Pre-Game: Fenassa Tribe

Alec Merlino
Played by: ps2crazed

It seems like Alec was a rep that he really wanted, and it’s easy to tell by his love for the chaotic survivor players. This guy seems to be a little more reasonable than his favorite contestants though, not necessarily the kind of player who would make a bunch of crazy moves for a spotlight. So I expect him to play to win, but you can definitely tell he has a cockiness and arrogance to him that not only makes him a great fit for Alec, but can also make him a potentially fun villain for the season. In some cases his cockiness could end up hurting him, but he seems to have a bit of a social charm to the point where I can see that cockiness of his coming off as endearing to his fellow competitors instead of aggravating. I feel like he’ll do pretty well, don’t see him winning but I do see him going deep and being a pretty big threat to win.

Angelina Keeley
Played by: mavma

This girl is going to be an absolute mess. Bipolar disorder? Check. 23 year old who talks like a 12 year old? Check. Hates girls & prefers to work with men? Check. She has all the makings of an insane player, and an insanely annoying one as well. In terms of entertainment factor I don’t really have any doubts that she will bring it, but that’s purely from an outside perspective. Lord knows that if I was in the game playing with her, I’d get annoyed with her real quick. And that’s gonna be her biggest downfall, and precisely why I don’t see her lasting very long. She doesn’t have that kind of stability that most of the other players will prefer in an ally, and that’s gonna hurt her majorly. She’ll be hated almost instantly, and people will be itching to get her out early just so they won’t have to put up with her for any longer than they want to. I’m smelling an early boot here for sure, potentially maybe even the first boot if there aren’t any inactives.

Davie Rickenbacker
Played by: loserfests

Davie is a last-minute replacement for a guy who we had playing as Dan who had to drop out, and the good thing about replacements is that they tend to come in with a little more fire under their asses due to their knowledge of not being an original member of the cast. I hope that’s the case with Davie, because he’s the only person in this cast who’s interview I was present for & he did not impress me at all, as his claims that he’ll come in and play the game hard right off the bat felt very forced & insincere. Luckily his application is much better, he shows much more promise there as a gamer & gives out a few tidbits that pique my interest in terms of his personality and his potential for bringing drama. And purely based on applications, I would’ve definitely casted him originally over a few of the people we actually did cast originally. So I’m hoping that Davie comes into this game and wants to prove to us that he has more fire in him than we originally thought, if he does that then he’ll make us all look like idiots for not originally casting him, regardless if he flames out early or not.

Gabby Pascuzzi
Played by: Amby

I can already tell right off the bat that Gabby is going to have a tremendous social game, probably one of the best in the entire cast. She’ll be easily approachable due to her talkative nature, because it’s a talkative nature that comes off as being a great conversationist instead of coming off as aggravating or alienating. And I don’t see how anyone could end up hating her or having a problem with her because she’s funny, charming, and witty in all the right ways. Social game is probably the most important faucet to Stranded, and she has it in spades. And even outside of that, she has the makings of a great strategist who’s not afraid to make big moves & be a true game player. She’s going to be a very fun player to watch, one who I can see winning the whole thing, and even if she doesn’t, I see fan favorite potential if she makes it far enough.

Mike White
Played by: Riles

So, I’m just gonna come out and say it: I think this guy is a total fucking bore. I think he’s a waste of a spot, I think he’s going to offer nothing of value to this game, and I think the only reason he even got cast is because he’s Danni’s brother & Probst is picking favorites. Like there’s no way you can tell me with a straight face that Mike’s casting has nothing to do with the fact that he’s the sibling of an alumni. Because he’s just soooooo fucking boring, a complete void. He’s gonna bring nothing entertainment wise, and he’s going to bring nothing from a gameplay perspective either. He barely knows anything about the game, hell, he even admitted he’ll probably come off as a follower/goat. And yet he still got cast. Absolutely ridiculous. The best we can hope for with Mike is that he ends up being fodder who gets taken out early so that all the true stars of the game can last an extra round. But I can already tell he’s gonna make it far, and I’m already dreading that I have to watch this guy mope around for several rounds of the game as he gets dragged to the end.

