- Mon Apr 01, 2019 9:00:39 pm
Are you glad Jeff that you picked me up at some random comment? LOL
Who tf does this one think she is. #notmyfanfavoriteKellyn wrote: ↑Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:58:51 pmYou were rude af. I don't care if my friends call me a dumb bitch, but I don't know dis hoe.
I think this is why Kellyn is the favourite, this man just takes no shit from anybody LMFAOTrashley Markwood wrote: ↑Mon Apr 01, 2019 9:00:12 pmLmao wtf when was I rude. Is this a joke
Jeff Probst wrote:Early in the game we all thought Angela was going to win, and it's amazing that we continued to think she was the winner well into the merge. She was so far ahead of the strategic curve that she was able to understand what was going on when other players couldn't. I think had she been a little bit more aggressive, and a little bit luckier in tribe placement, she was definitely going to win. I really enjoyed seeing her come out of her shell in Ponderosa and wish I could have seen more of that Angela in the game. That being said, she was a hardcore strategist that we will likely see again and I think the season could have used a few more Angelas to give some frontrunners a run for their money.
Caryn wrote:After the first couple of vote-offs at the merge, I pegged you as the UTR strategic winner who was gonna slide their way to the end as all the bigger players took each other out, and honestly that might’ve happened had you not gotten a bit twist fucked. It sucked seeing you kind of just lay down and die at the very end of your journey, but I don’t really blame you since you knew there was nothing you could do to save yourself since this cast was full of idiots, and you were one of the few with game awareness & intelligence. And I really wish you would've shown that more ruthless bitchy side in the actual game instead of saving it for Ponderosa. All that being said, you were by far the most bitter juror here & it was honestly apalling to see you claim that a guy who was barely around played a better game than someone who was active & actually made moves, even if he did piss you off in the end. I found it incredibly insulting as a previous player & I’m pretty sure a lot of the other hosts feel the same exact way I do about this.
Danni wrote:You were far and away our most strategic player on the cast. You had great reads on all of your tribes, and also had the social connections to keep yourself safe. I wish we could have gotten some more of the Angela fire we saw in confessionals and ponderosa during our tribals and challenges, but I’m sure that was intentional. Nice work :)
Gary wrote:Confessional Angela and game Angela were two different people. I wish Confessional Angela had made more appearances but I think Angela was probably the best all-around player on the season.
Hannah wrote:![]()
Dale wrote: People really had you pinned as the UTR winner and it looked like a real possibility. Played a great game, just wish we saw more of that savageness in public.
Jordan wrote: ANGELA! So in the beginning you were too under the radar for me, but boy did you deliver. You played such an amazing game! I loved reading your confessionals. Your strategy and reads were so good. And you were a comp beast. You knew exactly how to position yourself in the best spot. We all thought you would be our winner during merge. I was so sad when they took you out cus i loved watching you play and wanted to see you make finals. Love you, robbed goddess ❤
Trashley wrote:I was so sad to see you got voted out!! That was definitely the start of the heart-break parade for me :( Your attitude was wack in FTC tho.
Lucy wrote:Everyone kept comparing your style of game to me... but I sure as fuck never would have disrespected this series by casting a vote for a dead person JS. That being said you showed some understanding of the game. I thought you had a lot of good insights and you can probably grow out of being the television equivalent of the Oxygen Network.
Joaquin wrote:STANGELA. After the first or second boot up until F9 or so, myself (and a lot of the hosts) really thought you were taking this home. You were strategically just a cut above everyone else and seeing things before others would. In any other season I think you take this home, but a cult-like majority alliance is the ultimate killer to your playing-the-middle game since it's really hard to make flips happen. You've been a huge twat at Ponderosa which I love but - where was this during the game? Hope we see more of that next time in addition to gamebot Angela.
I’m Jeff’s wife and your queen so you better learn today.Kellyn wrote: ↑Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:58:51 pmYou were rude af. I don't care if my friends call me a dumb bitch, but I don't know dis hoe.
#dontcareJulie Berry wrote: ↑Mon Apr 01, 2019 9:00:43 pmWho tf does this one think she is. #notmyfanfavorite
I'm glad she got it, she had my vote.Gary Hogeboom wrote: ↑Mon Apr 01, 2019 9:00:45 pmkellyn and chelsea separated by a fraction of a percent! Both amazing thank you !
I am literally so confused thoAlec wrote: ↑Mon Apr 01, 2019 9:01:01 pmI think this is why Kellyn is the favourite, this man just takes no shit from anybody LMFAO
Yeah I won the season before the current one ugh fuck you guys lol