By Gary Hogeboom
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-15th Place-

Played by: ThePoustaki (YOURnamehere)
From: Reddit, AIM Minis :)

Fan Favorite Results: 14th Place - 34.62%

Jeff Probst wrote:Natalie was my sympathetic pre-season favorite. She was my winner pick. I found her on Reddit, and it turns out she was an old friend back from the days of AIM mini-games. She may have played longer than I have since before 2004. She played the game like a true old-school troll people living as the character of Natalie. of course, that got on everyone's nerves, and she got food after the swap. I would have liked to have seen what she could have done in the merge if she got to get her hands dirty.
Caryn wrote:By far the biggest blue balls castaway of the season. Based on her application we were anticipating a HBIC dominatrix, and then she comes into the game with a shtick pretending like she’s the actual Natalie. It was funny at first but it got tiring real quick, and yet she still played it up even all the way until her demise. She never showed her face again after that, so between that and that dumbass shtick, its safe to say she didn’t really give a shit about the game.
Danni wrote:I appreciate your dedication to the character, but I get it. Not everyone can handle a high powered CEO
Gary wrote:Funny to watch the saga of everyone dealing with her roleplaying, but otherwise was pretty worthless. Complete waste of what should be an amazing rep.
Hannah wrote: I wish you would’ve shown up to Ponderosa, but you were still the best CEO out here.
Dale wrote: I don't find the roleplaying shtick that funny. I completely understand why you got voted out.
Jordan wrote: Miss CEO! I know others got sick of your role-playing, but I was all for it. Every single second of it. You were hilarious and you were just starting to crank up the messy gameplay right as you went out. I for one was impressed and happy that you remained so committed to your character. Sadly it caused your demise
Lucy wrote:Apparently you came to LARP and not to play survivor. Girl this isn't a role-playing simulation.
Joaquin wrote:A lot of the hosts had really high hopes for you given your long history of gaming. I for one loved the schtick. I really thought you were going to use it to deflect your threat level until the merge but it feels like your activity wasn't quite what it needed to be after the swap. Also, some of these newbs have no sense of humor and thought you were annoying.

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Gary Hogeboom

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-11th Place-

Played by: Riles
From: Danni's mom

Fan Favorite Results: 9th Place - 61.90%

Jeff Probst wrote:Mike was someone who we weren't necessarily excited to see play after his initial interview. There was a bit of nepotism involved, seeing as he is Danni's real life brother, but this is another case of someone wanting to play so badly that they end up delivering. After some preseason bullying, we were able to convince him to play harder than he might not have. He started the season very strong. He looked like he might be a frontrunner. By the merge he started to show cracks in his strategy. I have to somewhat apologize for dunking on him during Tribal Council and making an example out of him. However, that's when his character really blossomed. Mike should be proud of the way he played, and although he went out earlier than some of the players who played under the radar, he made a bigger impact than players who made the distance.
Caryn wrote:Good lord, you were such a mess here. A constant overplayer who never knew when enough was enough, and always attempted to stick his hand into every cookie jar he could find, which was why you’d always get caught being shady as shit. And that’s what made it so easy for your allies to turn against you. But hey, at least your messy moments made you an entertaining power player. I still don't think you realize how close you were to getting voted out right before the merge, but you were always gonna end up being one of the first few merge boots had you made it there anyways. So, at least we got a few extra rounds of you being an absolute trainwreck player.
Danni wrote:We had you pegged as a social/utr player that would get dragged to the end as a goat, and I couldn’t be happier that you proved us wrong. I think taking advantage of the nomad twist and being as active as you were really paid off, even if you did overplay your hand a bit. Proud of you!
Gary wrote:Mike exceeded expectations gameplay wise, but I think his exit was the perfect timing for him because he was really starting to slip towards goat status. He also provided the greatest feeds moment of the season for me by trying to small talk with Fenassa while they were scrambling before the most intense tribal of the season.
Hannah wrote: Sorry you couldn't last longer than your bro, but you should still be proud. You exceeded expectations. Stick around, please <3
Dale wrote: Oh Mike. You let Seb wave his idol in front of your face and didn't even really ask him to play it. I would have chewed his ass out and put him on the spot to play it for you and at least make him sweat/look like a jackass. But you were another fun player to watch and I enjoyed your run in the game. But I'm #TeamDanni
Jordan wrote: Mike, Danni's little bro. I was excited to see you play because of that. Pre-season many didn't think you could deliver, but I had faith in you. And I was right to. Your gameplay was kinda similar to mine. Yeah, you weren't able to beat Danni's record, but you should still be proud! You did pretty well for you debut! I see you becoming a great player with more experience. And you're kinda funny. I enjoyed your gifs. Also, I HATED Mike in survivor and you made him lovable for me. Love you ❤
Trashley wrote:<3 <3 <3 No-Survivor-knowledge players 4 life. Stick around, post pictures of the snek it's cute. You were fun to watch and hear about in the podcasts.
Lucy wrote:I was actually one of the only people pre-game not groaning about your relationship with Danni and despite your obnoxious self-deprecating that makes Gary look like fucking Dane Cook by comparison I will say that I'm glad that you proved people wrong and were not a complete final two goat being dragged to the end. I appreciate that clear nepotism didn't make you sit like a dead-fish. You actually tried. Even if you failed.
Joaquin wrote:You played pretty similarly to how I'd predict - I was thinking F3 goat or overplaying early merge boot before the season. You were really active which was nice, but there was a lack of big moments from you which led me to leave you towards the middle of voting. I think with more experience you'll be able to attack the game more rather than let it come to you - which usually results in you on the jury.

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Gary Hogeboom

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Played by: Mavma
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 20th Place- 10.38%

Jeff Probst wrote:Angelina was one of my favorites preseason, I think everyone's favorite. She had a super unique interview, full of personality but didn't show up.
Caryn wrote:Guess she was too busy dealing with her bipolar disorder that she forgot she signed up for this game. Oh well. Fuck off cunt.
Danni wrote:So depressed you didn’t show up. By far the most entertaining interview I’ve been a part of
Gary wrote:Even just her app and interview makes me like her more than Shi-ann and Brendan. Removing her means we can give Angelina to somebody worthy someday, so that's nice.
Hannah wrote: Image
Jordan wrote: You were a big tease. You were one of the pre-season favorites. I was looking so forward to see you play. You had one of the best apps and I had high expectations that you would do amazing. Now we'll never know. Such a shame
Joaquin wrote:You had a rockin' app and a super unique background. Angelina is one of my favorite Survivors ever so giving you that rep was not taken lightly. I don't know what happened to you but I have to assume Caryn got a hold of you. Did I mention fuck the inactives?

