have and it's been a bit - but I was pretty active in the community back in the day. I was part of the mini game universe so I mostly played and hosted mini games during the "Amber" days (shout out to Amber if that means anything) but would occasionally play long term games. I mostly played in Big Brother games but having grown an appreciation for Survivor and its game play over the last few years, I'm excited to give this a chance and get myself back into the ORG community.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Zeke: because, well, Buzzfeed apparently said so. You're calm, cool, and collected! You make the most of what's thrown at you, which is perfect because you're here to make a name for yourself. You pay your respects to yesterday's legends because you plan to be a legend tomorrow! (Editor's note: I can see this - I'm pretty calm and collected when it comes things but I'm always calculating and able to adapt).
Sandra Diaz-Twine: You’re Sandra Diaz-Twine, the only person to ever win Survivor twice. Her ‘as long as it ain’t me’ philosophy has proven to be a winning strategy. It’s impossible not to admire her Survivor skills. (Editor's note: this is from MagiQuiz - so you know it's VERY legit and I'm VERY happy with these results. I also feel her blunt attitude fits with my own and I hope I could be as good as she was in making being at the bottom an advantage and turning it into success).

Rudy: I'm old, I'm a bit out of touch with things in the ORG world, but I'm hoping I can last.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Parvati, Sandra, and Natalie Anderson.
Overall, I just think they are bad ass women who deserve respect for their game play and some more than others are appreciated by the fan base at large. They also are pretty blunt, in their own individual ways, and are able to somehow turn that into a win. I respect that and knowing my personality, would love to emulate their style of play.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
I hate to be 'that guy' but I truly feel like it would depend on the confrontation and the specific scenario. If someone was confronting me with something I knew I was in the wrong about/lying, I would be sure to keep quiet and laugh it off. Play to their weakness and make them look like the crazy one. You know, typical gaslighting. Just kidding.
If it was a scenario where I knew the drama was unnecessary or that I was in the right/telling the truth, I don't think I'd be able to hold back. While I wouldn't blow up back at the person, I would for sure handle it with the utmost sarcasm and cutting wit and give the person exactly what they wanted - attention. I wish I could blow it off but I likely wouldn't be able to - I'd just hope to use it to my game advantage even sightly.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I would like to be portrayed as calm, collected, and an always thinking strategist. I'd like to think I would be the funny one on the tribe and everyone's friend and get loyalty out of that while not just being carried through to the end.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
I would probably come off as a bit of an asshole - especially if the editors decided to make me seem that way when usually what I'm saying is just a joke. I also think that I would end up trying to over play my hand at one point and would end up being a plot point of a joke for an episode while giving them the MOST confident confessionals. Basically making their job easier.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I tend to get along with most personality types - I think to be a functioning adult with a real job you need to learn to do so. I would say that I tend to get along with people who are sarcastic and have a wit about them and those that don't take things too seriously. Despite having a flare for the drama in some aspects (see: reality TV obsession and, in particular, RuPaul's Drag Race) I can appreciate it from afar but tend to keep mostly "chill" people in my life.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
I really hate people who are ass kissers - that's what I conflict with the most. I really do not like people who get by on just talk and don't actually put any work or effort into having a particular skill. I also do not get along with people who are phony/fake. While this will be something hard to read online, I like to think I have a pretty good b.s. detector. I'd rather deal with someone who is an asshole but genuinely themselves than deal with someone who is fake and I'm far more likely to be dismissive to the latter.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
I tend to respect the quiet/subtle game play more than the typical "run the season like Russell Hantz" types. I think there's something to be said about sitting back when it gets you an advantage in not only a game like Survivor but in life. I feel like people who sit back, assess the situation, and are not just overtly on the offensive all of the time tend to do well but get lost in the shuffle of needing to have a "resume" and proving big game moves. Sometimes being quiet can be the smartest move even if you can't brag about it later.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
Going into it, I would hope to have a pretty low key strategy early on. I think a large part of my early game will be established in re-orienting myself to the ORG world and making sure I'm a valuable member to the tribe and any key alliance. I don't think I can delude myself into thinking that I will go in and make the majority alliance to start. I want to sit back, use my personality, and really read the tribe dynamics for the pre-merge portion of the game.

