6th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 5-0
By Gary Hogeboom
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Heyyyyyyyy Chelsea!
Congratulations on surviving another tribal council icon_blush ! The game is really starting to pick up as we lost 3 players just today! But you still out here though. Let's see what's on your mind tonight...

1. It seemed like you had a solid plan for the next tribal council. Do you think those plans will change or have they already?

2. How hard are you going for that idol? Do you think you're on the right track?

3. Did the putting people on blast punishment tell you anything about your castmates that might affect your game going forward?

4. It might be time to start thinking about future changes in the game. What are your plans as of now for approaching a merged game or other tribal twists you might encounter?

5. Who are your closest allies on this tribe? Who are your enemies and why?
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Gary Hogeboom

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By Chelsea
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Gary Hogeboom wrote:1. It seemed like you had a solid plan for the next tribal council. Do you think those plans will change or have they already?
I think now, there are no solid plans because I am still thinking the options that was best for me and also for the people that have my back. So the plans are changing and I think will change on the coming days. But there are definitely plans on top of plan and top of plans.. basically the plans are having an orgy.
Gary Hogeboom wrote:2. How hard are you going for that idol? Do you think you're on the right track?
I am not really gunning for the idol that much. I would prefer it to be on the hands of my Ride and Die. So far I think I am on the right track and everything is going messy direction which I love and I hope it would be messier that even the $100 is not enough to pay for the cleaning of the mess.
Gary Hogeboom wrote:3. Did the putting people on blast punishment tell you anything about your castmates that might affect your game going forward?
I am not really gunning for the idol that much. I would prefer it to be on the hands of my Ride and Die. So far I think I am on the right track and everything is going messy direction which I love and I hope it would be messier that even the $100 is not enough to pay for the cleaning of the mess.
Gary Hogeboom wrote:4. It might be time to start thinking about future changes in the game. What are your plans as of now for approaching a merged game or other tribal twists you might encounter?
Same plan is just keep people that I feel I could work with in the future, people that would have my back. So strengthening the bond with each of the tribe mates is important now.
clearly juust being my genuine hoe self is definitely helping so I will just keep that way.
And also keeping my friends close and pushing the enemies closer so they'd just stab each other.
Gary Hogeboom wrote: 5. Who are your closest allies on this tribe? Who are your enemies and why?
At the tribe I think I am aligned with everyone and all of them are friends at the moment.

My Closest allies I will just rank them cuz it seems like I have a bond and I have been working with them:

My numer one is SeaBass - Sea Weed Alliance
My number two now has changed it's with the Garden Hoes Alliance with Donathan
My numer three is with Kellyn now and wow we don't have an alliance name lol I will have to work on that one.
My number four is The Panda Express now. She was my number 2 before but then I learned some things and I need to caution but not that serious though.
and then there is Brendan who I don't care about at the moment LOL
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By Chelsea
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it is funny how a lot of things can change from day 1 to now

coming in today I thought my perception with everything would be the same.. but this game was like that fuck that shit! LOL

I can say today was so much fun!

The Sea Weed Alliance is still tight like a virgin's vagina. Talking about how things are messy is so great!


Me and Donathan making the Garden Hoe Alliance official! Donathan being low key scared of R. Kellyn is hilarious and also him telling her to get her shit together gave me life lol.


SeaBass telling me about his fight with Kellyn was so funny and I hate that I wasn't there to witness it! I hope after this series I could read what happened LOL
and then Kellyn and SeaBass arguing again tonight was hilarious and entertaining. Kellyn damn Kellyn I think today really did turn it around what I thought of you as a character when you look past the gamebotty vibe, you are fucking unintentionally hilarious and I love you more now sis!


I'll now call her R.Kellyn as in Rage Kellyn cuz the best Kellyn is the Rage Kellyn hahahaha! But then again if she gets voted out she'd be Rekdt Kellyn lol

Kellyn being chosen to get the Blast was probably the highlight tonight! hahahahaha! I can't stop laught! The producers are doing a great job so werq production! haahahaha
At first I thought this Taureg or whatever is dumb but tonight was fun. so Thank you for that. I was laughing so hard about the situation I didn't realize that the whole tribe has to roast Kellyn.
the rest of my tribe mates are probably a little scared cuz she is pisssssed! like soooo pisssseddd that she ain't talking to us and I thought she'd leave us alone for the challenge hahaha!

Thank god we won. So yes Chris! Good Company wins us Challenges LOOOOOOOOOL but damn the other tribe we got Rekdt!

*Me after the challenge*

gosh we are not total losers! yay!