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Dog, you were straight up robbed. You had most fuckin hilarious app I've ever seen and even a few days into the game kept touting how your outdoors skills will help you here, which I don't understand. It was a shame to see you go early, but I think the lesson to be learned here is to get your squad locked in AND THEN go after people, instead of the opposite. You've been active in loser lodge and I wouldn't be shocked to see a better performance after you get some experience under your belt.

Shii Ann - Removed

"Midterms" my ass. Something tells me you don't go to Harvard. Taking five minutes to login won't kill you, you worthless hoe. At least you leaving meant we didn't have to worry about a potential Gabby link up.

Angelina - Removed

You had a rockin' app and a super unique background. Angelina is one of my favorite Survivors ever so giving you that rep was not taken lightly. I don't know what happened to you but I have to assume Caryn got a hold of you. Did I mention fuck the inactives?


Lifetime's first original game show: What's wrong with Tanya?!
It's pretty rare that we have moms in the cast so we were super hyped to have you, especially since they usually socialize well. I think you weren't quite prepared for the activity level required for the game and so you fizzled out pretty quickly.


Brendan: I'm not going to hold back here. It really looks like you were active until you were suddenly in the minority. That makes you a huge pussy and way down in my FF rankings. You have not been upgraded to Friendan.


A lot of the hosts had really high hopes for you given your long history of gaming. I for one loved the schtick. I really thought you were going to use it to deflect your threat level until the merge but it feels like your activity wasn't quite what it needed to be after the swap. Also, some of these newbs have no sense of humor and thought you were annoying.


Jed Jr! I famously took you in the Stranded alumni draft even though I didn't think you would win. In Isolated you came out really strong before having your game flipped on you and eventually turned into a really quiet UTR player. Here, you seemed to be playing much better and your boot TC was one of the highlights of the season. I think your fatal flaw was not being flexible enough - your two closest allies hated each other and rather than choosing which one was better for your game you tried to make both happen. It's like when people can't choose between prison gangs. I would have maybe liked to have seen you been more vocal but overall decent performance.


Ghandia, I'm not exaggerating when I say you give the funniest confessionals I've read since I started hosting. You were a star in entertainment and thats why I ranked you #6 despite being pre-merge. Despite our warnings, there's always at least one person per season who conflates "UTR" with "lack of socializing/strategizing" and I think you fell for that - had you been a bit more aggressive/talkative I think you could have made it a lot further on charisma alone. You were also super active in loser lodge which was great to see and I hope you stick with us.


There's a pretty clear top three in fan favorite I think...but IDGAF what anyone else says, YOU are Joaquin's fan favorite. My tiebreaker for this is - when I login to Stranded, who am I thinking "what shit is ____ gonna pull next?" - and you absolutely fill that blank. I have no idea how you had the energy to go completely balls to the wall, in character trainwreck fashion, for that long uninterrupted. Your round as Nomad was legendary. And then you followed it up with a great Ponderosa. An absolute all-star in my book.

Stephanie are probably going to hate me if you read/listen to all of our pre-season content. I was so adamantly against your casting and thought your application process was a complete bore. But you coming back to Poody after your interview made him make a gut call to cast you and I'm so glad you turned out the opposite. Where was this during your interview? You're the biggest cunt in the cast and I love it. Sloppy aggressive + cunt = super entertaining. It'll be interesting to see how or if you change play styles.


You played pretty similarly to how I'd predict - I was thinking F3 goat or overplaying early merge boot before the season. You were really active which was nice, but there was a lack of big moments from you which led me to leave you towards the middle of voting. I think with more experience you'll be able to attack the game more rather than let it come to you - which usually results in you on the jury.


It's tough going out there as a replacement, but we've seen it be done well before. You have a great exit at your last tribal, but it just felt like you weren't really here a ton and people described it as hard talking to you. I think it's your age and as you grow up more and play more games you can develop into a better player.

Clay - Quit

Won't talk shit here, hope you're doing okay.

STANGELA. After the first or second boot up until F9 or so, myself (and a lot of the hosts) really thought you were taking this home. You were strategically just a cut above everyone else and seeing things before others would. In any other season I think you take this home, but a cult-like majority alliance is the ultimate killer to your playing-the-middle game since it's really hard to make flips happen. You've been a huge twat at Ponderosa which I love but - where was this during the game? Hope we see more of that next time in addition to gamebot Angela.

You were a popular preseason pick to do well, not because of any past experiences but because of your attitude toward the game and willingness to cut whoever. Well...that didn't happen. You ended up just jiving with the majority most of the time and being a meme-lord, which was fun but not really expected. I think you still have potential, as evidenced by you not pulling a Steph when your ally was blindsided, but I think you need to attack the game more. Also, your Ponderosa was insufferable.

We knew you were going to be entertaining as fuck this season - what we did not see coming was how good of a player you'd be. You were the most active player in the whole game and it showed. You were well liked by pretty much everyone and could whip up votes better than anyone this season. I think some players on the jury wish they would have played with you longer instead of dismissing your target level as threatening. I loved all of your antics and Filipino swearing and chats and ridiculousness - an all-star in my book. One of the clear top-three fan faves from this season, and I would not be surprised if you took home first.


It's looking like you will tie for runner-up, which is a lot better than I would have expected a couple of votes ago. You're a nice guy and provided a few nice moments (like taking immunity in the Prisoner's Dilemma challenge) but were too UTR to the point that not many could point to anything you did on your own.

I think if I were playing on this season, I probably would have voted for you because I'm a salty bitch and while you didn't play the most out in front game you didn't burn anyone and are generally pleasant. None of the hosts really would have complained if you ended up winning, but it looks like you'll tie for runner up with two votes. I think the hosts agree we just wish we had more of the F5 and on Donathan during the whole season. A lot of the time it was frustrating watching you form ideas (that were good) in your confessional, and then just falling in line after Sebastian or Chelsea talked to you.

Miss controversial of this season. You will undoubtedly be one of the most remembered players from this season and be on the cover, and your arc with Sebastian is in my opinion the defining one of the season...but at the same time I felt extremely frustrated by you. You're clearly smart and have won multiple games in the past, but watching you be totally willing to throw away your game for a time to try to ensure Sebastian won left a really sour taste, and honestly was probably a big damper on the lack of moves on the season since you would just shut any ideas down. Sebastian needs to thank you though, since your pleading in Ponderosa contributed greatly to his win.