Natalie Cole
Played by: ThePoustaki

Natalie will probably be the biggest strategist on this tribe. She’s here to play the game hardcore, and that’s something I respect greatly. On top of that, she has experience playing in several games that the rest of this cast does not, which already gives her a significant advantage. Her one downfall could be her rather sarcastic sense of humor. People could find it funny, others could think of it as her being an asshole. And I also get the sense that she’s a bit of a cunt, as I feel like she’s not gonna give a shit about any of these people or their personal stories, but I’m sure she’ll do a great job of pretending that she does care. Overall she has the experience as a gamer to make it deep & to play a great strategic game, I just don’t see her having that social charm that could get her the win. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if she ends up being hated by the jury in a F3 scenario.

Pat Cusack
Played by: PZ15

I just don’t care all that much for Pat. He seems too nice for this game, and it doesn’t seem like he’ll be getting into too much conflict. The best thing I can say for Pat is that he potentially could be a gamer instead of a goat, but even then I’m nowhere near certain on that. He just lacks a distinctive personality that makes him stick out from the crowd, and he feels like your standard average guy who’s just gonna end up getting lost in the shuffle. Best case scenario for Pat is that he ends up playing a MOR-type strategic game with a decent social game as an added bonus, that would make him somewhat of a threat but not necessarily one of the biggest gamers either. Best case scenario for the hosts though, is that similar to Mike, Pat just ends up being fodder that goes early so we get more time with the more interesting personalities.

Who I’m Most Excited To Watch:
1. Angelina
2. Gabby
3. Alec
4. Natalie
5. Davie
6. Pat
7. Mike

Who I Think Has The Best Chance Of Winning:
1. Gabby
2. Natalie
3. Alec
4. Pat
5. Davie
6. Mike
7. Angelina
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Caryn Groedel

By Lucy
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Like there’s no way you can tell me with a straight face that Mike’s casting has nothing to do with the fact that he’s the sibling of an alumni. Because he’s just soooooo fucking boring, a complete void.
I shit.
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Pre-Game: Ahmar Tribe

Clay Jordan
Played by: Bobssled

Finding someone who would make a good fit for a truly transcendent rep like Clay was admittedly hard, but with this guy I think we have the best possible option. He’s someone who can bring the cartoonish, hilarious aspects of the character while also not forgetting to play the game either. I mean I certainly don’t expect him to be throwing out any racist or sexist remarks unfortunately lmao, but he’s still funny as shit in a very witty and clever way, with one-liners for days. And because of his humor, I expect him to gain a lot of fans amongst this cast and be one of the more dominant social players in the game. There were a couple instances in his application where he kind of hinted at potentially making crazy moves just for the sake of making crazy moves and hoping it leads to fun blindsides, and from a gameplay perspective that’s kind of worrisome for him, but if he does decide to go that route it will definitely be entertaining to say the least.

Ghandia Johnson
Played by: CiCi

I think Ghandia will end up being one of the more bigger characters of the season. She seems like the type of person who’s fun to be around because she can provide entertainment, but if you ever cross her or try to disrespect her, she’ll turn into a massive bitch and go apeshit on you. And I think that’s what we’re hoping for, and I think she will end up being like that. I’m not sure if she knows much about the format of Survivor which is a bit worrying, but if she does find her footing in the game and finds herself in a power position she could end up being this season’s HBIC who takes no prisoners. Or she could be the trainwreck bitch who constantly finds herself in a swing vote position. Either one is preferable, just as long as she lives up to the potential that she has shown.

