6th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 5-0
By Danni Boatwright
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Welcome to final 11 hot shot icon_clap2

1-It seems like tonight's vote was pretty straightforward. Were you surprised it wasn't unanimous?
2-With Steph out of the game, are there any targets left who will be an easy vote out?
3-As the numbers get smaller, there is less room to hide in the tribe. Are you worried that taking out these big targets will expose you and make you vulnerable?
4-Who do you trust most in this game? who do you trust the least?
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Danni Boatwright

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By Chelsea
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Damn I have a lot of things to say during Tribal until Mike/Jeff happened LOOOOL
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By Chelsea
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Danni Boatwright wrote:1-It seems like tonight's vote was pretty straightforward. Were you surprised it wasn't unanimous?
Yes I was shooketh it wasn't unanimous. because some of them thought its time to make a move.. Like what?! dude the timing isn't right. TBH I thought it was dumb! now I don't know if they can be trusted with the plans.

Danni Boatwright wrote:2-With Steph out of the game, are there any targets left who will be an easy vote out?
I feel atm the bigger players are the easy vote out, because everyone is like scared of them or something.. you know when you throw out the words "he/she is a Threat" they will jump on it LOL
That's what happened with Kellyn, because there are people who are not sure voting her out and I just told them that she is a "threat" and add some couple of sensible logical explanation and the hoes are down.

Danni Boatwright wrote:3-As the numbers get smaller, there is less room to hide in the tribe. Are you worried that taking out these big targets will expose you and make you vulnerable?
Well tbh I already feel exposed. I am perceived as a big player which is ridiculous tbh. But what I like about getting the tribe smaller is the ones who are quiet can't hide anymore. Right now peoplea are sooooo busy with Mike/Alec but they can't see other players behind the scene! LOL
Danni Boatwright wrote:4-Who do you trust most in this game? who do you trust the least?
I am trusting Sebastian the most, followed by Donathan, Angela, Robb

Trust the least... Mike, Alec
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By Jeff Probst
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Chelsea, as you said you're already feeling exposed. For you are you worried about how you can get to the end after being such a visible player?
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Jeff Probst

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By Chelsea
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Jeff Probst wrote:
Sun Mar 17, 2019 11:45:26 pm
Chelsea, as you said you're already feeling exposed. For you are you worried about how you can get to the end after being such a visible player?
TBH Jeff, no I am not worried atm.. if you asked me this like past 2 epsiodes.. I would totally say yes. Right now I do feel like I am surrounded with the people I trust so I am just now embracing it and I am just thinking on how I could use this as an advantage.
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By Chelsea
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Tomorrow a lot of people are nervous because they want to take out someone who is perceived as a threat but I feel like there is something going to happen... or I am just overthinking? LOL
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By Chelsea
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Wow so last night was... well interesting.

The Majority wanted Stephanie out so bad because she was running around spreading lies and they feel like it's bad for there own game, and also she is an easy vote too and also a lot of people just don't like her.

My reason for voting her out was that she can't be trusted, she was given like 2 chances to do something right but she didn't and tbh if there is smart enough to use her, that's dangerous. It's either she gets drag to the final or someone use her against me so I have to get her out asap before someone realize that.

So last night we can't let Steph win immunity or we will probably scramble so hard if she does.. I was told was if Steph wins immunity Alec will be Targeting me or Angela, that's why I don't really trust him that much now.. cuz after Steph vote he or they would probably want to be FeNaSsA StrOng LOL

I talked with Davie and Pat and I told them we should stick together for the next few votes with Robb, and Steph so that is 5 of us. 5 of us that is solid but dear Pat, wanted to make a move and he doesn't want to let Steph go. He is willing to risk trusting Steph and make a move than us being a solid 5 moving forward. Which is a little dumb and rash for me.. because it's all about timing and last night was not the right time.. I tried to calm him down but nope he went off script and went along voted Clay LOL

I was really shooketh seeing 3 voted to Clay. All I am thinking about last night was wow...Clay would probably won't work with them now lol But I do respect them taking a risk even though it's a little dumb. We haven't talked after the tribal soo I don't know what he is thinking and I would probably have a long or probably short talk cuz it's Pat. So tomorrow Pat would probably will be on board making a move and I'll just probably give him that chance since he needs it.
Just moving forward it is really hard to trust him, going off script and all.. and I would probably take him out first when I am done with people who are threats to my survival in this game.
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By Chelsea
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Right now I have strong connections with 5 people and surprisingly Gabby, the one who I pegged as a dangerous and smart player, talked to me about blindsiding her allies cuz apparently she doesn't trust them.

TBH I am a little nervous trusting her because she is smart but at the same time she is fun to talk to.. for some reason I see myself in her, . we lovveee to talk but the difference is she is UTR and I am not.

So she was spilling tea about there alliance and stuff, which Sebastian confirmed some of the details. All I could do now is I guess trust her and see what happens, but I will be taking careful planning for tomorrow.

Mike and Alec will be trying to take Davie and Pat to there side, but sorry Davie is mine LOL
I am trying to crack Mike last night, cuz it's fun and he seems nervous for tomorrow, even Alec I feel he is also nervous. Which I find hilarious cuz they always seem like they are in control, so seeing them squirm is bringing me joy LOL

But before the plan could be a success we can't let them win immunity first LOL
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By Chelsea
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I am nervous about the plan tonight and I feel weird bout it but hopefully it works out well. icon_chaos
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