My preseason winner pick! You were an intense, aggressive player premerge that de facto was running the Ahmar tribe and were the best idol solver out here, the only one needing two clues. Then when the cat got out that you were a threat, you were who pretty much all the hosts were rooting for because you posed the biggest threat to the cult alliance by way of your immunity run, and that you would call them out on their bullshit. Your personality is probably the most similar to the general Stranded community of anyone out here. It sucked that you bailed on the F5 challenge, I really hope you were raw doggin' a threesome. One of the stars of the season and I expect you to finish top 3 in voting here.


Ziggy ziggy ziggy can't you see, just how your words just hypnotize me? Biggie summed up this season very were incredibly charming socially during the game and everyone wanted to play with you at some point. Your MO in Isolated was being an overplaying fuck but here you really toned it down and had everyone reigned in along your march to the end. The relationship between you and Gabby was really key to that since all information flowed through one of you two. You're not an asshole or a sociopath, stop being a fucking edgelord, but you were quite Hantzian in your jury management and you would have lost to anyone but the two complete goats you were next to - please thank Gabby (platonically) after the season for helping save your win. Man dog, some of your jury answers were just BRUTALLY bad lol but ultimately your gameplay spoke for itself and you edged out a win. You are the person, for better or for worse, who everyone will think of first when they think of this shit stain of a season
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Joaquin Souberbielle

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-9th Place - Quit -

Played by: Bobbsled
From: Kimmi's Friend

Fan Favorite Results: 17th Place - 31.19%

Jeff Probst wrote:Clay was super disappointing. I had really hoped you would be funnier and more engaged in the game. The most disappointing thing was obviously when he quit. It kind of came out of left field it was definitely a low point of the season. I hate when anyone does not enjoy experience, and I hope part of you can find the good within Stranded. I wish you the best of luck.
Caryn wrote:What you did was pathetic, and an absolute bitch move. I’ve never seen anything more ridiculously wimpish in my life, and worst of all you had to do it in the middle of a pivotal tribal council instead of having the decency to wait until after it was finished. I don’t give a fuck if you have social anxiety or if you’re depressed or any of that bullshit, that was some pussy shit. Being too scared to talk to people and have them criticize you is not a good enough excuse to quit the game over some stupid questions, because those are your own problems due to you being a little bitch. The worst part is you quit even though you were boring as shit and did nothing, barely talked to people, and showed little care for the game. I really wish you were here to read this because you need a fucking reality check.
Danni wrote: Sorry you couldn’t take the heat, but you leaving was a real low point for the season both strategically and in terms of entertainment. Hope things are going well outside of the game.
Gary wrote:I feel awful for Clay but his exit was a turning point in the entertainment factor of the endgame. So in that way, he made an important impact on the season. I don’t think anybody really disliked talking to him, that’s just kind of how that challenge works against the less social players.
Hannah wrote: I don’t want to say too much, because it’s going to come across as really cunty, but someone had to be picked for that harsh question. It’s not like that question was unanimous. Don’t get your old man panties in a twist over what losers on the internet think of you.
Dale wrote:I wish you didn't quit because of a silly challenge, especially because it gave everyone major blue balls that the vote was stopped during the tribal idol twist. So that was lame. But you were pretty lame all season anyways so whatever.
Jordan wrote:Clay, you are such a sweet person. I loved your app, so I had high expectations for you. You were busy a lot, especially in the beginning, so I felt that you didn't devote much time to this and it showed. But later you started to get more active and branching out. I loved when you started to really play. I loved seeing you get excited and start strategizing then. So I was sad to see you quit all of a sudden. Hope all is well with you and I wish you the best! Take care of yourself. Love you ❤
Joaquin wrote:Won't talk shit here, hope you're doing okay.

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Danni Boatwright

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-15th Place-

Played by: CiCi
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 8th Place - 62.33%

Jeff Probst wrote:Awww Ghandia, by far my favorite pre-merge contestant. Maybe the funniest confessional commentator in stranded history, and I'm being 100% serious. Legitimately had me cackling every time I read her confessional, and most times she would talk in public. While she may not have been the biggest strategic threat, I think Ghandia is someone who could have become a huge social thread based on likeability alone. I really look forward to seeing her join the community and hearing her hot takes going forward. Love you girl!!!.
Caryn wrote:The most entertaining of our pre-mergers, you showed so much promise in the first few rounds as both a gamer & a character, with your sassiness and fun confessionals. Then the swap happened and you kinda just faded into the background, even if your confessionals still remained fun. I feel like if you made the merge than this game could’ve ended up being a lot different. And you probably would've found your footing again & become one of the biggest stars of the season. Yet another pre-merger who will surely be getting a second chance at this.
Danni wrote: You were by far the most entertaining person on this cast in your confessionals. Ghandia’s hammock will need to make an appearance on a returning player season at some point in the future. I think if you came back and made a bit more of an effort to get into some alliances after the swap, you would fare really well in a merge.
Gary wrote:Ghandia delivered exactly what we expected and thank GOD. Absolute confessional queen, but she seemed to care way more about banter and her character than the game. Which is fine, but made for an uneventful boot.
Hannah wrote:Ghana was ROBBED
Dale wrote:Gone too soon, you had funny moments, im sure other hosts will have more to say about you than me, but definitely one of the most stand out players from the season when it comes to how entertaining you were.
Jordan wrote:GHANDIA!!! Queen of confessionals. I swear that every post of yours made me laugh. I hate that Ghandia's Hammock ended so soon. I always tuned in for it. I look forward to you continuing them. Wish you had made it to merge. I feel that you could done some damage then. Love you ❤
Joaquin wrote:Ghandia, I'm not exaggerating when I say you give the funniest confessionals I've read since I started hosting. You were a star in entertainment and thats why I ranked you #6 despite being pre-merge. Despite our warnings, there's always at least one person per season who conflates "UTR" with "lack of socializing/strategizing" and I think you fell for that - had you been a bit more aggressive/talkative I think you could have made it a lot further on charisma alone. You were also super active in loser lodge which was great to see and I hope you stick with us.
Lucy wrote:You'll be back. Robbed Robbed Robbed.