Jed Hildebrand
Played by: Mr Henny (Brian from Isolated)

I think that Jed, based on everything I’ve seen from him, has potential. The issue with Jed is that he never capitalizes on that potential. In Isolated it seemed like he’d get on the cusp of becoming a huge player and then when things got too big for him he’d regress back to a smaller man. The best we can hope for, is that based on his past experience with a game very similar in scope to this, he realizes the mistakes he made in that game & is coming in here ready to play a more hardcore balls to the wall style of gameplay. However, when it comes to the character side of things, I don’t really have any doubts that he will be boring as shit. He may have some funny things to say sometimes, but watching him in the Discord you’ll see that whenever conflict finds its way to him, he either deflects or ignores it. That’s not what I want, I want an entertaining cast, and he’s not going to be entertaining at all. So in that respect, maybe we’ll all be better off if Jed continues to be a small little man like he was in Isolated, so that way we don’t get an utterly boring power player instead.

Robb Zbacnik
Played by: Marionete

When it comes to Robb, 2 things instantly run into my mind: first is that he’s going to be the major strategic force of the game, and secondly is that he’s also going to be the most sociopathic asshole of the season. Seriously, this guy’s entire app just screams “I’m better than you”. And I think he’s well aware of how narcissistic & emotionless he comes across as, but he still won’t change his personality in front of his competitors to make himself seem more friendly, because he just doesn’t care. Robb applied for this game with the sole intention of being a major power player and that’s it, he doesn’t care about anything else. And I fully expect him to end up being one of the most powerful players in the game, as well as one of the most villainous. Because you can tell he’s a very intelligent guy. I think the problem that’s going to plague Robb is the social game, because like I said, he comes off as a major sociopath. And similar to Natalie, I see him being hated by the jury if he ends up making it to the F3.

Shii Ann Huang
Played by: Shan

Shii Ann is the snarky, chaotic bitch that this game needs. She’s here simply to stir the pot, start drama, and make a bunch of crazy moves. And in a cast where there seems to be a bunch of serious gamers looking to win, it’s nice to have someone who’s here just to be an entertaining character who wants to bring unpredictability to the game. I feel like she’s gonna be one of the most fun people to watch regardless of how well she does, because she’ll deliver on what we crave. Even though she claims she’s here to win, I get the sense that her main goal in this game is to be a big character, rather than playing to win. Unfortunately, I also think she’s way in over head & doesn’t realize what exactly she’s getting into. Her style of play will not resonate with this cast at all, especially with the people on her tribe. And she’s not exactly subtle about her chaotic nature either, so I don’t think it will be that hard for the more intelligent people in this cast to see right through her shenanigans. I’m predicting pre-merge villain for her.

Stephanie Dill
Played by: Sam

Stephanie was one of the last 2 spots we filled, because she was initially penned down as an extra in case there were still some open spots left after completing all the interviews. So it’s pretty safe to say that the hype for Stephanie isn’t exactly high, and that she was mainly cast as fodder. A lot of the hosts find her boring, and really one of the main reasons she was even given the spot over all the other extras is because she best fit the role of Stephanie. But it was also because she displayed more enthusiasm and excitement than the rest of the extras. And really, that enthusiasm is precisely why I’m hoping she proves us all wrong. I hope she comes in and brings a fun personality, and plays an impressive game and makes us all look like fucking idiots. But unfortunately, she hasn’t displayed any traits that make me think she can be a major focal point in this game, so I’m predicting a UTR nice girl who follows somebody else. But it’s probably best if she just goes out early.

Tanya Vance
Played by: MangoRainbows

Tanya is another person who I think will have one of the best social games, being one of the oldest people in the game she has the experience communicating with a bunch of different people that no one else has. And she doesn’t feel out of touch either. She’s a friendly person who will make people laugh and they’ll enjoy talking to her because of that, and that’s what’s gonna help her stay alive in this game. And that’s a good thing, because everyone will just think she’s the nice and friendly person when really she’s here to do whatever it takes to win. I think once the game really gets going, she’ll surprise everyone with the moves she makes, and no one will really see her coming because her social game will make her seem sweet & innocent. Could definitely see her sneaking her way to a win, and being a lovable favorite in the process.

