By Jeff Probst
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-6th Place-

Played by: Blancri
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 2nd Place - 90.90%

Jeff Probst wrote:There's so much I could say about Chelsea. I'll start by saying she is probably the biggest character this season. Consistently she brought the drama when we desperately needed it. She also proved herself to be dangerous in the game when she managed to survive the pre-merge swap when everyone was against her. She is just as charming as she is hilarious. I was living every time she started new drama at Tribal Council. She is a huge star this season, and I think she'll go on to become a legendary player in stranded if she can stick around. She was amazing to watch and even more fun to root for. I think I speak for all the co-hosts when I say Chelsea is an All-Star, and I hope she had as much fun playing as we had watching her.
Caryn wrote:I feel like you’re the quintessential player that the hosts hope to see every single season. Because you were the perfect example this season of someone who can be a really great player while also simultaneously being entertaining as fuck to watch. I mean, we always knew you were gonna bring the goods in the entertainment section, and you definitely did with all the public fights and hilarious insults. But you were surprisingly one of the most powerful players in the game. You were very persuasive & knew just how to get people on your side, and that was showcased multiple time throughout the season. And it’s always a blast to see someone be so dramatic & still manage to play a threatening game.
Danni wrote: Iconic performance, Chels. You were so much fun to watch, and gave me way more strategic gameplay than I was expecting out of you. No one else put in as much effort to whip the votes together, and whether they loved you or hated you the other players knew you were someone to take seriously.
Gary wrote:I don’t think I’m creative enough to do Chelsea justice with my comments, so I’ll just say Ditto to what everyone else said. Instant legend.
Hannah wrote:I LOVE YOU! WINNER PICK. ABSOLUTE QUEEN icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub
Dale wrote:I think people like you? I'm not sure but I think so.... Like others said, you're a legend.
Jordan wrote:CHELS! Oh my gosh! You are a freaking joy to watch! You're hilarious, a strong player, and so committed. I loved how seriously you took this. You were always online and I loved it! I always loved reading your confessionals and keeping up with your chats. You radiate this happiness and your personality is so gravitating. I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF YOU! I loved how genuine you were. And I loved how loyal you were! I hope you decide to stick around cus you are amazing and all the alumni are waiting to meet you! Love you ❤
Joaquin wrote:We knew you were going to be entertaining as fuck this season - what we did not see coming was how good of a player you'd be. You were the most active player in the whole game and it showed. You were well liked by pretty much everyone and could whip up votes better than anyone this season. I think some players on the jury wish they would have played with you longer instead of dismissing your target level as threatening. I loved all of your antics and Filipino swearing and chats and ridiculousness - an all-star in my book. One of the clear top-three fan faves from this season, and I would not be surprised if you took home first.
Trashley wrote:I literally could not tell if you were a mastermind or like... a Forrest Gump who everyone just thought was a mastermind? Honestly I still don't even know lol.
Lucy wrote:Congratulations on your probably fan favorite victory. Have fun spending it on something as frivolous and as pointless as a Starbucks Frapp. Or you can just paypal it to me. I'm used to winning all the money :3. You were the shining star in this shitty little abortion of a season and I'm sorry your name will be associated with Morocco. It's all good though, you'll play another All Stars and in time everyone will forget.

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By Jeff Probst
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-13th Place-

Played by: dees
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 1st Place - 91.33%