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Danni Boatwright

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-16th Place-

Played by: Mr. Henny/Brian/Chanelle Jr/Shabnam Jr
From: Isolated

Fan Favorite Results: 12th Place - 55.00%

Jeff Probst wrote:Jed was someone I didn't have a whole lot of hope for going into the season, but he showed a glimmer of spunk and serious gameplay in Isolated, and Rematch especially. That being said, he completely delivered by the time of his vote off. His Tribal Council was by far the best of the game, and that's thanks in large part thanks to his strong social game and string-pulling behind the scenes. I think that had he made the merge, it would have been a much more competitive season, but I'm glad he contributed to that epic Council and I think he has a lot to be proud of for proving himself here.
Caryn wrote:I know you’re still upset at how the way things played out for you, but you should at least take solace in the fact that your vote out was EASILY the best of the season. It was riveting, exciting, and shocking all at once. And up until that dramatic tribal council everyone on the hosting team was certain that you would easily make the merge & potentially even be a winner candidate. But your loyalty to Steph is what caused your demise, as you told her to play the idol and essentially voted yourself out in the process. But on the bright side, it made you the most notable pre-merger of the season. As well as a perfect candidate for a second chances season.
Danni wrote:Your strategic game really improved since your outing in isolated. I honestly think if you had survived that insane tribal council that you would have been positioned to made a deep run in the game. Maybe next time.
Gary wrote:As a player, Jed was borderline great. He was really doing an excellent job of positioning himself, but he failed at maneuvering from that position. One of the few players this season who was “robbed.” Personality wise, I’m biased cuz he’s a friend of mine but I really enjoyed reading his comments and confessionals.
Hannah wrote:Jed Jr, things didn’t work out here. Tough luck? icon_sad
Dale wrote:Oh Jed, I had high hopes for you going into this. Your tribal ended up being one of the most exciting of the entire season, so congrats on that.
Jordan wrote: JED!!! ❤ You already know I love you. My rematch #1. I knew from the start you would be amazing and blow all the other hosts away. And I was freaking right! I'm so freaking proud of you! Your tribal was the saddest for me. It was also the most exciting part of this season. So at least you had a spicy and legendary exit. Your impact was so big that the jury still talks about how great you were. And why wouldn't they? I honestly think you could have won this game if you made merge. Love you Bri ❤
Joaquin wrote:Jed Jr! I famously took you in the Stranded alumni draft even though I didn't think you would win. In Isolated you came out really strong before having your game flipped on you and eventually turned into a really quiet UTR player. Here, you seemed to be playing much better and your boot TC was one of the highlights of the season. I think your fatal flaw was not being flexible enough - your two closest allies hated each other and rather than choosing which one was better for your game you tried to make both happen. It's like when people can't choose between prison gangs. I would have maybe liked to have seen you been more vocal but overall decent performance.

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Shii Ann
-20th Place-

Played by: Shan
From: Discord. Referred by Danni (Turks/Host) and Ryan (Sri Lanka/Turks)

Fan Favorite Results: 21st Place - 5.62%

Jeff Probst wrote:Shii Ann was a huge disappointment. There's not much to say here she didn't show up but kept telling us she would. If she had, maybe she would have been great, but who's to say.
Caryn wrote:Those midterms must’ve been really fucking hard, huh? Fuck off cunt.
Joaquin wrote:Much like my father, non-present
Danni wrote: Image
Gary wrote:I had more tempered expectations for Shi-Ann than others did, but her behavior as a no show made me hate her. GTFO of Stranded
Hannah wrote:SoRRy IM sTUdYiNG fOR ExAMs!! Seriously, it only takes a minute to log in. Fuck off with that shit.
Dale wrote: You were my winner pick you dumb bitch.
Jordan wrote:You never showed up even when you said you would, so I don't have anything to say other than it sucks that you took a spot from someone who wanted to play
Trashley wrote:Your pre-season hype made my excited for you and you wasted a great rep ok.
Lucy wrote:Good Luck with your probably creative writing major you little panty waste.

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-18th Place-

Played by: MangoRainbows
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 18th Place- 27.71

Jeff Probst wrote:Tanya was another girl we were super interested in seeing Play and had activity issues. She was an older female, a mother oh, and super sweet. Of the early inactive boots, Tanya was the most active and probably the most interesting. I wish we could have seen what would have happened had she survived that Tribal Council and played for the Long Haul.
Caryn wrote: You had so much promise in terms of being one of the most lovably bigger characters of the season…… and then you just disappeared.
Joaquin wrote:Lifetime's first original game show: What's wrong with Tanya?!
It's pretty rare that we have moms in the cast so we were super hyped to have you, especially since they usually socialize well. I think you weren't quite prepared for the activity level required for the game and so you fizzled out pretty quickly.
Danni wrote:We had such high hopes for you!!! It was clear you were a little out of your element, but I’m glad you gave it a shot.
Gary wrote:Adorable and completely out of her element. Didn’t last long enough to find out, which I think is a good thing.
Hannah wrote:Also new to this, you didn’t deserve to be out this early. Then again, you yeeted the moment you were dead in the water so I don’t feel too bad.
Jordan wrote:Tanya!!! Another Texas girl! ❤ Obviously I was a fan from the start. You were a big sweetheart. You were also a casting dream. I was so sad when you got booted. You were just starting to get your footing and you weren't afraid to make some moves. But you also disappeared that weekend. Hope all is well with you!