Who I’m Most Excited To Watch:
1. Clay
2. Ghandia
3. Robb
4. Shii Ann
5. Tanya
6. Jed
7. Stephanie

Who I Think Has The Best Chance Of Winning:
1. Tanya
2. Robb
3. Clay
4. Jed
5. Ghandia
6. Stephanie
7. Shii Ann
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Caryn Groedel

By Gary Hogeboom
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Good takes.

Slightly under rating Shii Ann as a player in my opinion. I don't think she'll make nearly as many chaotic moves as she thinks. I see her being in a good spot near the merge and bungling her way out of the game around 10th or 11th place while trying to make "big moves."
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Pre-Game: Jellal Tribe

Angela Perkins
Played by: kbmj3

I feel like this tribe has a lot of the more messy or insane personalities, and then you have Angela who is like the only person on this tribe who’s level-headed, capable, and has experience. Like I wouldn’t necessarily say that she’s gonna run this tribe because of that, but I’d be utterly shocked if she leaves before the swap. She has the gaming experience & is one of the more older people in this cast, and then when you consider the tribe she’s on you realize that this first part of the game should be a cake walk for her. Beyond that first part, I still wouldn’t be surprised if she excelled. She’ll have a great social game for sure, and she understands that you also need to be strategic and make moves. She claims she’ll probably be put in a villain role, but I don’t see it at all. She’ll be more like a competitive player who sometimes gets too aggravated but at the same time knows when it’s time to dial it back.

Brendan Shapiro
Played by: V_thunderstruck

Brendan is a huge wildcard for me. Looking at this entire cast, he’s like middle of the road in terms of both gameplay & entertainment. He seems pretty strategic, but not as much as other players in the game. He also seems like he could be a fun character with the potential of being an absolute mess, but also not as much as other players in the game. He’s just in the middle for me in every aspect, and the goal for him is to find a way to claw to the top. I feel like he could fall in either direction in terms of being either a lovable dorky type or a cocky smart-ass, and it really depends on the circumstances he finds himself in as to whether he ends up as a hero or villain. He’s one of the more intriguing players to look out for this season just due to the simple fact that it’s completely uncertain as to how he’s gonna play the game or what his personality will be like. And I don’t even think Brendan himself knows what he wants to be in this game. Ultimately I don’t really care which way Brendan decides to swing, I just hope he hits a home run.

Chelsea Townsend
Played by: Blancri

Chelsea fills like a complete fish out of water here. I mean she’ll be a lot of fun for sure, she seems entertaining as hell. Has a very colorful personality, not afraid of conflict, and generally seems very excited to play. But yeah, as far as the game itself goes, I feel like she’s gonna struggle a lot. Not just due to the broken english but also because of lack of experience with gaming, and lack of awareness as to what exactly she’s getting herself into with this. And then there’s also gonna be the timing issue, where she by far has the most fucked timezone out of any of our non-American castmembers. It was a gamble to cast her, but for how much personality she has shown in the pre-game, it was definitely worth the risk. She’s hilarious, flamboyant, and adorable. And those qualities will make more a fun person to watch. So even if she goes out early, which I’m predicting will be the case, at least she’ll deliver some great moments in her relatively short time.

Chris Noble
Played by: willpowerpt

I’ve been around Stranded for half of its existence, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen an application as weird & as “what the fuck is this?” as the one Chris sent in. Like I genuinely can’t tell if this is him doing an elaborate troll job or if he just has no clue how online survivor games work, but for some reason he constantly talks about his outdoor skills & survivability skills in his app like this is the actual Survivor. So the batshit insane app coupled with the fact that he was referred by Cole, this guy was a must cast. And he really is the perfect Chris, because he feels like such a douche. The kind of guy who will be charming or charismatic in social situations at first, but if he ever gets an inkling of disloyalty from someone who he considers an ally, he’ll go after them aggressively. And he also seems to care a lot about challenge performance, to the point where he’d target people just for making simple mistakes in challenges. But at the same time, you can also tell he’s one of the most (if not the most) intelligent person in the cast, as he’s getting a degree in biochemistry, is very in tune with the concept of strategy, & is articulately well-spoken. I feel like it’s a toss-up with how well Chris will do, but I feel like we’re in for one hell of a ride with this guy regardless.

