By Gary Hogeboom
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Hey Clay,
Welcome to the Ahmar tribe. I’m excited to see you all out here in Morocco. My name is Gary, and I'm one of the hosts for this season. From time to time we will be sliding into your confessionals. Our job as hosts is to help answer all of your questions, and drill you icon_whistling in confessionals to get the strategic gears in your brain turning.

Let’s start by running through the other members of your tribe. Who gave off the best first impression? Who gave off the worst? Are there any players here that you think will be an easy boot when you attend your first tribal? Do you think that three tribes is more difficult to manage than the typical 2? Do you think the smaller starting tribes will be beneficial for your game? Any other thoughts you’d like to share about the other tribes?
That’s all I’ve got for now. Enjoy getting to know your tribe, and let’s get this show on the road! Go win this thing!
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Gary Hogeboom

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By Clay
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The tribe seems really great so far. I know it's hard to really tell a lot about people when you've only been talking for about an hour, and especially when you're typing to each other, but I'm getting good vibes so far. I've got a DM going with just about everyone on the tribe except Shi Ann. I don't think anyone has heard from her. That sucks but also if she just doesn't log in, that's an easy first boot haha.

I think I'm getting along best with Robb so far. He and I just got along pretty well right away and immediately started talking about the current season on TV. We share similar thoughts about how it's been so far, so that's cool.

Having 3 tribes will be interesting. The nice thing about that is that we have a better chance at winning immunity: just have to get second or better at a challenge. Also, having smaller tribes is nice, I think. It makes it easier to get to know people and have real relationships with your tribemates.

On the flip side, when the time comes to vote someone out, it will be hard not to feel a little guilty or sad about it. We all get along well and I would hate to see any of these people go. Our best bet is to just win immunity!
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