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-1st Place-

Played by: Ziggy / lemons99
From: Isolated

Fan Favorite Results: 4th Place - 87.38%

Jeff Probst wrote:Sebastian, we were initially so excited to see you play. I personally expected you to be a huge character and early merge boot that overplayed his hand. I was not expecting you to be this smart and calculated so kudos there. You are going to go down as one of our most dominant players. Now that my compliments are out of the way... I really think you botched your jury management and a lot of your strategic decisions in general along the way. I think as someone who has played these types of games before, you had an advantage over some players, but you also underestimated just how personally they would take the game. It rightfully nearly cost you the win. I would not have been upset if you lost because you would have deserved it. That said, you were able to have a freaking PUBLIC Immunity Idol and an extra vote and not need to play it throughout the entire merge. I have a bone to pick with you because you enabled a very boring boot-order to occur and very little unpredictability this season. From a viewers standpoint you were frustrating as hell! But I gotta give it to you, you pulled it off beautifully and our one of our best winners for that reason... even with the sloppy jury management.
Caryn wrote:The jury won’t give you credit for it because they’re bitter, but you undeniably played an impressive game as you manipulated everybody. Constantly making secret deals, backstabbing and lying to people, never getting targeted even with the public idol in your possession, having a cult-like control over certain players, and showing no remorse for your actions. It was honestly infuriating to see you dominate the game the way you did as a viewer, because it’s what directly led to this season being so boring & predictable. With all that being said, you also probably have the worst jury management I’ve ever seen in Stranded, making yourself look like an arrogant prick in the eyes of the jury (which you kind of are). It was painstakingly horrendous and it might cost you the game, although after taking an absolute beating during the jury deliberations you’re very much aware of this. It was honestly pretty pathetic to see you pretending to play nice with the jury during the FTC, only to then retread to your confessional and talk loads of shit about them behind their backs & reassure your own inflated ego that you really are “amazing” no matter what they say about you. I mean it was hilarious no doubt, but also incredibly cringe as well. So, if you happen to win this season of Stranded, you’ll probably go down as one of the most polarizing winners of the entire series. And if you happen to lose, then you’ll have nobody but yourself to blame.
Danni wrote: I have no idea how you were able to pull this off. Multiple players were willing to die for you, and you managed to make the endgame without a single vote. You probably won't win (and if you do, it'll be thanks to your pitbull Gabby on jury), but that doesn't take away from a game well played. You could probably work on being less of a dick to the people who are leaving but then you’d be no fun. Nice work.
Gary wrote:I don’t know how much other hosts will give him credit, but I think if we didn’t know Sebastian outside of the game, his character would have been INCREDIBLE to follow. But once I realized around Steph’s boot that he was going to dominate the rest of the way, his arrogance became intolerably fake to me because I know he’s actually a baby irl. I picked him to win... but not at the expense of drama boners. Fuck Zbass.
Hannah wrote:You killed it, other than your shitty jury management. I don’t want to say too much and give you a bigger ego boost than you probably already have, but you still killed it. First tribal council, you sort of seemed on the outs, and you turned that around, and you never received a single vote against you. Even with your PUBLIC IDOL. That’s legit. Also, you’re still Ziggy and you always will be.
Dale wrote:You killed it. I loved the way you played the game and you definitely deserve to win this season. Absolutely had everyone doing what you wanted and it was very fun to watch. Your relationship with Gabby only added to your character as it made you feel real and not just some game bot. Definitely one of the best characters of the season and it looked like you went from being an early pre merge boot to getting FTC (and hopefully winning) so a fun story to follow. You will forever be Ziggy btw.
Jordan wrote:Zbass! My iso babe ❤ You already know I love you. I was kinda worried you would play too hard too fast again and go out early. And you almost did if your tribe didn't end up winning that challenge where you messed up. But I gotta say, you really impressed me with your gameplay this time. You had an amazing social game and were able to get so many people to trust you. I noticed you toned down your messy gameplay a lot from iso and rematch. As much as I don't want to say it cus I don't want it to go to your head, but you kinda were the mastermind this season. Your jury management needed some work though. And if you lose, that's what cost you the game. I'm still super proud of you! And like others said, you will always be Ziggy to me. Love you Z ❤
Joaquin wrote: Ziggy ziggy ziggy can't you see, just how your words just hypnotize me? Biggie summed up this season very were incredibly charming socially during the game and everyone wanted to play with you at some point. Your MO in Isolated was being an overplaying fuck but here you really toned it down and had everyone reigned in along your march to the end. The relationship between you and Gabby was really key to that since all information flowed through one of you two. You're not an asshole or a sociopath, stop being a fucking edgelord, but you were quite Hantzian in your jury management and you would have lost to anyone but the two complete goats you were next to - please thank Gabby (platonically) after the season for helping save your win. Man dog, some of your jury answers were just BRUTALLY bad lol but ultimately your gameplay spoke for itself and you edged out a win. You are the person, for better or for worse, who everyone will think of first when they think of this shit stain of a season
Trashley wrote:Idk if you win or lose this. To some extent if you lose, I think you'll have to own it as failures in your gameplay and I think you might have started to acknowledge that already. If you win, I'll be really happy for you as the person in the F3 with the most passion for it, but if you don't, I don't think you'll have been robbed either. I hope you know that we adore you, even if you are a bit delusional (who isn't?). Overall, you were definitely one of the most entertaining players this season so thank you for bringing it and making a splash in this icon_wub
Lucy wrote:When the game started I was your biggest critic and detractor. I said you were a moron and that you were playing an unnecessarily sloppy game really early and was not impressed. Now as the game progressed you hit your stride and none of these fucktards on the jury can't say you didn't completely own this game. Watching the jury slander your game when they made the same mistakes was the most infuriating thing I have ever had to sit back and watch in my entire ORG Career. They lost and ate a brain tumor for breakfast and decided to vote for two people who don't even deserve and probably won't even be on this season's DVD cover. As of this post it looks like you're going to lose and if you do I just want you to know that the heart you displayed and your desire to win was admirable and I hope that these people wake the fuck up and give us the winner we actually deserve. I absolutely relate to your story and the pressure of playing the game but also being human and having feelings. Final tribal was kind of a mess, but i think that just comes with age and the fact that you should have been the clear front runner thus putting a lot more pressure on you. If you're still playing Orgs in five years you will be unstoppable.

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Gary Hogeboom

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-5th Place-

Played by: Marionete
From: Reddit,Survivor Sucks

Fan Favorite Results: 3rd Place - 87.86%

Jeff Probst wrote:Robb is one of those unique players that comes along and helps define a season. Whether it was pre-merge fighting with his allies, or his post-marriage immunity run, Robb provided a constant source of entertainment. Towards the end of the game he got a reputation for being overly strategic and aggressive, but I think he was just ahead of his time. Robb was playing an All-Star game in a new player season. I'm still so mad that he didn't show up to that last immunity challenge, but I can forgive him because of all the excitement he gave us leading up to that challenge. He stood in the way of the majority alliance winning and was their last great hurdle. Whether it was finding idols, winning immunity, or forming strong alliances; Robb kept us on our toes and I look forward to seeing what he can do in future.
Caryn wrote:Talk about a journey. I think early on you were destined to be an unlikable asshole who was top dog of the game, but by the end you somehow became a rootable underdog that a lot of the hosts wanted to see win. I mean make no mistake about it, there’s still people in this cast who don’t like you, because you were brashly outspoken and were never afraid to speak your mind about how you felt. But there’s no denying that you were one of the most hardcore players in this game, and it was always frustrating to see you attempting to make a power play every round that would never come to fruition due to the cast being filled with idiots (which you were well-aware of). Had the time zone issue not caught up to you, you likely would’ve immunity whored your way to the end and probably would’ve won. It sucked to see your story end the way it did, but you were still one of the biggest characters of the season regardless.
Danni wrote: It sucks that your story ended so abruptly, but you delivered so much drama this season. Your rivalry with steph was incredible, and you weren’t afraid to blow up anybody’s game. Robb.ed King of Morocco for sure, even though it's kinda your fault. Time zones are a real bitch.
Gary wrote:Rooted for him the entire time. One of the most hardcore players on the cast but just never set up the social capital to navigate the end game. I have very little doubt that he would have won the season if he showed up to f5 immunity.
Hannah wrote:You did amazing, sweetie. Except for not showing up that night. That was lame.
Dale wrote:I mean, you will only be remembered as the guy that threw away a win to get a blowjob from some hooker. Or whatever the fuck you were doing instead of competing in the challenge.
Jordan wrote:ROBB! When I first read your app, I thought I wouldn't like you. Boy, was I wrong. You quickly won me over. You soon became one of my favorites. I loved how active you were despite the rough time difference. You were so committed and went all out playing. I was so sad when you/Jed parted ways. I was so excited when you found both of your idols. You were another one I wanted to see make finals and thought could win. So it was heartbreaking when you went out. You had an amazing underdog story! And you were a comp beast. Love you Robb with two B's ❤
Joaquin wrote:My preseason winner pick (before Danni sniped you fml)! You were an intense, aggressive player premerge that de facto was running the Ahmar tribe and were the best idol solver out here, the only one needing two clues. Then when the cat got out that you were a threat, you were who pretty much all the hosts were rooting for because you posed the biggest threat to the cult alliance by way of your immunity run, and that you would call them out on their bullshit. Your personality is probably the most similar to the general Stranded community of anyone out here. It sucked that you bailed on the F5 challenge, I really hope you were raw doggin' a threesome. One of the stars of the season and I expect you to finish top 3 in voting here.
Trashley wrote:UK-sleep-through-late-game-elimination club welcomes you. I was really rooting for you as the rounds moved along - we can't always get the fairy-tale ending though.
Lucy wrote:Im glad you slept through that last immunity challenge. Reading you post about how much you enjoyed this game and how much respect you had for it and then you cast a vote for Donathon. Get fucking lost on to the way to the server please. I regret every saying you were intelligent.