I think I mostly want people to underestimate me - I'm going to be upfront about being new but hoping to take that underestimation into over drive in the post-merge world. After the merge, I would expect myself to become more vocal, win more challenges, and to try and orchestrate some flips in the game on the majority alliances.

Sounds boring but I want people to think I am a few steps behind and then jog to be in the front.

I want to establish a key alliance early on that I wouldn't waiver from but at the end of the day, I will make sure I am looking out for myself and will turn on mostly everyone else. Just want to have one person I can sound ideas off of and know that we aren't going to waiver.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
Free form - that's daunting. I think I'm an interesting person - I have a good sense of humor, varied interests, life stories. I also have experience in the ORG world but it's so long ago that this will honestly be a challenge for me. It will also be interesting to be older and see what new types there are in this world. I am excited to get back into the mix of things and hope to be a STAR of the next season of Stranded.
Plus I give good talking heads.
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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I should be able to commit multiple hours a day to the game. I am currently a college student and have evenings free almost every night in addition to time throughout the day.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I have been watching survivor for years with my dad and have done other online survivors through the Cassandra Project (primarily an online werewolf site). I have experience with playing these types of games and enjoy them very much.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
As mentioned above I have played a few different versions of online survivor along with similar games like werewolf and Town of Salem. I play many other online games as well.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Scot (Kaoh Rong) - Scot was an NBA player. He is a big guy, plotting things out in the long term and making one or two close alliances where he decides his plan. I myself play basketball so I have an immediate affinity for him, but also his strategy of having close alliances with people you are very certain won't backstab you fits me.
Wentworth (Cambodia) - Her highlight of this season was when she made this long extravagant plan using her hidden immunity idol and it all fell in place perfectly. I mentioned this with Scot, but being able to plan out how the votes will go and then make a surprising move the way she did is very much what I try to do.

Tai (Kaoh Rong) - Kaoh Rong was one of my favorite seasons to watch because it fit my playstyle. A lot of lying and switching sides. Nobody did this more than Tai throughout the whole show. Betraying three major alliances, he used the advantages he had (a hidden immunity idol primarily) to do what he wanted.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Ozzy (South Pacific, Cook Islands) - I know Ozzy played a third season of survivor however I have not seen him in that season. Watching him in Cook Islands impressed me greatly. Being on the bottom and knowing he will be voted out but being able to charm everyone and win almost every individual immunity challenge shows the grit that he possesses.
Russell Hantz (Heroes v. Villains, Redemption Island, Samoa) - If Hantz's reputation doesn't precede him, he is one of the most electric players to watch. He is brash, causing problems at camp as well as extremely lucky. Going to the final tribal council twice, his rude attitude that got him there caused him to lose both times. He was simply one of the best players to watch.

Rudy Boesch (All-Stars, Borneo) - Rudy was simply a marvel to watch. A former navy SEAL you could tell he used to be incredibly athletic, but due to his old age he had lost much of his physical ability. It was amazing to see a person at his age be able to compete in a competition as brutal as Survivor.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
Depends on the situation, but if I did something wrong my first instinct would be to lie my way out. I have always felt in past games that I can lie my way out of situations and as long as I do it carefully I don't trip up.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
Yes. It would be very hard, but I feel as though I'm physically and mentally able to be in the real show. I believe I have the wits, the athletics and the charisma to do well in the actual show as well as an online version.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
I think I would be portrayed as being young somehow. If the show were young v old or something along those lines I would fit in.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
One of my greatest strengths is I can be the leader or the follower. I can get along with nearly every personality type.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
The only type I would clash with is the extremely rude and brash. Russell Hantz is an example of someone I would clash with.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
I respect the strategic style. I think that you can't be too loud or you will draw attention. Planning and plotting is a much better strategy.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
I think the best strategy changes through the game. At the beginning you need to be nice to everyone and just make friends. As the game goes on you need to see which people you trust the most and who seems most dangerous.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I may have not played on your site before, however I will be active, smart and a good addition to your game.
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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I can devote plenty of time during the day. I have lots of downtime between tasks at work. I typically go to the gym in the evenings after work, but I should be home by the time any events start. If there's a mobile app as well it'd be no problem.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I played ORGs a long time ago (god, I guess it's been like 11 years, haha. #oldman) and always had fun. I just stopped because they became too time consuming, and also the ORG community was much smaller back then. I just finished grad school and I have more downtime lately, so this might be fun! I'm also highly competitive, so there's that.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
Yes, I'd say I played in about 10-15. I won a Big Brother Org, and played in quite a few Survivor ones. I also played in The Mole once. So yeah, I'm pretty well-versed.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
My real life personality? I'd say I'm a mix of Aubry (an articulate nerd), Bradley (a bit bossy but not ashamed of it) and Jenn Brown (endearingly sarcastic).

