- Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:37:28 pm
1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I work from 11 AM to 7 PM (EST) most weekdays. I don't usually have evening commitments during the week, so the 9-11 pm Eastern time window should work well for me. Aside from that, I get a 30 minute lunch break in the day that I could check and respond to messages on, and I can obviously do some of that before work as well.
2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I'm a big fan of the show (which I'm just positive no one else applying is ;P). Been watching since season 2 and I've always thought it would be awesome to play, but I'm not the kind of person who would ever actually apply to be on the show. I love all the crazy twists and aspects of the game: especially the social aspects of bluffing, making alliances, hooking up with hot girls on the island (wink), etc. It seems like an online version can capture all of the core aspects of gameplay without all of the starving and mental breakdowns, which sounds dope as hell to me.
3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
Online games of this nature? Not really. I play in a survivor "stock market" game where we purchase castaways as "stocks" to "sell" later at higher prices to become more wealthy. Sounds whack as shit, but it's actually pretty fun. It's taught me to appreciate Survivor in a different way than before, and enjoy different aspects of the game.
As far as online gaming in general, yeah I've been on Xbox Live and online PC gaming for probably like 12 years. I've played several MMOs, lots of team based shooters, all the battle royale games, you name it. Online gaming is something that has just become part of my day to day life. It is super fun and something I really enjoy.
4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
First that comes to mind is Christian from DvG. He's incredibly dorky but also hilarious and easy to get along with. Tbh he probably has more charisma than I do, but there were a lot of moments watching him last season where I just thought "this dude is my spirit animal". Christian is the kind of guy that I'm sure I'd get along with really well if we met in person, just because of how genuine he seems: I don't present myself as something I'm not either.
Second, I would have to say is Spencer from Cagayan and Cambodia, minus all of his arrogance. The way Spencer approached the game in a very strategic and analytical way is very much the same way I would play the game. Spencer was very smart and knew when to make big moves and who to align himself with. Although, I think his arrogance was a downfall and many times made him look like a huge asshole. Overall, I really liked the guy and could really follow along with his gameplay, but he was full of himself, which I definitely am not.
Finally, I think I'm a lot like Fabio from Nicaragua. Do I have his physical charm? Hell no. But Fabio was hilarious and all around just a fun person. He was out there to have fun and somehow ended up winning the whole thing. I also am still pretty convinced that he acted dumb around everyone so he could sneak his way to the end. There honestly was a strategy there with his goofy, lovable personality that carried him to the end. I'm here to have a good time and not take myself too seriously, a lot like Fabio was
5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
First is Jay from Millenials vs Gen X. That dude was so good at the game. He was funny, charming, smart, and an all around amazing player. I definitely think Adam deserved the win that season, but if it had been between him and Jay, that would have been a tough call for me. I initially thought Jay was going to be an idiot, but he quickly proved to be an awesome castaway who kicked some ass that season. I'm really hoping to see them bring him back.
Second is Nick from DvG. This season had SUCH a good and memorable cast, so it's hard not to have some favorites from it. He is a good ol boy from the south, like myself, so that right there was one reason to cheer for him. He also was on the chopping block from the very start, but managed to stay in the entire game and come out as sole survivor. I loved his energy, his desire to make and name alliances with everyone, and his scrappiness to stay in the game, no matter what it took. He was always thinking several moves ahead when it came to big game moves, which a lot of people didn't on this season.
Lastly is Cochran from South Pacific and Caramoan. I know, he's probably on most people's top 3 lists, but come on, the dude is a Survivor legend. To be fair, his first season did not end so well, but even then he established himself as a poster boy for Survivor. He was fun to watch, his confessionals were always great, and he basically mandated that Jeff call him "Cochran" right at the beginning of the game. And then when he came back, he powered through his season to finish with a perfect game. That dude is a Survivor beast, and an inspiration to geeks everywhere.
6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
I would want to hear all the info they knew and who they heard it from. Obviously any interaction is a great opportunity to build trust with that castaway or to sew seeds of distrust around other castaways. I'm not afraid to lie in this game (especially considering there will be no face to face interaction so lying will be hella easier this way) so I'm willing to spin any story in a way that furthers my game. At the same time, I can't be lying all the time because I want to actually have a chance at winning this thing. This question is so vague, I'm not exactly sure what the situation described is. Just know that I am ready and willing to make shit up on the spot if it's going to keep me in the game longer.
7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
Probably as a Cochran-esque character. Someone funny and relatable but also knew what they were doing. Someone that everyone was rooting for, to an extent, and wanted to see do well. I'd like to be seen as a serious player, but also someone who gives much needed comic relief to the viewers as well as other castaways.
8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
Hopefully as described above, but probably less like I knew what I was doing. If I were to be on actual Survivor, I'm almost certain I would get really overwhelmed and resort to just being the funny guy to build relationships and be likable. I'm sure as the game moved along, I'd get more comfortable and have a better feel for things, but it would be rough for the first few episodes. Like I said, I never would want to actually be on the real show, but I think this ORG would be super dope.
9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
People who are easy going, but loyal and reliable. People who can laugh at themselves and not take life too seriously. I like being around people who don't get easily stressed or anxious and can just say "it's cool, we'll figure it out" when obstacles arise. Also, I love being around witty people who I can have witty back and forths with. If people don't get my sense of humor, I probably don't want to hang out with them.
10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
People who are overly anal about everything, or conversely people who just don't give a shit about anything. People who are overly anal and stressed just stress me out and I already stress myself out enough. At the same time, people who are in no hurry to get anything done and don't pull their weight piss me off. If someone is always just "along for the ride", they're not going to accomplish anything very ambitious in life which is very frustrating for me to be around. Fuck those people.
11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
Loyal gameplay, but gameplay that isn't afraid to lie when necessary (as in lying to those not in your closest alliances). I am not the kind of person who lies to others in the real world, but in Survivor, anything goes. Creating solid alliances from the start is the way to go, and you want to show your allies that they can trust you, so lying has to be done with discretion. At the end of the day, I'm also here to have fun, so I respect those who can appreciate a big game move, even when it gets them out.
12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
Get to know everyone on my tribe as soon as I can. I don't want to be one of those losers who hangs super low and quiet at the beginning. At a certain point, if you're that guy, they keep you around until the end just because everyone knows no one will vote for you. I'm no sacrificial goat.
I want to establish myself early on as a social player and someone my tribemates can trust. I'm not going to try to establish myself as the tribe's leader or anything, but I want to be a known member of my tribe, for sure. I want to make strong tribal alliances to have numbers later on in the game (obviously). Also, I want to convince the other tribe that I'm willing to flip just to get some kickass blindsides on them (the opposing tribe, that is) post merge.
Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I love improv comedy, and am on a team myself. I am quick on my feet and have experience in acting. I have been told my many people that I am super witty and a funny person.
Age: 24
Gender: Male
How did you hear about us? (If referred, by whom?): Kimmi on here is a good friend who I've known since elementary school. He (she, on here I guess) suggested I give it a shot