Donathan Hurley
Played by: Richie

I think Donathan is gonna be the most over the top, kooky character in this game. He comes off as one of those “fake deep” types of people, as evidenced by some of the shit he said in his app: “I'm just like a plastic bag drifting through the wind, do you ever feel like that?” & “I myself am not a person I'm more of an entity or like.... a concept??”. So yeah, I don’t really have any doubts that he’s gonna be a very entertaining character in the game who says some shit that’s unintentionally funny. He seems obsessed with that whole theoretical psychology, conspiracy theory, 3rd eye woke bullshit which should be hilarious to watch & see how people react to the statements he makes. My main concern with him is the gameplay. He wants to play a UTR game which is obviously not preferred amongst the hosts, and under normal circumstances playing UTR would get him relatively far in the game. But honestly I fail to see how he can successfully play a UTR game due to his weird personality. Like he can try to be UTR as much as he wants, but I just feel like all it takes is a few of his ridiculous statements to be made in public and people will be like “this guy is a fucking weirdo so let’s just vote him out”. Or people could find him funny and want to keep him around because of that, who knows. But if he does manage to make it far enough, I could easily see him being the biggest character of the season, as well as the biggest fan favorite.

Kellyn Bechtold
Played by: dees

Kellyn was the other extra who was one of the last castings for this season, yet I feel like there’s a decent amount of people here who were casted early that I’m less excited for compared to her. I feel like her application doesn’t really do her justice in terms of how much she’ll bring to the game from an entertainment perspective, and that’s probably because she has absolutely no idea how she comes across. I feel like she has potential to be annoyingly bossy, confrontational, and entitled. And in that respect, she really does make a pretty great Kellyn. Like I could see her as being the most unlikeable bitch of the season who thinks she’s hot shit but in actuality is blissfully unaware to what’s truly going on, if she plays the game the way I think she’s gonna play. It seems like she wants to lay low at first which isn’t actually what we want to see as viewers, but it’s probably the smartest thing she could do considering the circumstances of her brash personality. As long as she shows that bitchy and confrontational side eventually, which I think she will if she makes it far enough, I’m fine with her staying in the shadows a bit in the first part of the game.

Sebastian Noel
Played by: lemons99 (Ziggy from Isolated)

And here he is: this season’s biggest trainwreck player. Because it’s clear from Rematch & other Discord mini games that Sebastian hasn’t changed one bit since he played Isolated. Whereas with our other Isolated alumni Jed we’re kind of unsure if he’ll deliver or not, I don’t think there’s really any doubt that Sebastian is gonna give us the goods. Sebastian is going to lie a lot. Sebastian is going to create chaos. Sebastian is going to make deals with every single person in this game (pretty sure I labeled him as the “game’s biggest slut” in rematch). But most importantly, he’s gonna play a balls to the wall game, probably the most hardcore game out of anyone in the cast. And his absolute messiness as a player very well might make him the most entertaining person out of this entire cast. The big problem with Sebastian is that his style of play is not meant for longevity. He’s fortunate enough to be on a tribe that already has a lot of messy personalities, and because of that he might last a bit longer than he normally would, but I still see him going out pre-merge. Because he’s given me no reason to believe that he’s gonna dial back his relentlessly chaotic style of play. And although he’s a hardcore player, there are players here who will be just as hardcore except way less chaotic & way more intelligent.

Who I’m Most Excited To Watch:
1. Donathan
2. Sebastian
3. Chelsea
4. Chris
5. Brendan
6. Kellyn
7. Angela

Who I Think Has The Best Chance Of Winning:
1. Angela
2. Chris
3. Kellyn
4. Sebastian
5. Donathan
6. Brendan
7. Chelsea
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Caryn Groedel