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Danni Boatwright

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-18th Place-

Played by: V_thunderstruck
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 19th Place- 21.19%

Jeff Probst wrote:Brendan made me probably the angriest of the early fodder. When he was playing, you seemed to be in a good alliance and then just disappeared. It especially pissed me off because we lost Chris early on and Brendan survived that boot. Some hosts think he ducked out because he was losing, but who's to say. And who cares.

Caryn wrote:To be perfectly honest, I despise you even more than the inactives. You may have actually showed up, but as soon as things didn’t go your way, you bailed on the game. That’s the type of attitude that I simply cannot fucking stand. But I’m not surprised at all, you were clearly a victim of high school bullying so you’re probably not used to fighting back, you absolute pussy.
Danni wrote: Boo hoo my alliance got screwed at the first tribal so I never showed up again. What a loser.
Gary wrote:Quit when things weren’t going his way. Fucking coward and will never be considered part of the stranded family. Inexcusable.
Hannah wrote:Thank you for making me the less lame Shapiro. icon_wub That’s all I have to say to you.
Dale wrote:This dude is a lot of fucking fun. Quits as soon as shit starts going south, instead of making it fun and fighting.
Jordan wrote:I don't remember much from you. I think you were set up for at least making merge. But then you kinda just left after you were blindsided. So that was lame cus you weren't really in danger in that round. People actually wanted to work with you. Oh well
Joaquin wrote: I'm not going to hold back here. It really looks like you were active until you were suddenly in the minority. That makes you a huge pussy and way down in my FF rankings. You have not been upgraded to Friendan.

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Gary Hogeboom

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-8th Place-

Played by: KBMJ3
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 10th Place - 61.48%

Jeff Probst wrote:Early in the game we all thought Angela was going to win, and it's amazing that we continued to think she was the winner well into the merge. She was so far ahead of the strategic curve that she was able to understand what was going on when other players couldn't. I think had she been a little bit more aggressive, and a little bit luckier in tribe placement, she was definitely going to win. I really enjoyed seeing her come out of her shell in Ponderosa and wish I could have seen more of that Angela in the game. That being said, she was a hardcore strategist that we will likely see again and I think the season could have used a few more Angelas to give some frontrunners a run for their money.
Caryn wrote:After the first couple of vote-offs at the merge, I pegged you as the UTR strategic winner who was gonna slide their way to the end as all the bigger players took each other out, and honestly that might’ve happened had you not gotten a bit twist fucked. It sucked seeing you kind of just lay down and die at the very end of your journey, but I don’t really blame you since you knew there was nothing you could do to save yourself since this cast was full of idiots, and you were one of the few with game awareness & intelligence. And I really wish you would've shown that more ruthless bitchy side in the actual game instead of saving it for Ponderosa. All that being said, you were by far the most bitter juror here & it was honestly apalling to see you claim that a guy who was barely around played a better game than someone who was active & actually made moves, even if he did piss you off in the end. I found it incredibly insulting as a previous player & I’m pretty sure a lot of the other hosts feel the same exact way I do about this.
Danni wrote:You were far and away our most strategic player on the cast. You had great reads on all of your tribes, and also had the social connections to keep yourself safe. I wish we could have gotten some more of the Angela fire we saw in confessionals and ponderosa during our tribals and challenges, but I’m sure that was intentional. Nice work :)
Gary wrote:Confessional Angela and game Angela were two different people. I wish Confessional Angela had made more appearances but I think Angela was probably the best all-around player on the season.
Hannah wrote: icon_glare
Dale wrote: People really had you pinned as the UTR winner and it looked like a real possibility. Played a great game, just wish we saw more of that savageness in public.
Jordan wrote: ANGELA! So in the beginning you were too under the radar for me, but boy did you deliver. You played such an amazing game! I loved reading your confessionals. Your strategy and reads were so good. And you were a comp beast. You knew exactly how to position yourself in the best spot. We all thought you would be our winner during merge. I was so sad when they took you out cus i loved watching you play and wanted to see you make finals. Love you, robbed goddess ❤
Trashley wrote:I was so sad to see you got voted out!! That was definitely the start of the heart-break parade for me :( Your attitude was wack in FTC tho.
Lucy wrote:Everyone kept comparing your style of game to me... but I sure as fuck never would have disrespected this series by casting a vote for a dead person JS. That being said you showed some understanding of the game. I thought you had a lot of good insights and you can probably grow out of being the television equivalent of the Oxygen Network.
Joaquin wrote:STANGELA. After the first or second boot up until F9 or so, myself (and a lot of the hosts) really thought you were taking this home. You were strategically just a cut above everyone else and seeing things before others would. In any other season I think you take this home, but a cult-like majority alliance is the ultimate killer to your playing-the-middle game since it's really hard to make flips happen. You've been a huge twat at Ponderosa which I love but - where was this during the game? Hope we see more of that next time in addition to gamebot Angela.

