12th Place - 2nd Juror - Voted Out 9-3
By Danni Boatwright
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Wow what a night!
A few questions for you to ponder over the next few days

1-Tonight's tribal was insane. How do you think it changed the tribe dynamics, if at all?
2-Do you feel like you have control of your game? If not, how do you plan on changing that?
3-Alec picked Mike as the new nomad. How do you feel about that?
4-Davie took immunity very quickly tonight. Were you expecting that to happen?
5-Can you give us a breakdown of who you trust most in the game to who you trust the least?
6-You got votes tonight, but correctly played your idol! Congrats! How does this change your perception of your tribe?

That's all I've got, have a great night!
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Danni Boatwright

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By Stephanie
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I have no remorse on what I said at tribal. Robb flipped against his biggest ally for some two new gals. Everyone is so on edge, and everything is awkward. I have no control. I've lost my footing and now im sliding down a slippery slope of getting voted out. I need the merge to happen or some sort of swap. I have no qualms about nomad so far. But davie taking immunity really fucked up everything. If he didnt take immunity, none of this would've happened. I don't trust anyone on my tribe. Gonna be honest, fuck them all. I trust my old alliance and Mike. I hate Robb and Chelsea. I have a big issue with chelsea. it wasn't the fact that she voted for me, thats whatever. Its the fact she said I had no personality. Like fuck you. How the hell am I to respond fleshing out my personality on the question of "how was your weekend?" Just fuck off. By the way Joaquin, am I boring and underwhelming now? Im ready to create chaos.
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