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
No matter how cliche it seems, Parvati is the best player of all time, and easily my favorite. Her ability to use social manipulation to advance her game is mind-blowing. I also love Chrissy Hofbeck. She was robbed and I can't wait to see her play again. I also think Kelley Wentworth's game in Second Chances was just so fun to watch and she lights up the screen. I'm really excited to see how she does a third time.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
You've got to take a page out of Fabio's book and "be cool". Don't let others see you sweat or see you flustered. There's always a way to deescalate confrontation, you just have to take a step back and figure out how.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
Villian all the way. I tend to be pretty polarizing in real life, so I'm sure there would be plenty of people who connect with me and plenty of people who hate me. I've learned to use haters as motivators, so I could handle the criticism. Also, Villains have more fun. I think I'd be portrayed a lot like Bradley, even though I'd like to think I'm more patient and kind than he came across on TV.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
Same as above. I'm sure I'd be in some sort of villain role. Even though I'm incredibly kind and loyal to my friends, I tend to be judged by people before they get to know me.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
Kind people. I love friends who build each other up and celebrate each other's successes. I'm also highly motivated so I tend to get along with people who are accomplishing big things in their lives.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
I hate negativity and judgment. I've spent the last few years cutting toxic people out of my life, so I don't do well around people who make fun of others or spend their energy throwing pity parties for themselves.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
Strategic! I hate players who don't do anything or never make a move. Laurel was a terrible player! She waited all season to essentially be a jury member and break the tie when she could've won if she'd made a move against Dom or Wendell! The ones who just sit back and don't play drive me crazy. Christina Cha is my least favorite contestant of all time.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
I'm going to go in and just be social. I'll try to forge connections with people about things outside of the game like music, video games, reality TV talk, and hope it allows people to build trust with me. I'm going to wait for moves to be brought to me in the beginning so I'm not the one coming across as aggressive. Later on, I'll hopefully use that trust to seize control of the game and take it all the way!

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I'm a nice guy and think this sounds like fun. Feel free to ask me anything! Look forward to seeing how this all goes.
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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I have no foreseeable time constraints and should be able to dedicate almost my entire day to Stranded

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I have loved Survivor for a long time. If I could wish for one thing it would be to play Survivor. But alas, getting casted is extremely hard. So I may as well take every opportunity I get to play a game so similar to the one I love.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
I have not, although I did participate in an on-campus version of Survivor at Northeastern University.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Spencer Bledsoe- A smart, cocky asshat who probably thinks too highly of himself, but is still fairly likable and intelligent.
Stephen Fishbach- A smart guy who, even while being a little arrogant sometimes, can be likable.

Erik Reichenbach- I think Erik is probably the best comparison to me. I'm a little less athletic and maybe a little more smart, but at the end of the day people will remember me as a fairly unassuming dude who will probably make a dumb decision.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Erik Reichenbach- THE SINGLE MOST UNDERRATED PLAYER OF ALL TIME. This man is so likable I want to win Survivor just to give it all to him. The man is one bad decision and one medevac from being a two time Sole Survivor. He's so likable it amazes me.
Khaos Kass- I think everyone has differing opinions on her and when I first watched Cagayan, I didn't like her. But she raises fair points about how the game is so much tougher for a mom-like figure. And I've come to respect her decision making and her blunt but not overly insensitive personality.

Tyson Apostol- The man is hilarious and a riot to have on screen, and I hope he comes back one more time, just I can smile at his sarcasticness.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
Damage control. No matter whether they are right or wrong, I know that I can play a solid enough defense that I can at least get the issue to be handled. If I can calm them down, fantastic, that's the ideal scenario, but if I can't then I have to make sure everyone else in the game trusts me over them.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I want to be portrayed as the most likable guy to ever walk on the island and everyone pretty much hands me the win because who could possibly vote against me?