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Gary Hogeboom

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-12th Place-

Played by: SamTheJam
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 5th Place - 67.95%

Jeff Probst wrote:I got a ton of shit preseason for casting you. My reputation was somewhat on the line when I took the risk and decided to put you in the game. I am so fucking glad that I did. You have proven to me that I still got it, and I need to trust my gut more in casting. You wanted to play so badly, that I just knew you were going to deliver. Seasons are often defined not by their heroes, but by the strength of their villains. You were so abrasive and aggressive that it rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. However, I think there's a lot to be said for someone who can play the game unapologetically balls-to-the-wall. You were one of the strongest players and characters of the season, and that is something you should really be proud of. Your Epic pre-merge idol play and blindside will go down in history, and I definitely think we will be seeing more from you in the future.
Caryn wrote:Easily the biggest surprise of the season. You were one of the very last castings simply because we were unsure if you would deliver, but wow did you deliver, and proved us wrong in the process. You were, and I mean in this in the best possible way, an absolute stone cold bitch. You came in aggressive right off the bat, and the cast’s perception that you were ‘no fun’ is precisely why you were so much fun to watch. Your ‘cold war’ rivalry with Robb was one of the early highlights of the season, and you came into the merge knowing you were a major target so you went guns blazing, willing to reveal any information to anyone to save your own ass. Definite all-star.
Joaquin are probably going to hate me if you read/listen to all of our pre-season content. I was so adamantly against your casting and thought your application process was a complete bore. But you coming back to Poody after your interview made him make a gut call to cast you and I'm so glad you turned out the opposite. Where was this during your interview? You're the biggest cunt in the cast and I love it. Sloppy aggressive + cunt = super entertaining. It'll be interesting to see how or if you change play styles.
Danni wrote: The biggest surprise for the hosts was your blunt and aggressive personality. You were so much fun to watch, but you became especially fun at the merge when you were the obvious target and had nothing else to lose. Can’t wait to see you back.
Gary wrote: Without a doubt the most pleasant surprise of the cast personality wise. Her and Robb were a ticking time bomb and it blew up spectacularly. She took everything personally (e.g., why is this bitch calling me babe all the time?!) and gave it right back. 10/10 would watch play anytime.
Hannah wrote:ABSOLUTE ICON! You’re definitely coming back. Thank you for exceeding our expectations. MARRY ME, BITCH
Jordan wrote:Steph, you were a firecracker and surprised all of us! I loved your game style. You were a force to be reckoned with. But what I loved most about you was your loyalty to Jed. I saw myself in you in that. I loved how you went to bat for Jed even though it could have repercussions for you. I would love to have an ally like you. You're also another one that was taken too soon for us. Love you ❤
Dale wrote:I wish you were as vocal in the game as you are at ponderosa but you had fight to you which was fun to watch and the little fights you got yourself into were entertaining. Wish you made it further into the game.
Trashley wrote: Was happy to see you proved the pre-game assessments wrong, going from almost not cast to THIS. However, from jury onwards - take a chill pill.
Lucy wrote: I have never seen an intelligent person who clearly has spunk and fire make such poor and stupid choices. So glad you were on jury to make the winner the best person possible! Can't wait for you inevitable win of a Stranded All Stars season. That's not a compliment btw because they all suck :).

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Joaquin Souberbielle

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-2nd Place-

Played by: Richie
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 5th Place - 67.95%

Jeff Probst wrote:Donathan got a bad rap in the game because he was a quiet player. He kept talking about all the game moves he wanted to make, but never really seemed to make them. It wasn't until the final five that we really saw a different side to Donathan. He impressed everyone when he won immunity. And then to follow that immunity by winning the hardest challenge in the game, The Box, earned him a lot of respect from me. Aside from his game, Donathan is one of the most likable players we've had. He seems genuinely sweet, and I couldn't help but love the things he said because they were so adorable. I'm actually finding myself rooting for him to win even though his game wasn't the most stellar. Kudos to Donathan for stepping up even if it was later than we've been wanting. I look forward to seeing more of him in the future.
Caryn wrote:First things first, and I say this human being to human being (because you’re not a fucking concept): STAY OFF THE WEED. Seriously, stop with the whole “look at me my third eye is open and im like so woke?” thing, it’s fucking weird. And I get that being a weirdo is your whole thing, but it’s not healthy for you. Now that that’s out of way, I can say I found you somewhat endearing this season. You had small little funny moments every now and then, and you were endearingly charming in an oddball kind of way. Your gameplay however left much to be desired, you constantly didn’t put an effort into talking to people you weren’t allied with & just came off as Sebastian’s lapdog. You winning the season wouldn’t be as bad as Davie since you were at least active & were mildly entertaining with funny quotables, but from a gameplay perspective you winning is still not the preferred outcome either.
Danni wrote:You gave me serious blue balls all season. Your confessionals always teased a big move of turning on one of your more visible allies, but it never really played out. However, you were always good for a laugh and really turned on the engines for the last two rounds which I appreciated.
Gary wrote:Donathan was an entertaining concept for awhile, but constantly overpromising and underdelivering really wore me down as a viewer and it made me roll my eyes at everything he said after like episode 9.
Hannah wrote:KING, kinda. I think you could do better another time. 😉
Dale wrote: I didn't really see the appeal to you at the beginning but your late game tribal one liners started making me crack up and made me change my mind on the concept.
Jordan wrote: DONNIE ❤ My love, my son! You are the sweetest and purest thing to exist! My absolute favorite hands down, and my winner pick! I'm so proud of you! I was fangirling over you so much the entire season that all the hosts got sick of me. But I just couldn't contain my love for you. You were an absolute pleasure to watch. The best concept! I LOVED reading your confessionals. They were full of so much positivity and so endearing! I was like a proud mom shouting at a sporting event as you went thru the last challenge. I was so nervous that you almost wouldn't win it. But you did! Hope you can forgive me for all my punctuation. Love you Donnie ❤
Trashley wrote:You're an angel and remind me of some of the purest souls to ever grace Stranded. I hope you stick around and shine your light on the community forever <3 If you beat the odds and win I would be pretty happy - we need sweethearts to win this game every once in a while <3
Joaquin wrote:I think if I were playing on this season, I probably would have voted for you because I'm a salty bitch and while you didn't play the most out in front game you didn't burn anyone and are generally pleasant. None of the hosts really would have complained if you ended up winning, but it looks like you'll tie for runner up with two votes. I think the hosts agree we just wish we had more of the F5 and on Donathan during the whole season. A lot of the time it was frustrating watching you form ideas (that were good) in your confessional, and then just falling in line after Sebastian or Chelsea talked to you.