Jeff Probst wrote:Kellyn was the definition of an epic merge boot. She defined most of the pre-merge with her chaotic gameplay and even more chaotic personality. I so enjoyed seeing her escape early Jellal to go on a strong run. She was one of the more unexpected personalities this season. I knew she would be fun, but I didn't realize she would become one of, if not THE biggest characters of the season. When she became the first Nomad, it might have been the happiest I was all season, and her public feuds are the stuff of Legends. She's still upset about her rep, but I think because Kellyn was such a Trainwreck, she became a legendary character in Stranded. You were one of the highlights of the game, and I wish I could find a hundred more players like you.
Caryn wrote:Definitely the biggest star of the pre-merge, and a flawless merge boot. You were absolutely fucking nuts. You were abrasively moronic, and an annoyance to everyone in the cast. But that’s what made you so fun. I know you’re not a fan of the Kellyn rep, but you really played her perfectly by being a bumbling fucking idiot. But somehow you bumbled your way into a power position in the game as the first Nomad which was incredibly fun to watch, along with your public & private spats with Chelsea. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were a 12 year old, and I mean that in the best possible way I can.
Danni wrote:Things started a little rough for you, but as the first nomad you completely changed the landscape of the game. Your games of telephone across the tribes were awesome, and I think that really shaped the season’s strategy of working with every player in the game.
Gary wrote:Kellyn made herself a walking meme by showing zero self-awareness and constantly failing at trying to do simple things on the boards like making group chats. LOVED her character and she was the engine of the pre-merge. Being the first nomad was a host wet dream come true and Kellyn was never boring from episode one all the way through her ridiculous jury commentary and questioning.
Hannah wrote:Giiiiirl I’m sorry to say, but your alias was perfect. I loved you, even though you kept messaging me the first few days with questions I had no idea how to answer.
Dale wrote: Kellyn I fell in love with you as soon as you didn't know where to vote in the first tribal, and kept bothering the hosts with silly questions. I mean in that in the best way possible. Another stand out character from a lackluster season, you will be what I remember the best when I think back on Morocco.
Jordan wrote: KELLYN ❤ I joked that you were me. I also struggled with posting images and quoting during my time playing. I absolutely loved EVERY SINGLE SECOND of you. You were so entertaining to watch and one of my faves. You were my favorite nomad. I know you hate your avatar rep, but you should be proud of it. You made Kellyn lovable! I loved you calling everyone a babe to act like a woman. And i loved how hard you played. You are a legend in my eyes and went out too soon. Love you babe ❤
Trashley wrote:You are Kellyn, accept it bby. I didn't always agree with your opinions, but you added a great alternative perspective and approach on the jury which is always great to see. Your pre-jury game was wonderful to hear about in the podcasts - having all the hosts be desperate for you get first Nomad and then boom it happens. The stars aligned for you to be a shining sun player in the pre-merge
Lucy wrote:You were the biggest trainwreck, but in the best possible way. Also is your mood perpetual stroke cause girl, boy, straight boy, you type like an amnesiac on uppers..
Joaquin wrote:There's a pretty clear top three in fan favorite I think...but IDGAF what anyone else says, YOU are Joaquin's fan favorite. My tiebreaker for this is - when I login to Stranded, who am I thinking "what shit is ____ gonna pull next?" - and you absolutely fill that blank. I have no idea how you had the energy to go completely balls to the wall, in character trainwreck fashion, for that long uninterrupted. Your round as Nomad was legendary. And then you followed it up with a great Ponderosa. An absolute all-star in my book.

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By Alec
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Jeff Probst wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:57:20 pm
-6th Place-

Played by: Blancri
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 2nd Place - 90.90%

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By Lucy
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Jeff doesn't do the bitch work. That's what Gary Joaquin and Danni are for.
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By Kellyn
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Trashley Markwood wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:56:32 pm
Kellyn wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:53:31 pm
Julie Berry wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:52:25 pm

Don’t speak to your hosts like this.
I'm so fucking over the host attitude. So happy it is over. I wanted to Smashley Ashley today.
Um wtf.
You were rude af. I don't care if my friends call me a dumb bitch, but I don't know dis hoe.
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By Alec
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Kell you were quite the character tho too haha
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By Lucy
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Congrats Kellyn you are great, not as great as Chelsea, but great nontheless.
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By Trashley Markwood
Kellyn wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:58:51 pm
Trashley Markwood wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:56:32 pm
Kellyn wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:53:31 pm

I'm so fucking over the host attitude. So happy it is over. I wanted to Smashley Ashley today.
Um wtf.
You were rude af. I don't care if my friends call me a dumb bitch, but I don't know dis hoe.
Lmao wtf when was I rude. Is this a joke
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By Donathan
I would give any of my organs to Kellyn and Chelsea
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By Jeff Probst
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Posting a link to the Discord at the top of this forum and a link to the podcast :)

Message me on discord iif you want in on a podcast btw. We're doing post-season interviews :)
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