11th Place - 3rd Juror - Voted Out 5-4-2
By Jeff Probst
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Well, you proved us wrong and delivered HARD this season. Such a big turnaround from how you started and your pre-season interview. We're proud of you, Mike. You did Stranded good and you should be proud of that. Don't beat yourself up about it.

How did you enjoy the game if at all? Would you play again? What would you do differently? Where do you think you went wrong in the game? Highs? Lows?

PLEASE stick around and join us in Ponderosa (below tribal council) where we can bash all the stupid shit the players still in the game do :P
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Jeff Probst

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By Mike
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Hi there Jeff,

Glad to prove you guys wrong haha. Ironically I've done a pretty big 180 on my stance at the interview. I still think being quiet is the smart way to play, but it would be so goddamn boring! so many people were barely on, didn't say much, and they're still in this game and I'm out here on Ponderosa with no bull shit twist to pull me back in. I know I may have overplayed, or talked too much, but where's the fun in being quiet?

This game was an amazing experience all the same. I guess all my connections weren't as solid as I hoped though. I would love to come back and do it differently, but I'm not sure I could change my play style easily. I like talking to people. I like doing things. Towards the end I leaned in on my alliance too hard, and that was a big mistake. Again, not exactly sure how Alec and I got "big player" status, but whatever man. shit happens.

There weren't many high highs in a weird way. My individual immunity was a sham haha. that being said I loved every minute here. So much of it was a great experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Lows was seeing that Alec and I were the only Robb votes. This meant Gabby and Seb stabbed us. Hurts like a bitch, but whatever.

I'll be around haha no worries. I wanna see Alec pull this shit out somehow! Everyone else can go blow an elephant dick for all I care!
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By Mike
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By Danni Boatwright
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Mike wrote:
Mon Mar 18, 2019 10:00:35 pm
I still think being quiet is the smart way to play, but it would be so goddamn boring!
This is such a double edged sword though. You can't be too quiet because then no one believes you did anything. But if you're too loud you're a big target. The key is finding the sweet spot where you can be a character but not get caught up in the crossfires as a major player before the endgame.

At the end of the day, It's more fun to be taken out as a threat than to make it far as a non-entity.
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Danni Boatwright

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By Mike
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Well I'm not seeing many quiet people going home post-merge, and 1 in 3 odds at FTC are better than what I'm rocking right now haha
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