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Gary Hogeboom

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-13th Place-

Played by: dees
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 1st Place - 91.33%

Jeff Probst wrote:Kellyn was the definition of an epic merge boot. She defined most of the pre-merge with her chaotic gameplay and even more chaotic personality. I so enjoyed seeing her escape early Jellal to go on a strong run. She was one of the more unexpected personalities this season. I knew she would be fun, but I didn't realize she would become one of, if not THE biggest characters of the season. When she became the first Nomad, it might have been the happiest I was all season, and her public feuds are the stuff of Legends. She's still upset about her rep, but I think because Kellyn was such a Trainwreck, she became a legendary character in Stranded. You were one of the highlights of the game, and I wish I could find a hundred more players like you.
Caryn wrote:Definitely the biggest star of the pre-merge, and a flawless merge boot. You were absolutely fucking nuts. You were abrasively moronic, and an annoyance to everyone in the cast. But that’s what made you so fun. I know you’re not a fan of the Kellyn rep, but you really played her perfectly by being a bumbling fucking idiot. But somehow you bumbled your way into a power position in the game as the first Nomad which was incredibly fun to watch, along with your public & private spats with Chelsea. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were a 12 year old, and I mean that in the best possible way I can.
Danni wrote:Things started a little rough for you, but as the first nomad you completely changed the landscape of the game. Your games of telephone across the tribes were awesome, and I think that really shaped the season’s strategy of working with every player in the game.
Gary wrote:Kellyn made herself a walking meme by showing zero self-awareness and constantly failing at trying to do simple things on the boards like making group chats. LOVED her character and she was the engine of the pre-merge. Being the first nomad was a host wet dream come true and Kellyn was never boring from episode one all the way through her ridiculous jury commentary and questioning.
Hannah wrote:Giiiiirl I’m sorry to say, but your alias was perfect. I loved you, even though you kept messaging me the first few days with questions I had no idea how to answer.
Dale wrote: Kellyn I fell in love with you as soon as you didn't know where to vote in the first tribal, and kept bothering the hosts with silly questions. I mean in that in the best way possible. Another stand out character from a lackluster season, you will be what I remember the best when I think back on Morocco.
Jordan wrote: KELLYN ❤ I joked that you were me. I also struggled with posting images and quoting during my time playing. I absolutely loved EVERY SINGLE SECOND of you. You were so entertaining to watch and one of my faves. You were my favorite nomad. I know you hate your avatar rep, but you should be proud of it. You made Kellyn lovable! I loved you calling everyone a babe to act like a woman. And i loved how hard you played. You are a legend in my eyes and went out too soon. Love you babe ❤
Trashley wrote:You are Kellyn, accept it bby. I didn't always agree with your opinions, but you added a great alternative perspective and approach on the jury which is always great to see. Your pre-jury game was wonderful to hear about in the podcasts - having all the hosts be desperate for you get first Nomad and then boom it happens. The stars aligned for you to be a shining sun player in the pre-merge
Lucy wrote:You were the biggest trainwreck, but in the best possible way. Also is your mood perpetual stroke cause girl, boy, straight boy, you type like an amnesiac on uppers..
Joaquin wrote:There's a pretty clear top three in fan favorite I think...but IDGAF what anyone else says, YOU are Joaquin's fan favorite. My tiebreaker for this is - when I login to Stranded, who am I thinking "what shit is ____ gonna pull next?" - and you absolutely fill that blank. I have no idea how you had the energy to go completely balls to the wall, in character trainwreck fashion, for that long uninterrupted. Your round as Nomad was legendary. And then you followed it up with a great Ponderosa. An absolute all-star in my book.

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Joaquin Souberbielle

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-6th Place-

Played by: Blancri
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 2nd Place - 90.90%

Jeff Probst wrote:There's so much I could say about Chelsea. I'll start by saying she is probably the biggest character this season. Consistently she brought the drama when we desperately needed it. She also proved herself to be dangerous in the game when she managed to survive the pre-merge swap when everyone was against her. She is just as charming as she is hilarious. I was living every time she started new drama at Tribal Council. She is a huge star this season, and I think she'll go on to become a legendary player in stranded if she can stick around. She was amazing to watch and even more fun to root for. I think I speak for all the co-hosts when I say Chelsea is an All-Star, and I hope she had as much fun playing as we had watching her.
Caryn wrote:I feel like you’re the quintessential player that the hosts hope to see every single season. Because you were the perfect example this season of someone who can be a really great player while also simultaneously being entertaining as fuck to watch. I mean, we always knew you were gonna bring the goods in the entertainment section, and you definitely did with all the public fights and hilarious insults. But you were surprisingly one of the most powerful players in the game. You were very persuasive & knew just how to get people on your side, and that was showcased multiple time throughout the season. And it’s always a blast to see someone be so dramatic & still manage to play a threatening game.
Danni wrote: Iconic performance, Chels. You were so much fun to watch, and gave me way more strategic gameplay than I was expecting out of you. No one else put in as much effort to whip the votes together, and whether they loved you or hated you the other players knew you were someone to take seriously.
Gary wrote:I don’t think I’m creative enough to do Chelsea justice with my comments, so I’ll just say Ditto to what everyone else said. Instant legend.
Hannah wrote:I LOVE YOU! WINNER PICK. ABSOLUTE QUEEN icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub
Dale wrote:I think people like you? I'm not sure but I think so.... Like others said, you're a legend.
Jordan wrote:CHELS! Oh my gosh! You are a freaking joy to watch! You're hilarious, a strong player, and so committed. I loved how seriously you took this. You were always online and I loved it! I always loved reading your confessionals and keeping up with your chats. You radiate this happiness and your personality is so gravitating. I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF YOU! I loved how genuine you were. And I loved how loyal you were! I hope you decide to stick around cus you are amazing and all the alumni are waiting to meet you! Love you ❤
Joaquin wrote:We knew you were going to be entertaining as fuck this season - what we did not see coming was how good of a player you'd be. You were the most active player in the whole game and it showed. You were well liked by pretty much everyone and could whip up votes better than anyone this season. I think some players on the jury wish they would have played with you longer instead of dismissing your target level as threatening. I loved all of your antics and Filipino swearing and chats and ridiculousness - an all-star in my book. One of the clear top-three fan faves from this season, and I would not be surprised if you took home first.
Trashley wrote:I literally could not tell if you were a mastermind or like... a Forrest Gump who everyone just thought was a mastermind? Honestly I still don't even know lol.
Lucy wrote:Congratulations on your probably fan favorite victory. Have fun spending it on something as frivolous and as pointless as a Starbucks Frapp. Or you can just paypal it to me. I'm used to winning all the money :3. You were the shining star in this shitty little abortion of a season and I'm sorry your name will be associated with Morocco. It's all good though, you'll play another All Stars and in time everyone will forget.

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Danni Boatwright

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