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
As an overly cocky asshole who barely scrapes by in the game.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I get along with almost everybody, but especially the outcasts. I'm weird enough they consider me as one of their own, but normal enough that I seem cool to them.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
Alpha males and Popular girls. Football players and Cheerleaders. Basically anyone who genuinely thinks they are better than everyone else. The further their head is stuck up their own ass, the more I dislike them.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
I respect anybody who is truly trying to win the game. There is no one best way to win Survivor/Stranded/any similar social game. But if you're playing, play to win. I vehemently do not respect players who quit the game. I also have a lack of respect people who understand that if they continue to play the way they are playing that they have no way to win, and have a way to change their game so they can win, but elect to continue playing a losing game. I just respect people who are trying their damndest to win.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
Figure out what everyone else's strategy is. Adaptability is probably my biggest strength, and I think I can thrive in any environment, but I have to assess what that environment is first. If everyone is playing hard right out of the gate then I have to jump in before I get left in the dust. If everyone is more focused on getting to know each other, I don't want to play too hard too early and damage how others view me socially. I want to try to get in an alliance but will not form one by myself, because if you get invited to an alliance, you can almost guarantee it'll stick, whereas if you form one, everyone will just say "yes" and it'll be hard to tell if they're lying or not.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I honestly think that I'm made for this game. My biggest obstacle is myself. I'm not always the most interesting guy, but I know I'm likable, and as long as I stick to that, I think you'll enjoy watching me play.
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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I think there would be more days that I would be available than not because I work as a freelance fashion designer and usually at home everyday in front of my computer so I do not know when I won't be available but it really depends on what available work I would have at that moment or when I would get invited to get out to socialize and get outside of my room lol. But if I get chosen I will make myself available just for this.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
Honestly I just into survivor after I saw a recommended video on youtube about "Best Idol Plays" I was bored and curious so I checked it out. After I watched it I thought it was awesome even though I didn't really understand how those events ended up the way it did and after that I had a lot of questions and before that I had only seen 2 episodes of the show way back in Heroes vs Villains ( the episode where JT was voted out and Final Episode where Sandra won which at that time I didn't understand why she won) and I watched a lot more videos about survivor, I visit the Survivor subreddit (daily now) and there was just a lot of info and I loved it, I learned so much and I feel like there are so much to learn it was such a fascinating game and I think like everyone else I try to imagine how will I do if I play Survivor.

So I guess my motivation would be for the experience, I am pretty sure I won't be able to do the real thing because we don't have Survivor here in my country anymore and I really don't think I could actually do the Survival aspect of the real game. So I want to really get into the game because I want to experience it, meet new people, test out my skills and I wanna see what happens and have fun.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Courtney Yates we are both sarcastic and skinny.
Natalie Anderson because of her anti hero qualities

Kass Mcquillen because we are both chaotic bitched lol

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Mostly of my fave survivor contestants are mostly UTR and great socially type of players which is probably the opposite of myself and I always love things/people that are opposite of myself.
Denise Stapley she is one of my favorite because she went to every tribal council on her season and still won. She is good in challenges and socially she is really great that is a part of her strategy that made her win and personally I am just drawn to her personality.

Sandra Diaz-Twine at first when I was just a casual and didn't really understand how the show works, I didn't understand why she won. But after learning a lot about the show she is now one of my faves not because she won twice its just because how she played the game. I feel like being UTR is such a hard to pull off and I am just really fascinated about that because I feel like I can't do that she did and that's why she is my favorite. Her strategy is subtle but effective because she pulled it off, she is really self aware and she is also funny and petty which I love.