But it seems my tribe tbh we really don't know what to say to her even I don't know what to tell he.. I contemplated of send "it was me... it was me all along" but then I just changed my mind
and just googled Quoted from Crazy people that work out. Clearly someone chose her out of spite LOL. I thought it was Kellyn at first so I think she would know what her position on the tribe and use it for strategy since she love to strategize lol. But she seems so affected but it weird actually I don't know if she was mad, sad, worried, shocked LOL

And then there is Angela well at least I know she trusts my two friends and I feel like I can still trust her but I am now being cautious just in case because after Sea Bass told me about the info she shared. I tested her and that is something I need to watch out. I still love her though. Her and Kellyn's low key hate for each other is damn funny though.


And then there is Brendan.. that little bitch! He wasn't here and when he showed up didn't even said hi LOL I was pleasantly surprised that he is tryin to be messy too.
Leaking info and stuff, what a shady bastard hahahaha! I guess maybe he felt he was in the bottom of the alliance too? I guess I was wrong to think Bredan and R.Kellyn are close LOL
But I still think he has the immunity idol clue LOL
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By Chelsea
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and also

I feel better now that Chris is not alone now at Loser Island LOL

if he probably reads our posts he'll probably be like


LOL JK Chris! Love you!!! icon_lol
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And also I am low key disappointed that Angelina was fucking Inactive!!! I wanted to be her, on my interview I wanted to be a combination of Natalie, Angelina and Gabby! Maybe Natalie's Body and Skin, Gabby's Arms and Angelina's head or at least vote her ass off if ever we meet in this game... oh well


Fuck Inactives! icon_chaos icon_chaos icon_chaos
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WTF! hahahaha! SWAP! LOL
I knew it was coming but the fuck! AHAHAHAHAHA!
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Fuck.. I feel like I am swapfucked! I should have just chosen lower rate on my eyebrows....
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So yesterday I was looking for places connected to Morocco for the immunity idol so I could give it to SeaBass LOL and I knew already most of the words but I want Brendan out so I messed the challenge lol He is inactive and fuck that shit. It's unfair. hopefully they would vote him out with me lol
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So far everyone is good at the new tribe. I love color red so I am happy about that.

The new tribe mates especially the OG Ahmar seems very serious. One of em wants a girls alliance which is brilliant to be honest so I am gonna go with that.

As for Brendan, he is clearly the one that needs to go whether he comes in here or not. He needs to go!
I literally BEGGED the OG Fenassa Tribe to vote him out for our better gaming experiences here and that is the most logical. and with that we have 4 votes just in case we we have the crazies in our tribe. lol

If I get voted out tomorrow or some other active player that I don't even care about.. I will be soooo pissed and I don't get pissed easily. Damn I am taking this seriously AHAHHAAHHAHA!
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By Danni Boatwright
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icon_chaos YOU SWAPPED icon_chaos


Can you give us a rundown on your new tribe? Are you planning on staying strong with your old allies, or do you think it's time to start from scratch? How is the nomad twist going to shape your strategy moving forward?
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Danni Boatwright

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By Chelsea
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Danni Boatwright wrote:Can you give us a rundown on your new tribe?
The New Fenassa Tribe consists of 3 Ahmar membere, 2 OG Fenassa members and 3 Jellal with Me, Angela and Brendan
3 Ahmar members seems very tight but it seems they have some cracks if what they say were to believed. Steph and Jed are close I guess? and Robb is their +1.

Steph seems to be like the Kellyn version of Ahmar

The 2 OG Fenassa, Dave and Pat I still don't know their relationship. I know the current Pat is a replacement so I don't know how strong their bond is. But it seems like Davie is someone I can work with here.

Danni Boatwright wrote: Are you planning on staying strong with your old allies, or do you think it's time to start from scratch?
I am planning on doing both starting new relationships while also staying strong.
I did promise some of my old allies that I would have their back until certain point of this game and I plan to honor that promise AS LONG AS I CAN lol but I will cut someone out when the time comes. But now that important thing is too build relationship with the people I am with atm. Just be my hoe self again lol
Danni Boatwright wrote:How is the nomad twist going to shape your strategy moving forward?
The twist to be fair it's great and it could be really useful if you are not that dumb. The information you could get from that is nice and I benefit from this Nomad Twist atm. With all the info I gathered and my observations I can plan on who to take out next or who I think are someone I could face off against. It's fun.

At first I was a little bit worried but..Now I feel like I am good atm.. it's a little surprising on how people give that info too easy and I will just throw it back at there faces later on. Exciting icon_chaos
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