Courtney Yates is my fave because I could see myself in her maybe I am just the South East Asian gay version at least that's what I'd like to believe haha!
We are both skinny, sarcastic,sharp tongued and I think we have the same attitude. She is one of my fave because I can relate to her.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
I am mostly chill about a lot of things, so I'll probably be calm about it.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I wanted to be a fun villain. But I don't really mind how I am portrayed on the show whetere I get purpled, portrayed as annoying or a hero I don't really mind because I want to be surprised and as long as I am in a season that is not boring I am good.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
an Anti-hero that casuals would hate and reddit would love they would call me a robbed goddess LOL

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I usually get along with practically everyone in real life for some reason.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
People who are so sensitive and regimented.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
Personally I respect all styles of game play.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
I don't have a strategy going into the game and since I am not a life long fan of the show I would like to do things the way I see fit I don't want to emulate past players as much as possible because I want to be myself and just really have fun.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I am from Philippines and I work as a Fashion Designer. I am also gay that looks like a girl ( I posted a lot of my photos on other subreddit too ) but I am not trans so they can't use that against me on a tribal council. I just became a fan of the show last October and I only watched some episodes of the show but I feel like I watched it because of reddit. I seen Pearl Islands and David vs Goliath completely and some season just some episodes depends on what is available.
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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
If the game requires up to two hours per day Sun-Thurs, that shouldn't be a problem. I have school and/or work everyday, but both allow me to take care of secondary matters whenever need be.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I've loved the environment of Survivor for not only it's competition and display of outdoorsmanship, but for the strategy involved socially. I joined the party late and marathoned through a number of seasons finding that I most appreciated and identified with players who best provided for their tribe and showed the best physical competitiveness. Whether i'm competing virtually or actually getting accepted to the show, I want to be a part of the Survivor experience and bring along my skills I find most useful for providing for my tribe and winning us immunity.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
Most online games i've played have been multiplayer strategy and shooters. At the moment, my housemates and I play Overwatch and battle royale formats, whereas on my own, I prefer playing Elite Dangerous.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Rupert from Pearl Islands, Ozzy from Cook Islands and Micronesia, and Malcolm from Caramoan. I identify most with all three contestants abilities with faring outdoors and being able to not only provide for themselves, but for their corresponding tribes. Both Rupert and Ozzy (although it was likely their downfall) exhibited loyalty to those within their alliances and showed incredible value when it came to challenges and camp life. I myself am a personal trainer, surfer, and student of biochemistry. I have had my same group of core best friends most of my life that i'm loyal to and would aid whenever given the chance. I've spent much of my life outdoors in the elements and see myself performing well in the Survivor environment.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
As stated in prompt 4, Rupert and Ozzy would be my top 2 favorites. Both not only took full advantage of the Survivor experience, but they both kept the viewing of the game exciting and honest. Of note, when Rupert day 1 pirated the opposing tribes belongings and in fans vs favorites when Ozzy placed a decoy idol that actually got played, two of my favorite moments of the show. My third favorite, for some reasons i'm still figuring out on my part, would be Russell Hantz. I had heard plenty about him before watching any of his seasons, but when I watched his first, I was very impressed with the social politics and strategy he employed. Although I was pleased to see he did win the title of sole survivor, personally because I believe that winning the title does not depend solely on playing those around you socially, I thought he gave a good example of how far his strategy can get you, but also the scorn you can impose on others if you approach the game as heartlessly towards others as he did.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
I would hear them out to see what the issue/concern is, and no matter the situation, really contemplate my response so as to make sure they see me as being on the proper side. I would seek at an alliance with those I find I can trust most, and do my best to stay loyal to the agreement, and if a castaway on the wrong side of things got in the way, i'd do whatever I need to make sure a target isn't being placed on my back.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I'd want to be seen as a physically strong competitor. I want to do my part around camp and prove valuable in challenges, be loyal to my alliances, and go as far as possible with others seeing me as having deserved it.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
Strong and useful, yes, but probably aggressive when it comes to what I see as unjust confrontation. Probably wouldn't be seen as reserved as i'd like to be socially.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I get along best with those who demonstrate their value, use logic over emotion, and are loyal to their word.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
I find it hard to deal with people who see their own emotional responses superseding logic and reason. I also see myself clashing with those who make it far into the game solely on the success of someone else, essentially riding their coattails. Though there are different strategies for making it far in the game, I find it hard to have respect for someone who made it far without putting in the most effort and their own part.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
Physical competitiveness and loyalty.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
I will aim to be the one who fishes, gathers materials, and assists greatly in development of the shelter and camp. I will continually work and demonstrate my value. During challenges, anyone opposed to me will have to give it their all and more if they want to win, no matter the task.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I'm 27, personal trainer and surfer from Santa Cruz, CA. I'm finishing a degree in Biochemistry. I'm a natural in the water when it comes to physicality and resourcefulness. I spent much of my childhood diving and fishing, learning how to contribute and provide. I've had loyal friendships and relationships for years, and I have my standards and ideologies when it comes to interacting with people, though that can be an issue when I come across those I don't see eye to eye with.
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By Danni Boatwright
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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
For the most part I'm unemployed right now so my schedule is open except for on occasion working for my friend's store during the day. My boyfriend lives 2 hours away so a couple times a month I'll go and stay with him for a couple nights during the week but I still have access to the internet and if there's an important event 98% of the time I'll be able to figure it out

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I have very few passions in life most of the time I'm just like a plastic bag drifting through the wind, do you ever feel like that? But I love BB and Survivor and everything they are. I love psychology and understanding people and this is a game where that's what it's all about. I'm always psychoanalyzing everyone constantly and this game is the perfect way to really put that into action where I get to exercise it like a work out for my brain. It's easy to get lost in this world so I don't really allow myself to do that but there's been the scratch I've been wanting to itch for quiteeeee some time where I need to get it out of my system and do it right so I can feel like I've satisfied that urge.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
Yeah not many maybe like 10?? All were tumblr survivor games. It's a really big community and I've stayed out of it where I'll disappear for 6 months and then play a game, win, and go back on hiatus until I was ready to play again. Okay maybe I didn't win EVERY time but like who can do that???????

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
David wright, courtney yates, katie collins
I'm awkward, nothing inside me makes me naturally good at this game, I'm kind of just the shy person who will be quiet in the corner making snarky jokes in the rare chance I leave my house. Nothing about me makes sense so it's hard to try to match my personality with other people mostly because I myself am not a person I'm more of an entity or like.... a concept?? But if I had to I think that a combination of the neuroticism of Dave, the sense of humor of Courtney, and the awkwardness of Katie makes like an off brand version of what someone who has never met me would maybe describe me as.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Ciera Eastin is a beast how she maneuvers so swiftly and can fight her way out of practically anything except for game changers that's a myth!
Tina because she's the original queen 8 year old me loved that season when it aired and 25 year old me loves the subtlety and skill it took for her to win!!!
Adam Klein bc I just lost someone close to me from breast cancer and seeing his survivor journey exist in the same timeline as the journey of losing his mom moved me beyond anything the show has ever done before

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
Okay so I'm usually really calm cool collected take my time figure out the best way to deescalate a situation so that everything is shifted to fit the narrative that is best for me and my game but I'm also not afraid to call a bitch out in a respectful way. I never start drama to be malicious or attack anyone personally but if someone fucks me over or comes at me I don't back down.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I'd like to be portrayed as CPPP obviously... I am funny and interesting and I put 100% into every social interaction and strategic game move I make in these games so having a balanced edit that shows me hustling and working hard but not being a gamebot and having my weird personality is always the goal!!!

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
Honestly I'd probably be Jeff's nightmare of an UTR winner lmao I kinda stay in the background and make relationships with people and then use those relationships to position myself to make moves that take me further. I'm not afraid of making flashy game moves when the time is right it's just that so many people do them just to do them and then blow themselves up over it and in this era of Big Moves I feel like I'd get lost in the edit (undeservingly!!!!!)

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I get along with people who are funny and can banter with me. I am super awkward social anxiety hate talking to people so it's difficult for me to hold a conversation naturally. I love it when I just meet someone and instantly we can be playful and roast each other and talk shit about everything.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
Brash obnoxious people. I just can't relate to them so it's hard for me to tear down my walls and let them in without getting annoyed by everything they say. The only good thing about them is that most of the time they talk themselves into their own demise which is good.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
Honestly I respect whatever gameplay it takes to get to the end I think if you got there then you played the right game for YOU to make it there. But with that said I think I value social > strategic > flash > challenges???? This isn't a game about who's the best at puzzles sure that definitely helps but where I place more of my respect is on how you use what you have to better yourself and what you do with your position in the game.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
I think it's important to be adaptable. I've gone into games where my strategy was thrown out bc we lost the first 7 immunities challenges or a twist happens or someone on the tribe is insane. My strategy is regardless of what's going on to put 110% into making 1 on 1 personal relationships with as many people as possible. I don't want to come off as a strong social player or someone who's overplaying so I also think it's important to not spread myself too thin and leave options for people to vote out bc if I'm best friends with every single person in the game then there's going to be hard feelings and I'm going to be put in shitty positions. So a balance is key. Work hard, stay chill, and when the time is right slit some throats with a smile on my face and snatch myself the crown.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I love confessionals and talking through my game so expect like 10 page APA dissertations where I do nothing but just talk about myself and try to grab the racing thoughts in my neurotic mind and put them into words which is a difficult thing to do!!!!!!!! Other than that I'm not really a good first impressions person idk how to present myself I'm more of a you grow to love me person?????? So give me a chance to let you experience me
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Danni Boatwright

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By Danni Boatwright
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1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I work from home on a contract basis. Really just get project done by X time, so I can allocate time to things I want, when I want.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I just love the strategy aspects of these social games, and work in a field where these skills are beneficial. So it is more of a lifestyle than an interest.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
No. I occasionally play multiplayer video games, but mostly only enjoy it for the humor/banter aspects that come out of the gameplay.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Oh wow. I wouldn't consider myself a nerd archetype like Cochran or Adam Klein. But I'm no Ozzie or either. Maybe a good combo like the latest winner, Nick. But if I had to just pick one, it would probably be Rob Cesternino. Rob was good enough to win, ( the man moved from the bottom of one alliance to the top of another) but he lacked the ability to finish, and maybe that is where I feel like I can be better. In my job, I need to build a raport quickly and get strangers to open up to me in a matter of 30 minutes, so I feel like that would benefit me greatly.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Johnny FairPlay #1 bc he was such a fun watch. A complete mess of a player and a great guide of exactly what not to be. I just love the balls to wall type player that can't see the forest through the trees.
David Wright is also a very intriguing guy to me. He escaped a very shaky start and managed to regroup and find the right people to work with, which ultimately got him pretty far, Most people love to get behind players that get the good edit from the start, but David was in a really bad spot early (mostly due to his over-eagerness) and really get a chance to show what a good player he was.

My number 3 might be a seldom mentioned guy, but Colby Donaldson is pretty much the perfect Survivor player that just made the worng decision on who to take to the end with him. If not for a really bitter Jerri.

Most of my picks are from recent Survivor contestants and maybe that is just a product of my memory (I'm not the youngest guy in the pool, but I still like to play), but I think they all probably could have won under slightly different circumstances, but just lacked that one extra intuition/physical ability to get it across the finish line.

Also - full disclaimer, I would never pick a winner for this question, bc ultimately, it also takes a bit of good luck to win, and a bit of bad luck to be just another contestant.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
Simply put a ridiculous amount of questions, and a group of very short answers.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I think I would like to be thought of as a more strategic than physical player, even though I think I could do okay(italics) in most of the comps. I really like the dont win until you have to mentality.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
Most likely as a "know it all." I tend to have to fight myself IRL from correcting people, and my favorite phrase is "Actually....."

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I can get along with anybody. I played sports in HS and College, but I also rolled my eyes at my teammates more often than not and always saw myself as a bit more intelligent and intuitive than most of them, but once in a while I would recognize that one or deeper people, and they are my closest friends to this day.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
Ironically "know it alls." But the unjustified type. Again, you would run into a ton of these people in competitive sports. They think because they are physically gufted, they are also, mentally, or socially gifted, which is rarely the case.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
Like I mentioned before, I love the players that rely on strategy and only rely on comps when they are needed. Any player that relies on either of the two exclusively, either has to get lucky to win, or flames out their own hubris.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
Lay low at first. Interject when I see it benefits myself or those I am aligned with. But never, ever, put yourself as the main decision maker or decider if it can be avoided. Obviously that might not be possible for the entire game, but when you do need to take that role on, you make sure to listen to your fellow players. I will never understand the people that try to bulldoze their thoughts/ideas. But maybe that is just a byproduct of what makes someone a great casting decision...
Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.: I've worked in Advertising my whole adult life and get paid to develop ways to connect with people through brand messaging. After over a decade of doing this, I have developed a bit of guilt about it, and don't really have a very strong sense of pride or accomplishment developing the skills I have, but maybe this could be a way for me to feel a bit better about it. Probably not, but maybe...
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